Author Topic: 20 Questions  (Read 48010 times)

Offline Kerry

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20 Questions
« on: November 29, 2009, 09:13:55 am »
This poll appears each Sunday in one of  the local newspaper here in Sydney and is completed by a different celebrity each week. Now it’s your turn!

To respond, click on Quote in the top right corner of this message and enter your responses to the following questions. Delete the preamble and instructions above this line.

1. What was the happiest period of your life and why?

2. What was the saddest time?

3. Who is your best friend?

4. What’s something about you that not many people know?

5. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

6. What simple pleasure gives you the most joy?

7. If you could go back in time and change anything, what would it be?

8. How do you relax?

9. Describe your perfect day.

10. Who is your celebrity crush?

11. What part of your body gives you the most trouble?

12. What’s one thing you want to do before you die?

13. Describe the best meal you’ve ever had.

14. What six things are essential to your health?

15. Are you healthy?

16. What is it that you can’t live without?

17. What is it that you don’t understand?

18. What do you fantasize about?

19. What is it about you that your friends do not understand?

20. What’s your 5-Year Plan for the future?
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Offline Kerry

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Re: 20 Questions
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2009, 09:20:55 am »
1. What was the happiest period of your life and why?

There have been many happy times throughout my life. My early childhood at home (not school) was a happy time. And I will always look back on the time George and I were together as a very special and happy time for me. And I am happy at this present time in my life, in retirement.  

2. What was the saddest time?

The loss of my mother and father.

3. Who is your best friend?

George, my best friend and soul-mate.

4. What’s something about you that not many people know?

The contents of my Will.

5. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A homemaker. When I was little, I would follow my mother around, watching her cleaning the house and preparing the evening meal, so that everything was just perfect for when Dad and my three older  brothers got home at night. I remember thinking , at a very early age, that I’d like to be just like Mum when I grew up. And even at that age, the fantasy was to do it all for my “husband.” As Emory said in The Boys in the Band, “I’ve known what I was since I was four years old.”

6. What simple pleasure gives you the most joy?

Eating chilled grapes from the refrigerator on a hot summer day.

7. If you could go back in time and change anything, what would it be?

I’ve made mistakes and hurt loved ones along the way. I wouldn’t go back to apologize. I’d go back to make sure I didn’t do those things in the first place.

8. How do you relax?


9. Describe your perfect day.

Walk by the harbour foreshore.
Long relaxing shower and personal grooming at my leisure
Extended alfresco lunch with George at nearby café
Light evening meal at home
Television and Internet
To bed on crisp cool white linen sheets

10. Who is your celebrity crush?

Christopher Meloni.

11. What part of your body gives you the most trouble?

My right foot. It was broken in a car accident some 30+ years ago. It gave me no pain until relatively recently. I now take Omega-3 fish oil capsules each day and since doing so, have experienced no further pain.

12. What’s one thing you want to do before you die?

Find enlightenment. Ha! Easy-peasy! NOT!

13. Describe the best meal you’ve ever had.

Anything cooked by my mother.

14. What six things are essential to your health?

Healthy diet
Adequate sleep
Light exercise
Daily meditation
A positive outlook
A good sense of humour

15. Are you healthy?

I have a complete medical check-up annually. I take no prescription medication. I enjoy excellent health.

16. What is it that you can’t live without?

My interior life.

17. What is it that you don’t understand?

Life, death and the whole damn thing.

18. What do you fantasize about?

There is a beautiful house that exists only in my head. It is my dream house. It is located on a high cliff top, overlooking the Pacific Ocean, on a deserted stretch of the New South Wales coast. It is on a promontory of land with a private, gated road leading to the house. The gate can only be opened by the remote control in my exclusive possession.

19. What is it about you that your friends do not understand?

Why it is that I keep my grapes in the refrigerator!

20. What’s your 5-Year Plan for the future?

Happily and comfortably retired.

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Offline delalluvia

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Re: 20 Questions
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2009, 02:55:01 pm »
1. What was the happiest period of your life and why?

The last 4 years.  I was finally making enough money to have hope for the future.  My salary was enough to take dream vacations to Europe and I was able to plan for buying my own place and maybe retiring.

2. What was the saddest time?

Now.  The job is gone, no new job in sight, my unemployment is running out, I'm moving from a place I love back to a place when I left the first time, I told myself I'd never go back to.  Unemployment is telling me that I need to take up to a 10K dollar cut in pay so as to be eligible for jobs, which means my dreams of travel, buying my own home and maybe retiring are gone.

3. Who is your best friend?

My teacher friend.

4. What’s something about you that not many people know?

I'm a slash-reader/writer and beta.

5. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?


6. What simple pleasure gives you the most joy?

All my pleasures are simple.  They all give me joy otherwise they wouldn't be pleasures.  ;D

7. If you could go back in time and change anything, what would it be?

I wouldn't.

8. How do you relax?


9. Describe your perfect day.

10. Who is your celebrity crush?

Ewan McGregor.  He's the boyfriend I always wanted.  When you're a quiet, bookworm kinda gal with calm, at-home hobbies and no love of children or family in particular, you are always attracted to the guy who is not like you at all.  Ewan is not the intellectual type, he's outgoing, adventurous, taking chances, big traveler, social butterfly lad, big family kind of guy and cute to boot.

11. What part of your body gives you the most trouble?

My neck.  I slept funny one February night in 1997 and twisted it so badly, it's never been the same and I've been suffering an uncureable chronic sort of myalgia from it ever since.  The pain radiates down my neck, shoulders, back and sides, which I find extremely troublesome since I sleep primarily on my back.

12. What’s one thing you want to do before you die?

Tour Italy.

13. Describe the best meal you’ve ever had.

Too many.  From great homecooked meals to the most expensive restaurant meals in town.  Eating very well is a hobby of mine.  ;D

14. What six things are essential to your health?

I can't think of six.  I can name 3 right off the bat.

1)  Peace of mind - to feel safe and secure

2)  Financial stability.  If I don't have this, I get extremely stressed, depressed because what is most important to me - peace of mind - is gone.

3)  Clean, quiet, safe home.  If I don't have this, I get depressed and stressed.  I lived with my sister, her husband and baby while I was going to college - they fought, had sex loudly, were both slobs along with a crying baby - I started grinding my teeth in my sleep.  Something I'd never done before.

15. Are you healthy?

So far.

