So Kerry, what did you think of chapter 1? Have you started chapter 2 yet?
When Melissa first told me about SoG, I read the first 7 chapters in one night! haha. Yeah, I REALLY liked it. 
David, I have read glowing reports about "Shades of Grey" and am keen to join in the discussion process. However, I have only read Chapter 1 so far, and am concerned about your warning re spoilers (I don't want any secrets to be given away before I get to them). For that reason, I would prefer to read the full story before commenting further. I hope to be able to do that later tonight and join in the discussion soon thereafter.
Chapter 1 got me good, right from the outset! I love atmospheric writing, where you can
smell a scene, as well as read it. And the author of SOG is an atmospheric author
par excellence! The highly charged, underlying sexual tension between Jack and Ennis had me sitting on the edge of my seat, especially when they were face to face, Ennis with his hand 1mm from Jack's
"wound"! Please,
quick, someone hand me a
fan!!!!!Sparks flying! Can't wait for more!