Oh wow I cant beleive I only just found this thread. Right I shall enjoy this lol. My pet HATES:
People who spit in the street.
people who talk with their mouths full.
people who let their horses shit all over the road so that when I drive by I get it all over my tyres!!
people who dont put their dogs on a lead
people who double park outside the school
people who cut you up on roundabouts
people who drive talking on their mobile phones
people who dont make their kids wear seatbelts
people who do DIY at night
people who mow their lawns at 6am on a sunday
people who park on the side of the road, then just as you go to drive by, open their door.
people who let thier kids sit in shopping trolleys. they,ve been outside ffs, you dont know what they have on their shoes and you have to put your food in there!!
people who let their kids run around supermarkets
people who leave thier shopping trolleys round the car park instead of putting them away
thats it for now I think, I like this thread lol.