16. What is it that you can’t live without?


17. What is it that you don’t understand?

About what?

18. What do you fantasize about?

Winning a HUGE lottery.

19. What is it about you that your friends do not understand?

Why I'm such a homebody geek.

20. What’s your 5-Year Plan for the future?

Don't really have one right now.

« Last Edit: November 29, 2009, 08:42:33 pm by delalluvia »

Offline Monika

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Re: 20 Questions
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2009, 04:15:05 pm »
1. What was the happiest period of your life and why?
The last few years. I´ve gotten to know myself better over the last couple of years.

2. What was the saddest time?
The year I lived far away from my family and friends

3. Who is your best friend?
Sophia who I´ve known since kindergarten

4. What’s something about you that not many people know?
that I generally think people don´t know me very well at all

5. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A cop and investigate murders

6. What simple pleasure gives you the most joy?
To think back on places I´ve been, to read, eat breakfast with my parents, light candles

7. If you could go back in time and change anything, what would it be?

8. How do you relax?
I read novels, fics and maps

9. Describe your perfect day.
I wake up. I´m on a road trip somewhere and I have the entire day ahead of me to do as I please. Í feel free and trouble free.

10. Who is your celebrity crush?
Jake Gyllenhaal. He´s beautiful.

11. What part of your body gives you the most trouble?
No one in particular. I need to loose weight.

12. What’s one thing you want to do before you die?
Travel to Alaska.

13. Describe the best meal you’ve ever had.
I´ve had many, many good meals.

14. What six things are essential to your health?
- to feel safe
- that my parents are well

15. Are you healthy?

16. What is it that you can’t live without?
My parents, traveling

17. What is it that you don’t understand?

18. What do you fantasize about?

19. What is it about you that your friends do not understand?
The depths of my obsessions

20. What’s your 5-Year Plan for the future?
Do as much traveling as possible and to write more
« Last Edit: November 30, 2009, 04:26:08 am by Buffymon »

Offline CellarDweller

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Re: 20 Questions
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2009, 06:29:06 pm »

1. What was the happiest period of your life and why?

I'm living in it now.  I've accepted who I am, personal responsiblity for my health and finances, and traveling to destination I never even dreamed of going.  

2. What was the saddest time?

When my first "ex" broke up with me.  He lived in another state, and we touched lightly on the idea of me moving to his place, away from my family and friends.  He was right to break it off, but at the time, I didn't see that.  I was convinced he was "the one" and when that rug got pulled out from under me, I was blind-sided and in a depression for about 2 months.  I ended up going to therapy and got through it.

3. Who is your best friend?

I have so many friends now, more than ever before, I don't know that I can pick a "best" friend.

4. What’s something about you that not many people know?

That despite my outgoing nature, I'm very self conscious when it comes to meeting new people.

5. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A cowboy, and then later, a bus driver.  I have no idea why I wanted to be either.

6. What simple pleasure gives you the most joy?

laughing with friends.

7. If you could go back in time and change anything, what would it be?

I would've found the courage to come out sooner.

8. How do you relax?

Tylenol PMs.

9. Describe your perfect day.

Sleeping in until 10am
Light breakfast
some time online
nature walk by some waterfalls
going to the "gay friendly" part of a city, and walking around holding hands
Nice dinner
tv and hot chocolate
make-out session that leads to more >:D
sleeping in "his" arms, whoever "he" will be.  ;D

10. Who is your celebrity crush?

Neil Patrick Harris.

11. What part of your body gives you the most trouble?

My lower back gets sore from time to time, but nothing serious.

12. What’s one thing you want to do before you die?

get married!

13. Describe the best meal you’ve ever had.

Geez...I've had tooo many good meals.

14. What six things are essential to your health?

Healthy diet
Adequate sleep
moderate exercise
Fun music
A positive outlook
A good sense of humor

15. Are you healthy?

Haven't had a yearly exam yet, but the last one I did, my weight had dropped, my blood pressure, sugar levels, and cholesterol were all normal.  The only issue I have is allergies.

16. What is it that you can’t live without?


17. What is it that you don’t understand?

Hate and intolerance.

18. What do you fantasize about?

My future with a partner, in a small house, maybe a cat.

19. What is it about you that your friends do not understand?

Why did I have such an extreme reaction to Brokeback Mountain!

20. What’s your 5-Year Plan for the future?

We're supposed to plan that far in advance? :o

Tell him when l come up to him and ask to play the record, l'm gonna say: ''Voulez-vous jouer ce disque?''
'Voulez-vous, will you kiss my dick?'
Will you play my record? One-track mind!

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Re: 20 Questions
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2009, 07:10:47 pm »

"Chuck, get in here!"

Offline CellarDweller

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Re: 20 Questions
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2009, 07:27:07 pm »
Oh, if he was single and I had a shot.

;D >:D

Tell him when l come up to him and ask to play the record, l'm gonna say: ''Voulez-vous jouer ce disque?''
'Voulez-vous, will you kiss my dick?'
Will you play my record? One-track mind!

Offline Sammi

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Re: 20 Questions
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2009, 09:59:13 pm »
Geat idea for a topic.  Being new I am enjoying reading what people are all about. 

Offline delalluvia

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Re: 20 Questions
« Reply #8 on: November 29, 2009, 10:23:40 pm »
I don't particularly care about Neil Patrick Harris one way or the other, but I'll certainly admit that pic of him is HOT!  ;D

Offline Sammi

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Re: 20 Questions
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2009, 12:28:50 am »
1. What was the happiest period of your life and why?

My "coming of age" years - age 11-14. Going away to summer camp, having crushes on boys, the music of the time. The best.

2. What was the saddest time?

Honestly I don't think I have experienced my saddest times yet. If I have, then yay me, because it was not that bad.  Probably in my late 20's when I was panicking about marriage.

3. Who is your best friend?

My sissy.

4. What’s something about you that not many people know?

That I like country music. 

5. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A mom.  I always knew that I wanted to be a mom since I can ever remember.   I also wanted to be a teacher, or work in a gift shop.

6. What simple pleasure gives you the most joy?

Drinking a hot chocolate.

7. If you could go back in time and change anything, what would it be?

Probably nothing because of the butterfly effect, you know?  But if I had to pick something I would have had my two closest girl friends as bridemaids in my wedding.  At the time it seemed important to me that I not have too many bridesmaids.  But now I look back and think, who cares?  And I would have never have said all those mean things to my mom when I was a teenager.

