And now for something.... completely different.
Comments welcome. Be forewarned: for those who are very sensitive about BBM, you might find some or many of these photo captions very irreverent, and some may find them offensive. Rated NC 17 for Strong Language and Themes.I posted a collection of photo captions I created for a humor forum on another site, and when I saw you guys had a humor section I decided to share. This is a finished collection of photo captions: feel free to plunder the photos for your own humorous captions or dig into the photo still archives I plundered to get your own! And enjoy!
Here is the premier screen cap site: please follow the instructions and give credit to the person who created the photos as requested: of my friend oddbody at the Rotten Tomatoes movie forum... !

"My momma used to sing this to me at bedtime: "Hakuna matata, what a wonderful phrase..."