The "not ready to date" comment was made early this year--maybe as early as January, I don't remember for sure. I'm the type of person who tends to take people at their word. I've persisted here because he is such good "husband material," and I expect that if I did as I would normally have done--backed off--by the time he decides he is ready to date, someone else will be at third base, whereas I haven't even come up to the plate.
Reminds me of that 'Seinfeld' episode where the 'perfect' couple broke up. She beautiful, he gorgeous, both nice and sweet people.
Immediately, their friends around them - the Seinfeld gang included - smelled blood and were homing in on them. Someone mentioned to Seinfeld about giving the girl some space for her 'mourning period'. Seinfeld responded that her mourning period was 'a luxury I can't afford'.
In a sense I've regarded the birthday cake as a curve ball. (How did I end up with all these baseball metaphors?) I still don't know what to make of that. The last person to bake me a cake was my mother, and she's been dead ten years!
Because he appreciated what you represented to him? I'm not trying to be difficult here, but I found myself being very very kind to a guy I knew wanted me very badly, but who I didn't want at all, after a bad breakup because this guy had swooped in, shored up my devastated ego and made me feel attractive and desired. He essentially picked me up with I was at my lowest point.
I've never forgotten that. I've sent him gifts, gone to his parties, never forgotten his birthday, but I also never gave in to date or sleep with him either, even though I knew that is what he dearly wanted. I didn't want to lead him on.
It's a possibility.
At the same time, to be blunt, not to say crude, we've only slept together once--and I did all the work. He has repeatedly declined additional invitations to stay over. (He lives a good 45 minutes out of the city, I live three blocks from our usual hangout.) I finally directly addressed the issue of whether I was out of line that night (he didn't ask me to stop, though maybe he was just being polite), and he insisted that I wasn't, that he was OK with it, so. ... 
This and the fact that he 'doesn't like to talk on the phone' as much as you do bothers me.
And talk about dumbass mules. Here I am asking whether there is any compatibility between a Taurus and a Virgo? Guess what I just remembered last night? Guess what my late boyfriend was (August 28)? 