8. How do you relax?

TV, blankets, pilliows, wine.

9. Describe your perfect day.

Go to the beach with my daughters.  We do not need to wear sunscreen and we do not sunburn all day.  We go to dinner and get fried scallops and clam cakes.  We drive home singing Jimmy Buffet songs together.  On the way home I notice that I am tan, not burned, and I have a watch line.

10. Who is your celebrity crush?

I have to say it is none other than Jake Gyllenhaal.  I also like David Duchovny.

11. What part of your body gives you the most trouble?

I don't have aches and pains or anything.  Sadly my greif is with such shallow cosmetic things like aging and weight.

12. What’s one thing you want to do before you die?

Have grandkids

13. Describe the best meal you’ve ever had.

I love food, I have had many good meals.  One that stands out is getting Chicken Teriyaki at the Polynesian restraunt in DisneyWorld at age 9.  It was my first "grown up" meal.  To this day Chicken Teriyaki and rice pilaf are one of my favorite foods.

14. What six things are essential to your health?

My face cream
Connections to people/relationships

15. Are you healthy?

Yes - thank god. I have had a few near misses and luckily I am OK.  SFSG.

16. What is it that you can’t live without?

My girlies

17. What is it that you don’t understand?

So so so many things.

18. What do you fantasize about?

Someday finding "the one", that person.. that you know... is it.

19. What is it about you that your friends do not understand?

Why I am so defensive.

20. What’s your 5-Year Plan for the future?

Get financially stable and finish furnishing this house.  And get some new shoes.

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Re: 20 Questions
« Reply #10 on: November 30, 2009, 12:54:14 am »
Great answers, Sammi! Great to learn more about you. Now, it's my turn (gulp)

1. What was the happiest period of your life and why?
2007, which was my year of heaven. It was the year I discovered Brokeback Mountain, my new friends, and gained a new purpose in life.
2. What was the saddest time?
I haven't really had a sad time. I guess it would have to be when my father died, in the early 1970s.

3. Who is your best friend?
My best friend is a gay man, who I feel a very deep and close connection with, as if we have been friends for several lifetimes. He is also my "travelling buddy" and we've been all over the country together.

4. What’s something about you that not many people know?
People here on BetterMost know the most important things about me. It's people in my real life who don't know much about me!
5. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A documentary filmmaker.
6. What simple pleasure gives you the most joy?
Rubbing lotion or oil into my feet at night. If my feet are happy, I'm happy.
7. If you could go back in time and change anything, what would it be?
I would be born 22 years later.
8. How do you relax?
Surfing BetterMost and the Internet, cooking, gardening, reading.
9. Describe your perfect day.
Something unexpected happens, and I get to make a choice. I can do ennithing I want!
10. Who is your celebrity crush?
Honestly, I don't really care that much about celebrities.
11. What part of your body gives you the most trouble?
I would have to say, my tummy. It still wants to harbor a fetus.
12. What’s one thing you want to do before you die?
There's quite a few things, but right now, I am fixated upon a mountain. A very very tall mountain.
13. Describe the best meal you’ve ever had.
I was in an Enoteca in Tuscany, Italy. We were the only patrons. A five course meal was served. You had to be there!
14. What six things are essential to your health?
1. Courage 2 Conviction 3 Integrity 4 Comfortable bed 5 Olive oil 6 Fresh mountain air
15. Are you healthy?
16. What is it that you can’t live without?
17. What is it that you don’t understand?
18. What do you fantasize about?
19. What is it about you that your friends do not understand?
You'll have to ask my friends
20. What’s your 5-Year Plan for the future?
There's a big mountain in my plans. Have you seen "Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind?" I'm like Richard Dreyfuss with the mashed potatoes, LOL!
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Re: 20 Questions
« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2009, 05:31:48 pm »

1. What was the happiest period of your life and why?

Probably when I was aged 18-25 and making my way in the world and traveling and seeing new things.

2. What was the saddest time?

I don't necessarily think my childhood was happy. Then of course, the time after significant relationships end are hard.

3. Who is your best friend?

My husband.

4. What’s something about you that not many people know?

I got kicked out of topless bar once.

5. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A heart surgeon.

6. What simple pleasure gives you the most joy?

Hearing my daughter laugh really hard.

7. If you could go back in time and change anything, what would it be?

I would have made a lot of different dating choices and demanded better for myself in regards to a partner. I would have had a LOT more sex.  I would've moved to NYC when I was young. I would've considered adoption instead of abortion.

8. How do you relax?
Cooking, shopping, crusing the interent. Reading magazines.

9. Describe your perfect day.
Anything with my husband away from home.

10. Who is your celebrity crush?
Daniel Craig is pretty hot. I saw his naked butt the other day and boy was I impressed.

11. What part of your body gives you the most trouble?
My digestive system.

12. What’s one thing you want to do before you die?
Go to Alaska. I lived there as a child but want to return as an adult.

13. Describe the best meal you’ve ever had.
Can't say. But fresh Cooper River salmon hand caught by a family member and Fed Exed over night to me and then grilled is in the top3!

14. What six things are essential to your health?
My daughter, solitude, privacy, a good book, a clean house & rain.

15. Are you healthy?
Yes, but I need to exercise some more and loose some weight to be be at my optimum.

16. What is it that you can’t live without?

17. What is it that you don’t understand?
How anyone can abuse a child.

18. What do you fantasize about?
A house on the Italian Riviera. George Clooney could come over and we could drink togather.

19. What is it about you that your friends do not understand?
That I truly thrive and prefer to be alone a lot of the time. Not always but too much activity and togatherness throws my emotional balance off.

20. What’s your 5-Year Plan for the future?
I'd like to find a job. And I want to go to Alaska. And I want to get some cows and a donkey I can name RONkey (after my husband) for our farm property.


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Re: 20 Questions
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2009, 06:58:01 pm »
1. What was the happiest period of your life and why?

Probably when I graduated college and had it all in front of me, and maybe now because I appreciate it.

2. What was the saddest time?

When my sister died. In some ways it wasn't, but it was a hard time.

3. Who is your best friend?

George Clooney.

4. What’s something about you that not many people know?

The first day of kindergarten the car caught on fire.

5. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A Bluegrass Musician and then a Physical Therapist.

6. What simple pleasure gives you the most joy?

Hearing my cat purr.

7. If you could go back in time and change anything, what would it be?

I would not have gotten behind the wheel drunk the night I got caught.

