Wow, so many wonderful birthday wishes. I feel very blessed. Thank you, everyone.
Monika: that spot looks SO inviting!
Jeff: yes, the world-famous momos, the Tibetan word for "smile". I admit, I've had a few in my time.
Lee: you're a 'know-how' girl after my own heart.
Chuckie: thanks, Little Brother, I'll never forget that particularly embarrassing moment. Completely unrelated, I hear there's a new 'Charlie's Angels' coming out soon.
Fran: yes, even elephants know how to party. Thanks for the wishes.
Tru: thanks, Huckleberry. Beautiful images, sad concept about distance, even 'wider than a mile'.
Meryl: I'm not sure if I should be saying 'abbondanza!' or doing my best Leona Helmsley impression!
Amanda: Wow, Veuve and St. Germain is an excellent combination!