Hi Mandy.
It was good to chat at the weekend, of life, and love, and other walrus things.
Actually, it's not at all complicated. More like non-existent.
Oh well. I have friends, and friendship is never complicated.
An old friend smiled at me the other night, for the first time in a long while.
And that was nice. It was too unexpected to react, and smile back, 'tho.
Guess I was a bit tired from driving Sydney to Melbourne and then Brisbane in 6 days.
Hope you're having a great time.
I'm still tossing up the pros and cons of going to LA next month, but still very busy.
Should be possible sometime in the next couple of months or so.
Maybe around Christmas, when things are quiet ?
My web hosts had a huge problem over the weekend, with the new cloud system that was supposed to mean better reliability by spreading the load via another, multi-host, company with a few different locations in Oz. Not much effect for me, as I'm still developing and on their own servers, but really serious for those with established e-commerce sites. One of their clients runs a security monitoring business site, and they were posting some rather vitriolic comments on the blog page. Result was the hosting company aborted the plan in disgust, and for fear of losing their customers. Good thing I want to get everything working 100% before I go live. (Fingers crossed
I'm getting sleepy. Already wandering into dreamland.
Must go, before I start mumbling about things I should only dream about.