8. How do you relax?
I go to bed.

9. Describe your perfect day.
Behind the wheel of my car, driving across a flat western state.

10. Who is your celebrity crush?
Gareth David-Lloyd. I want to have his baby.

11. What part of your body gives you the most trouble?
My digestive system.

12. What’s one thing you want to do before you die?
Visit every continent, including Antarctica.

13. Describe the best meal you've ever had.
My friend Duke cooked a cheeseburger once on a grill and I was stoned out of my gourd at the time and it was the best cheeseburger I ever ate.

14. What six things are essential to your health?
Citrucel, Vitimin C, Vitamin D, The ability to leave the office when I want, Avoiding popcorn, Moderation in general.

15. Are you healthy?
So far so good,  my I need to exercise more.

16. What is it that you can’t live without?

17. What is it that you don’t understand?
How anyone could think being gay is a choice.

18. What do you fantasize about?
Surviving in a post apocalyptic world.

19. What is it about you that your friends do not understand?
You'd need to ax them.

20. What’s your 5-Year Plan for the future?
Visit South America and Australia.
"It was only you in my life, and it will always be only you, Jack, I swear."

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Re: 20 Questions
« Reply #13 on: December 01, 2009, 11:29:53 am »
Will you share your best friend with us, Tru??  ;)
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Offline Shakesthecoffecan

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Re: 20 Questions
« Reply #14 on: December 01, 2009, 12:23:29 pm »
Will you share your best friend with us, Tru??  ;)

 ;D ;D There is enough George to go around!  ;D ;D
"It was only you in my life, and it will always be only you, Jack, I swear."

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Re: 20 Questions
« Reply #15 on: December 01, 2009, 01:26:29 pm »
Dibs on the left cheek, my favourite since Solaris!!
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Offline delalluvia

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Re: 20 Questions
« Reply #16 on: December 01, 2009, 02:02:37 pm »
Dibs on the left cheek, my favourite since Solaris!!

What mountain is in your future?  Is it Devil's Tower or something even bigger?  I've been sitting here thinking it's Everest.

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Re: 20 Questions
« Reply #17 on: December 01, 2009, 03:50:10 pm »
You're thinking right, friend Della. I'm setting my sights for base camp in 2011, and may return again in 2014 when my friends are planning to summit!! No Everest summit for me unless I want to try for the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest woman to be crazy enuff to try to climb Everest. Me and the yaks will be camped out together at 20,000 ft in the sky!
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Re: 20 Questions
« Reply #18 on: December 01, 2009, 03:56:31 pm »
You're thinking right, friend Della. I'm setting my sights for base camp in 2011, and may return again in 2014 when my friends are planning to summit!! No Everest summit for me unless I want to try for the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest woman to be crazy enuff to try to climb Everest. Me and the yaks will be camped out together at 20,000 ft in the sky!

OMG!!!  How thrilling!!!  I'm soooooooooo excited and envious for you.  Many pictures of you there will be taken and displayed here for our enjoyment.

What an adventure!  Heh, you could try to summit...a historical feat...

Will you take your laptop or something where you can file a travelogue or something similar for us to follow?

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Re: 20 Questions
« Reply #19 on: December 01, 2009, 04:38:15 pm »
You're thinking right, friend Della. I'm setting my sights for base camp in 2011, and may return again in 2014 when my friends are planning to summit!! No Everest summit for me unless I want to try for the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest woman to be crazy enuff to try to climb Everest. Me and the yaks will be camped out together at 20,000 ft in the sky!
Wow! That´s really impressive, Lee! Promise to keep us updated on this!

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Re: 20 Questions
« Reply #20 on: December 02, 2009, 11:24:07 pm »
Wow! These look hard! Lots of thought involved. I put this off because I haven't been feeling well these past few days (I was afraid I had the swine flu, but I think it was probably just a cold). Anyway, time to dive in!

1. What was the happiest period of your life and why?

Probably when my parents bought the motorhome. It was a 1977 Pace Arrow and it was brand new! We took lots of fun trips in it all across the country, including a few up to Canada!

2. What was the saddest time?

When Mom died. That was over six years ago and I'm still struggling with it.

3. Who is your best friend?

Me. I know that sounds cliche. Having said that, probably Cory, my ex lover and current room mate. He's taking care of my house while I take care of my Dad.

4. What’s something about you that not many people know?

So we are expected to announce it here? Is that it? lol Okay. I have a vampire fetish. Also, I often eat mayonnaise plain. I just stick a spoon in there and grab a scoop. I don't double dip though! ;)

5. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A veterinarian.

6. What simple pleasure gives you the most joy?

Playing music. Or cuddling with my dog and cat.

7. If you could go back in time and change anything, what would it be?

Told people I loved them a lot more.

8. How do you relax?


9. Describe your perfect day.

Just as long as nothing terrible happens, it is a perfect day imo...

10. Who is your celebrity crush?

Currently it is Paul Wesley. God, he is CUTE! Next would be Ian Somerhalder, and Steven R. McQueen (all from the Vampire Diaries series currently on the CW)

11. What part of your body gives you the most trouble?

My back. I have really bad back problems sometimes.

12. What’s one thing you want to do before you die?

Take a long, extended and immersive trip around the world.

13. Describe the best meal you’ve ever had.

Fried chicken, mashed potatoes and warm apple pie with a scoop of ice cream.

14. What six things are essential to your health?

Healthy meals, plenty of sleep, plenty of exercise, love, laughter and friends.

15. Are you healthy?

Yes, for the most part.

16. What is it that you can’t live without?

My animals. I miss them TERRIBLY when they are not with me.

17. What is it that you don’t understand?


18. What do you fantasize about?

A date with Paul Wesley and then soon after he falls deeply in love with me!

19. What is it about you that your friends do not understand?

How I always seem to be in a good mood. I'm not ALWAYS in a good mood. I've just learned how to fake it sometimes! People tell me I'm very happy go lucky. I suppose that is a compliment! lol

20. What’s your 5-Year Plan for the future?

I really don't have one. Nothing set in stone anyhow. It always seems to change.

Those were difficult Kerry! Thanks for posting! Sorry it took me so long.
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Re: 20 Questions
« Reply #21 on: December 02, 2009, 11:46:25 pm »
5. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A veterinarian.

Me too, David.  :D
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Re: 20 Questions
« Reply #22 on: December 03, 2009, 12:57:24 am »
5. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A veterinarian.

Me too, David.  :D

That dream died when Mom informed me that sometimes veterinarians sometimes had to put the animals to sleep. That idea really disturbed me as a child.

I also remember dreaming of being an airlines pilot. And also a teacher Shasta. Mom bought 6 antique school desks and a black board and they were down in our playroom in the basement. I remember playing "school" with my friends and I always had the most fun when I was the teacher! lol

I wish I still had those desks. They were beautiful. They had a little hole up in the left hand corner for the ink jars! They were VERY old!
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Re: 20 Questions
« Reply #23 on: December 03, 2009, 01:36:10 am »
That dream died when Mom informed me that sometimes veterinarians sometimes had to put the animals to sleep. That idea really disturbed me as a child.

OMG---we had parallel childhoods. LOL. I don't remember how I found that out--just that I changed my mind when I did find out. Around 4th or 5th grade it seems like.
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Re: 20 Questions
« Reply #24 on: December 04, 2009, 09:19:01 am »
That dream died when Mom informed me that sometimes veterinarians sometimes had to put the animals to sleep. That idea really disturbed me as a child.

I also remember dreaming of being an airlines pilot. And also a teacher Shasta. Mom bought 6 antique school desks and a black board and they were down in our playroom in the basement. I remember playing "school" with my friends and I always had the most fun when I was the teacher! lol

I wish I still had those desks. They were beautiful. They had a little hole up in the left hand corner for the ink jars! They were VERY old!

I remember those type desks, David. There were desks like that at my (what we call in Australia) primary school (ages 8-11 approx.). One year, I remember I was the Ink Monitor. I think it was when I was in 5th class, when I was 10. It was a great honour to be Ink Monitor. The ink came in powdered form. I remember it was in brown paper packets. As Ink Monitor, I used to mix the dark blue ink powder with water and then fill all the ink wells in the classroom. Gee, you've brought back lots of memories there, David. Things I thought I'd forgotten. And now that I'm thinking about it again, it's all so surprisingly vivid. I can even remember the smell of the ink. I liked that smell.  :)
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Re: 20 Questions
« Reply #25 on: December 05, 2009, 03:01:46 am »
I remember those type desks, David. There were desks like that at my (what we call in Australia) primary school (ages 8-11 approx.). One year, I remember I was the Ink Monitor. I think it was when I was in 5th class, when I was 10. It was a great honour to be Ink Monitor. The ink came in powdered form. I remember it was in brown paper packets. As Ink Monitor, I used to mix the dark blue ink powder with water and then fill all the ink wells in the classroom. Gee, you've brought back lots of memories there, David. Things I thought I'd forgotten. And now that I'm thinking about it again, it's all so surprisingly vivid. I can even remember the smell of the ink. I liked that smell.  :)

What a fun memory Kerry! Thanks for telling us about it. :-*

I wish I still had those desks. I think we just left them at the house when we moved from Radnor Road to the new house in Avalon Hills (the house Dad lives in now). Those desks were beautiful. I have no idea where Mom found them. You could see carvings in the desks where the students carved their names into the wood. I'm sure those carvings were very old.

The desks we had at my school didn't have the ink wells. They were just plain desks. The top part of the desk lifted up so you could store your books and papers inside. I remember the desks Mom bought didn't have the lift up lids. They had slots in the front of them instead. :)

Mom was very good at finding unusual things like those desks. She found a beautiful table, at some thrift store I think. She brought it home and fixed it up and painted it. We still have it. It sits downstairs in the foyer. I don't like the color she used though. It is olive green. Yuck. Someday I'd like to repaint it. Other than the color though, it looks very nice. She did a good job with it. I'll take a picture of it some day soon and post it here - I need to find my camera though. I've misplaced the darned thing! lol

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Re: 20 Questions
« Reply #26 on: December 05, 2009, 12:15:32 pm »
What a fun memory Kerry! Thanks for telling us about it. :-*

I wish I still had those desks. I think we just left them at the house when we moved from Radnor Road to the new house in Avalon Hills (the house Dad lives in now). Those desks were beautiful. I have no idea where Mom found them. You could see carvings in the desks where the students carved their names into the wood. I'm sure those carvings were very old.

The desks we had at my school didn't have the ink wells. They were just plain desks. The top part of the desk lifted up so you could store your books and papers inside. I remember the desks Mom bought didn't have the lift up lids. They had slots in the front of them instead. :)

Mom was very good at finding unusual things like those desks. She found a beautiful table, at some thrift store I think. She brought it home and fixed it up and painted it. We still have it. It sits downstairs in the foyer. I don't like the color she used though. It is olive green. Yuck. Someday I'd like to repaint it. Other than the color though, it looks very nice. She did a good job with it. I'll take a picture of it some day soon and post it here - I need to find my camera though. I've misplaced the darned thing! lol

Funny how time changes things.  One man's treasure is another man's junk.  We didn't have ink wells in our desks when we went to school, but we still had many wooden ones.  Yes, kids carved names, wrote on and marked the wooden surface, etc.  And it was considered embarassing and indicative of our school being too poor to erase the graffitti and/or replace the desk-tops.  How everyone longed to get one of the new desks that were plastic with clean desktops that could't be damaged.

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Re: 20 Questions
« Reply #27 on: December 05, 2009, 12:43:06 pm »

I love those old desks, too!  I have a tiny one, possibly for kindergarten.  Instead of a hold for the inkwell, it has a little ledge for pencils/crayons.  Beautiful scroll ironwork on the sides, solid maple top and fold-down seat in front. 

I use it to hold my rather modern television--it's the perfect size, and the little seat in front holds the dvd player.

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Re: 20 Questions
« Reply #28 on: December 06, 2009, 12:11:31 am »

I love those old desks, too!  I have a tiny one, possibly for kindergarten.  Instead of a hold for the inkwell, it has a little ledge for pencils/crayons.  Beautiful scroll ironwork on the sides, solid maple top and fold-down seat in front. 

I use it to hold my rather modern television--it's the perfect size, and the little seat in front holds the dvd player.

OMG!  :o That is exactly what my old school desk looked like!  Right down to the ironwork on the sides. The top lifted up and that's where books were kept. The hole on the right is where the inkwell was and there was a ridge or two running across the top, alongside the inkwell, for pens and pencils. The only difference between the desk shown and my old school desk is that the hinges to lift the lid were located just below the inkwell and pen rack, so they didn't lift when the lid was lifted. Otherwise, the ink would have gone straight down the neck of the kid in front when the lid was lifted!  ::)   :laugh:

We had exercise books to write in, not slates. I'm old, but not that  old! Haha!   ;)   :laugh:
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Re: 20 Questions
« Reply #29 on: March 01, 2010, 04:28:14 pm »
I remember those type desks, David. There were desks like that at my (what we call in Australia) primary school (ages 8-11 approx.). One year, I remember I was the Ink Monitor. I think it was when I was in 5th class, when I was 10. It was a great honour to be Ink Monitor. The ink came in powdered form. I remember it was in brown paper packets. As Ink Monitor, I used to mix the dark blue ink powder with water and then fill all the ink wells in the classroom. Gee, you've brought back lots of memories there, David. Things I thought I'd forgotten. And now that I'm thinking about it again, it's all so surprisingly vivid. I can even remember the smell of the ink. I liked that smell.  :)

Kerry, I love that teacher who chose you as ink monitor.  That sure is a great honour - the care and focus you must have shown as a ten year old, to be trusted with mixing ink!  Thank you for telling us that story.

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Re: 20 Questions
« Reply #30 on: March 01, 2010, 04:48:48 pm »
1. What was the happiest period of your life and why?

Now.  I have my heart's desire - a home, a wonderful child to raise, good health for all my family members.

2. What was the saddest time?

Having miscarriages in our early marriage.

3. Who is your best friend?

I haven't had that for a few years, I miss it.

4. What’s something about you that not many people know?

I can sing the entire Beatles canon.  At least I used to could.

5. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A veterinarian til I realized I would have to work with sick animals, not just pet and play with healthy ones; a hairdresser til I realized I would have to do anyone's hair who asked me, not just young women with hair like Barbie; a teacher - I became that one, because I didn't realize I would have to have any kids in my class, including ones who didn't want to be there.

6. What simple pleasure gives you the most joy?

One simple pleasure is a quart canning jar with organic English Breakfast or Earl Grey tea, local honey, and half and half.

7. If you could go back in time and change anything, what would it be?

I'm taking a long time trying to decide the moral implications of this.  Moving on.

8. How do you relax?


9. Describe your perfect day.

Waking up healthy with my healthy family, in a clean, peaceful home, with something fun but not too overwhelming to go do, or lovely friends coming over.

10. Who is your celebrity crush?

Bobby Sherman.  Just kidding.

11. What part of your body gives you the most trouble?


12. What’s one thing you want to do before you die?


13. Describe the best meal you’ve ever had.

I just ate thai glazed coho salmon and pickled beets, with a milk chocolate w/hazelnuts chaser.  That was pretty good.

14. What six things are essential to your health?

Clean, fresh air; clean water; sunlight; sleep; laughter; love.

15. Are you healthy?

I've got a tree pollen headache right now, and a sore knee, and I'm way too heavy, but yes, I'm healthy.

16. What is it that you can’t live without?

Clean air and water.

17. What is it that you don’t understand?

Why civilization isn't progressing better.

18. What do you fantasize about?

The San Juan Islands.

19. What is it about you that your friends do not understand?

Most, but not all, of my non-homeschooling friends say they don't understand how I can want to homeschool.

20. What’s your 5-Year Plan for the future?

Plan?  What's that?

« Last Edit: March 01, 2010, 08:16:20 pm by Ellemeno »

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Re: 20 Questions
« Reply #31 on: March 01, 2010, 07:01:31 pm »
I missed this goes!   8)

1. What was the happiest period of your life and why?

Right now.  I'm where I want to be.  I'm in love.  I am starting to feel as if I can make plans.  My friends are wonderful.  Life is good.

2. What was the saddest time?

The summer of 2005 through the summer of 2006.  I wasn't taking care of myself; I was exhausted from work and caring for Mom for seven years.  I don't know I was 'sad', but I was not in a place that was good emotionally.

3. Who is your best friend?

That's tough.  I rely on different friends for different things...they're all 'best' in my book.

4. What’s something about you that not many people know?

I was on the equestrian team in college, won a few ribbons.   :P

5. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I alternated between doctor and teacher, though there was a period of wanting to be an equestrienne performer with the circus - I call the horse-crazy phase.

6. What simple pleasure gives you the most joy?

Cuddling under a snuggly blanket and watching a movie.

7. If you could go back in time and change anything, what would it be?

No, that's not allowed.

8. How do you relax?

It's not something I do often or well, to tell the truth, but I read, watch movies, go out to dinner and have a glass or two of wine.  I'm learning to meditate.  The Quaker meetings are helping.

9. Describe your perfect day.

I wake up on time, and I've had enough sleep.  I get to work on time, and I can focus on work throughout the entire day, with just a few BetterMost breaks.  ;)  All is quiet on the Tennessee front.  I have dinner with my precious at one of our homes - something we made together ourselves. We then retire for that cuddling/movie watching I mentioned earlier.

10. Who is your celebrity crush?

Joseph Gordon-Leavitt, Charlize Theron, Jodie Foster

11. What part of your body gives you the most trouble?

My esophagus...I have some acid reflux at night...weight and stress and spicy foods  ;)

12. What’s one thing you want to do before you die?

It seems indulgent, but I still want to do that Grand Tour of Europe that a lot of kids do during or after college...Eurail pass, hostels, the whole thing.  Am I too old for that?  I could meet and/or see a lot of Euro Brokies that way too!

13. Describe the best meal you’ve ever had.

Another really tough one...I love food and even unremarkable food comes with great memories...Mexican food with my precious - mole and margaritas - where we sat on the same side of the table, fed each other and probably caused the other diners misery, BBQ at Paul's in September four years ago, frozen pizza at Truman's house, this ultra extravagant birthday dinner Paul treated me to - the details are a blur - I just remember every single bite was scrumptious.

14. What six things are essential to your health?

my friendships
my work
managing stress
knowing my family is OK, or at least as OK as they get
getting exercise
losing weight

15. Are you healthy?

I don't think I'm in imminent danger, but I'm certainly not as healthy as I want to be; it all seems to come back to weight.

16. What is it that you can’t live without?

I don't know.  There is much I wouldn't want to live without.  But I'm the type to go on because I don't like the alternative.   :-\

17. What is it that you don’t understand?

I don't understand why people are mean to other people.  We're all just trying to do the best we can.

18. What do you fantasize about?

Being financially independent so I have as much free time as I want for the Important Things.

19. What is it about you that your friends do not understand?

Most of my friends understand me pretty well - that's why they're friends.  A few don't see why I don't put Mom in a nursing home; we've mostly agreed not to discuss it.

20. What’s your 5-Year Plan for the future?

Five years! Well, I'll still be at BetterMost on a regular basis.  I will still live in Boston and perhaps I'll own a condo by then.  I will probably have different work - maybe teaching.  I am going to finish one of my master's degree and start my PhD.  I can see myself asking for convinced membership at my Quaker meeting instead of being an attender.  I can also see myself leading workshops on various aspects of Quakerism within my meeting and being active in the national American Friends Service Committee and the Friends Committee on National Legislation.

Man - we need to remember this thread, so we can come back and check in 5 years!!   8)
« Last Edit: March 01, 2010, 09:23:36 pm by Lynne »
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Re: 20 Questions
« Reply #32 on: March 01, 2010, 07:56:44 pm »
1. What was the happiest period of your life and why?

When I had a new baby.

2. What was the saddest time?

When my brother committed suicide.

3. Who is your best friend?

My grandaughter

4. What’s something about you that not many people know?

Lots of things.

5. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A Doctor.

6. What simple pleasure gives you the most joy?

Spending time with my loved ones.

7. If you could go back in time and change anything, what would it be?

I would warn, about the impending death of John F. Kennedy.

8. How do you relax?

Going to dinner and a movie.

9. Describe your perfect day.

A holiday with a special meal, with my family, and or friends.

10. Who is your celebrity crush?

Viggo Mortenson   He is so brilliant, handsome, and very sexually manly.

11. What part of your body gives you the most trouble?

My back.................................................pfttttt...stupidcrap

12. What’s one thing you want to do before you die? 

I know I will never get to do it.  But I would love to go and tour Egypt, and all  of the ancient museums and places.
13. Describe the best meal you’ve ever eaten.

Boy I don't know.  I have had a lot of great meals.

14. What six things are essential to your health?

My pills, my family, and reading.

15. Are you healthy?

From time to time.

16. What is it that you can’t live without?

Food and water, and Kelsey.

17. What is it that you don’t understand?

Why people have to have, clinical depressions.

18. What do you fantasize about?

Finding a cure for cancer, and mental illness.

19. What is it about you that your friends don't understand.

How much I depend on music to keep me sane.

20. What is your 5yr plan for the future?

To still be around when Kelsey gets her doctorate, and attend the

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Re: 20 Questions
« Reply #33 on: March 01, 2010, 11:09:14 pm »

Kerry, I love that teacher who chose you as ink monitor.  That sure is a great honour - the care and focus you must have shown as a ten year old, to be trusted with mixing ink!  Thank you for telling us that story.

 :-* {{{ Clarissa }}}  :-*
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Re: 20 Questions
« Reply #34 on: March 01, 2010, 11:10:38 pm »

Man - we need to remember this thread, so we can come back and check in 5 years!!   8)

That's a great idea, Lynne! I'll make a note to re-post it in 5 years!  :D
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Re: 20 Questions
« Reply #35 on: March 01, 2010, 11:12:38 pm »

12. What’s one thing you want to do before you die? 

I know I will never get to do it.  But I would love to go and tour Egypt, and all  of the ancient museums and places.

Can I come with you, Janice? Pleeeeeeeeease?!  :D
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Re: 20 Questions
« Reply #36 on: March 02, 2010, 02:25:04 am »
1. What was the happiest period of your life and why?

Probably when I was younger and didn´t have to worry about "grown-up" things like work and money. But life has in general been good to me. Sometimes I feel like I've already done all the things I wanted to do as a child.

2. What was the saddest time?

I have a feeling it has yet to come. I've always feared the time when my parents will die

4. What's something about you that not many people know?

5. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A murder investigator!

6. What simple pleasure gives you the most joy?

Bantering with my parents, curling up in bed reading Jack/Ennis fan fiction, sitting down with a friend and talk

7. If you could go back in time and change anything, what would it be?

I would help out my family with different things.

8. How do you relax?

Spending time in front of the computer

9. Describe your perfect day.

I wake up in the backseat of a car, it's early morning and I'm on a road trip. I check a map, decide where to I want to drive that day, and get back on the road. I drive through a beautiful landscape with the car radio on full volume. I stop every now and then to eat, to hike, to simply sit on th grass and read and relax.

10. Who is your celebrity crush?

Jake Gyllenhaal. Those eyes, those thighs!;D

11. What part of your body gives you the most trouble?

lately, my knees a little

12. What's one thing you want to do before you die? 

I want to have visited all the places where I want to go
13. Describe the best meal you've ever eaten.

The one that comes to mind right now, is the Five Leaves burger in New York. That meal comes with so many great memories.

14. What six things are essential to your health?

Being able to travel, family, friends, money, to have a home where I feel safe and relaxed

15. Are you healthy?

I'm overweight but I feel good, so I'm not sure I should answer yes or not to that question.

16. What is it that you can't live without?

My parents, travel, fiction

17. What is it that you don't understand?

Religion. I understand it on an intellectual level, but not on an emotional.

18. What do you fantasize about?

Driving, hiking, exploring, Ennis and Jack

19. What is it about you that your friends don't understand.

How much travel means to me, and that I'm often more sensitive than most think

20. What is your 5yr plan for the future?

I don't ever make any 5 years plans.

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Re: 20 Questions
« Reply #37 on: January 15, 2012, 09:58:54 pm »
This poll appears each Sunday in one of  the local newspaper here in Sydney and is completed by a different celebrity each week. Now it’s your turn!

To respond, click on Quote in the top right corner of this message and enter your responses to the following questions. Delete the preamble and instructions above this line.

1. What was the happiest period of your life and why?

Childhood. Grew up in the country on a farm with horses and pigs. We grew watermelons, corn, potatoes, tomatoes, etc. Very fun.

2. What was the saddest time?

The day my father told me he had colon cancer. He died 11 months later.

3. Who is your best friend?

My sister.

4. What’s something about you that not many people know?

I have a colossal fear of turtles

5. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?


6. What simple pleasure gives you the most joy?

Watching kittens play in the grass

7. If you could go back in time and change anything, what would it be?

 I would have worked harder in school and got better grades.

8. How do you relax?

Two hour deep tissue massage

9. Describe your perfect day.

Sleep late. Swim at Barton Springs (Austin). Lunch with friends.  Two hour massage. Watch BBW.

10. Who is your celebrity crush?

Barry Manilow

11. What part of your body gives you the most trouble?


12. What’s one thing you want to do before you die?

Travel to UK.

13. Describe the best meal you’ve ever had.

Chicken fried tuna steak at Four Seasons

14. What six things are essential to your health?

Massage Therapy
Swimming & Jogging

15. Are you healthy?


16. What is it that you can’t live without?

Coke (the soft drink)

17. What is it that you don’t understand?


18. What do you fantasize about?


19. What is it about you that your friends do not understand?

I'm somewhat of a recluse

20. What’s your 5-Year Plan for the future?

Can't plan that far ahead

Glad You Forgot Your Harmonica

Offline ifyoucantfixit

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Re: 20 Questions
« Reply #38 on: January 16, 2012, 02:31:05 am »
1. What was the happiest period of your life and why?
When my children were infants.  I loved the smell and feel of a newborn child.  Still do.

2. What was the saddest time?
When my brother committed suicide.

3. Who is your best friend?
My family.

4. What’s something about you that not many people know?
How competitive I am.

5. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Art teacher.

6. What simple pleasure gives you the most joy?
Listening to music.

7. If you could go back in time and change anything, what would it be?
I am not sure.  How do you stop anything really.  I have tried.

8. How do you relax?
Again with the music

9. Describe your perfect day.
Having a wonderful meal and spending time with my family and friends.

10. Who is your celebrity crush?
Viggo Mortensen.  (same one as before,,lol)

11. What part of your body gives you the most trouble?
My back and leg.

12. What’s one thing you want to do before you die?
See Kelseys child.

13. Describe the best meal you’ve ever had.
Kabobs, with bell peppers, pineapple, snall onions, and steak.  Served over a bed of brown rice.
At the San Diego Zoo when our kids were young.

14. What six things are essential to your health?
My family.
my music
my husband
my computer
my television
my medicines.  sorry?

15. Are you healthy?
Not really

16. What is it that you can’t live without?
My eyes and ears

17. What is it that you don’t understand?
what has happen to this country

18. What do you fantasize about?
Winning the lottery

19. What is it about you that your friends do not understand
That 'm such a Brokie

20. What’s your 5-Year Plan for the future
See 12

Thanks for reposting this Kerry.  I didn't notice that you had put some of the original answers here.  I filled it out, and found when I discovered that it was here.  How similar some of my answers are.  The same things I loved and did then.  They are still the same.  I am not sure what that says about me?  maybe I am not growing the way I had hoped.  Maybe I had already reached a comfort level and it is still the same??


     Beautiful mind

Offline Sophia

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Re: 20 Questions
« Reply #39 on: January 16, 2012, 06:47:46 pm »

1. What was the happiest period of your life and why?
20-28 ( partly because I discovered traveling, went to University) But I also think the period that I going trough right now 34 and forward is very exciting.

2. What was the saddest time?
when my parents divorced... in my teenage years

3. Who is your best friend?
I would say myself. (At some level, my mum and close friends)

4. What’s something about you that not many people know?
I have lost feeling in my left foot sole.

5. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I was very much living in the moment when I was a kid, so hardly ever fantasied about the future. I believed it would come anyhow. And I would do all sorts of things.

6. What simple pleasure gives you the most joy?
jokes, laughter, different view, challanges, happy thoughts, friends, family, bettermost, facebook

7. If you could go back in time and change anything, what would it be?
I would go back to my youth, and tell myself, don´t worry believe in yourself it gets better.
Boost myself with a lot of confidence.

8. How do you relax?
Sleep, thinking, listen to music, watch movies, meditate, chating with friends
9. Describe your perfect day.
Wake up rested, having a lovely chat with friends, learning something interesting facts, experience some new lovely places, having lovely dinner with family. A day full with different experiences and lovely meetings.

10. Who is your celebrity crush?
difficult to choose

11. What part of your body gives you the most trouble?
My hair, aspecially during the morning. And my druggy eyes during morning

12. What’s one thing you want to do before you die?
something nice.... that makes me happy

13. Describe the best meal you’ve ever had.
Best meals I have ever had are those at fantastic place I have been.  My bed, Tea Room (Brooklyn), Aunt, Mums place, Dinners, Stockholm

14. What six things are essential to your health?
I love myself
I love my vagina
I love my body
I love my style
I love  my hair
I love my quirky way

15. Are you healthy?

16. What is it that you can’t live without?
at the moment my computer

17. What is it that you don’t understand?
Dishonesty, mind games, narrow-mindness

18. What do you fantasize about?
odd stuff

19. What is it about you that your friends do not understand?
I love pushing limits. Not just mine but others too.
Do quirky things, that not necessarily have a specfic goal.

20. What’s your 5-Year Plan for the future?

Come back in 5 years and say, this was 5 fucking good years!

Offline Katie77

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Re: 20 Questions
« Reply #40 on: January 16, 2012, 11:03:11 pm »

1. What was the happiest period of your life and why?
 Having grandkids

2. What was the saddest time?
  When my husband died

3. Who is your best friend?

4. What’s something about you that not many people know?
  My father was gay

5. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
  A teacher

6. What simple pleasure gives you the most joy?
  Being with my grandkids

7. If you could go back in time and change anything, what would it be?
  I wouldn't have become self employed

8. How do you relax?
  Watching TV, playing games on computer, reading a good book
9. Describe your perfect day.
  Being with my family

10. Who is your celebrity crush?
  Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie (either or both)

11. What part of your body gives you the most trouble?
  My lower back and legs

12. What’s one thing you want to do before you die?
  become a great grandmother

13. Describe the best meal you’ve ever had.
  Surf and Turf....well done fillet steak covered in lobster

14. What six things are essential to your health?
  Drink plenty of water
  Good sleep
  Eradicate stress

15. Are you healthy?
  I would be more healthier if I didnt smoke

16. What is it that you can’t live without?
  My laptop

17. What is it that you don’t understand?
  Child or animal abuse

18. What do you fantasize about?
  having enough money to share with my family

19. What is it about you that your friends do not understand?
  Why I only eat when I'm really hungry

20. What’s your 5-Year Plan for the future?
  To be healthy and pain free

Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect.

It means you've decided to see beyond the imperfection