Author Topic: Shades of Grey by Midwest-girl  (Read 730120 times)

Offline Bigheart

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Re: Shades of Grey by Midwest-girl
« Reply #710 on: November 17, 2006, 04:05:53 am »
He's now 40. looks very good. Turned out even better: was a 911 hero, an iraq war hero, and decorated for bravery by NYPD several times. Happily married. Her friends are jealous because he's so good at being a husband.

Oh man, I'm jealous too!  ;D 

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Re: Shades of Grey by Midwest-girl
« Reply #711 on: November 17, 2006, 04:08:09 am »
Hi There Bigheart! We rarely bump into each other on here, but I'm always glad when we do.  :D

(You were talking to me weren't you??)

LOL! ~ yes, I was talking to you!  ;D

Aww ~ always so nice to talk to you too, David! Come visit us more often over here!  :)


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Re: Shades of Grey by Midwest-girl
« Reply #712 on: November 17, 2006, 08:11:23 am »
I'm so glad I dragged you over here, David!  :-* You have some pretty interesting chapters ahead of you, doesn't he, girls? But you need to stay away from this thread until you are caught up with the story, there are too many spoilers here for you! Too many!!!!  :o

Amy, are you trying to kill us with your writing? The first thing I had to do after reading your last chapter was run downstairs and hug my boyfriend, I was soooo sad!

I can't believe the direction this story is going. It's so sad that Jack can't think of a happy ending for himself and Ennis, but he is being very brave in thinking that he can redeem himself and become the man he thinks Ennis deserves. God, that is gut-wrenching! I loved how you wrote Colin and how he reacted to Ennis flipping out. He knows what's going on (Jack reaching out to lay his hand on Ennis' arm and Jack realising that Colin was looking was brilliant and very subtle, how could he not know what's going on, he already had a hunch and he has known Ennis for a while now, knows he doesn't flip out like that normally), and I think/hope he is going to play a major part in the next chapters, maybe he will help Ennis find Jack. Once again the dialogue was completely believable and it's so great that you are writing from your own experience as a defense attorney, it really makes the story come to life.

What an awful cliffhanger! Bet you won't be eating that Thanksgiving turkey without the image of your faithful readers hanging off that damn cliff! But I do wish you a happy Thanksgiving. 

Oh, one thing. You haven't mentioned Alma at all since that chapter where they were in Ennis' apartment. I was wondering about her, it seems like Ennis hasn't had even a passing thought about her....

Offline Kazza

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Re: Shades of Grey by Midwest-girl
« Reply #713 on: November 17, 2006, 08:28:57 am »
Oh, one thing. You haven't mentioned Alma at all since that chapter where they were in Ennis' apartment. I was wondering about her, it seems like Ennis hasn't had even a passing thought about her....

I haven't thought about her either - is that bad of me? I did harbour a thought that she could make life difficult by revealing what she discovered, but even if she did, it would hardly register now with current developments.

There have been some very insightful posts following the most recent chapter. I wish that I could add something as worthy. All I can say is that story is so wonderfully crafted. The moment when Jack held Ennis and told him that being with him was the only decision that he had ever made that made him proud. Well...  :'(

Oh, God I can't bear the thought of Hinestroza and Madrigal getting their hands on Jack. As soon as he offers himself up to save Ennis surely they are going to figure out his attachment to Ennis.  :(

As for Colin, well, it appears that I was totally wrong, and I'm glad I was.

Please don't let Jack simply disappear whilst Ennis is in the shower, although that is exactly what I can see him doing. Of course given recent relevations I think that Ennis will figure out pretty quickly what Jack plans to do. I hope that he can catch up with him in time. Perhaps Colin can help with the tracking. I'm sure that the mobile phone is going to play a part. If Jack takes it he can be tracked by it's signal, or Ennis may be able to track Hinestroza's location if he has the number taht Jack called.

Even if Jack does sacrifice himself, how can he be sure that Madrigal will leave Ennis alone?

Yup, there are a few of us dangling by our fingertips off this cliff.


P.S. On a seperate note do potential witnesses actually get treated like that?
« Last Edit: November 17, 2006, 08:32:54 am by Kazza »


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Re: Shades of Grey by Midwest-girl
« Reply #714 on: November 17, 2006, 09:22:12 am »
Karen, I wish I could answer all your questions....I'm dying to, but that would ruin the story!  LOL.  And yes, witnesses do get treated like that.  One thing you have to remember is that the Witness Protection Program is for *criminals*.  No regular, upstanding Joe-blow citizen ever goes into the WPP.  That only happens in the movies.  It's a program to induce (or coerce, depending on how you look at it) criminals to cough up the info they know in order to save themselves from prison.  As a result, if things fall through the government doesn't have a huge incentive to help those people out.  They are still criminals, after all.  Our justice system is great, compared to much of the world, but the federal system, at least, is weighted so heavily towards the government it would shock most people.  And the sentences handed down for drug crimes so often do not fit the crime, they are draconian and cruel.  I'll stop my defense attorney up-on-the-pulpit talk now!   ;)

Offline Kazza

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Re: Shades of Grey by Midwest-girl
« Reply #715 on: November 17, 2006, 09:32:02 am »
Oh, I wouldn't want you to answer any of my questions. I just can't help asking them - you know?  ;D

I'm OK to dangle here till the next posting. I'll just have to read SOG from scratch. Yes, that's what I'll do  :laugh:

I understand what you say about WPP being for criminals. Maybe I'm a bit of a bleeding heart liberal, but getting someone to literally put their life on the line in order to stop a wrong and then letting them twist in the wind seems wrong to me. If you're going to punish a wrongdoing then punish it, don't offer someone an alternative which results in a death sentence.

BTW I loved that line about Ennis wanting to go back in time and whisper in Jack's ear in the interrogation room.

What the hell... I loved all of it!  ;D



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Re: Shades of Grey by Midwest-girl
« Reply #716 on: November 17, 2006, 09:39:57 am »
Karen, I wish I could answer all your questions....

Does that also mean the question I had about Alma? I was really wondering why she isn't mentioned anymore.... ??? Will there be a plot twist in which she turns out to be Madrigal's replacement as Hinestroza's assassin?  ;)


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Re: Shades of Grey by Midwest-girl
« Reply #717 on: November 17, 2006, 09:51:32 am »
Does that also mean the question I had about Alma? I was really wondering why she isn't mentioned anymore.... ??? Will there be a plot twist in which she turns out to be Madrigal's replacement as Hinestroza's assassin?  ;)

PMSL   ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Shades of Grey by Midwest-girl
« Reply #718 on: November 17, 2006, 10:07:26 am »
Does that also mean the question I had about Alma? I was really wondering why she isn't mentioned anymore.... ??? Will there be a plot twist in which she turns out to be Madrigal's replacement as Hinestroza's assassin?  ;)

Sorry, yes, that means you haven't seen the last of Alma.  Right now I think she is completely out of Ennis's mind, he has been too focused on the the few remaining days he has with Jack, and now on Jack's safety.  But you will get more information about the Alma/Ennis relationship later.


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Re: Shades of Grey by Midwest-girl
« Reply #719 on: November 17, 2006, 10:08:02 am »
By the way, LOL picturing Alma with a gun, screaming, "Take THAT, Jack Nasty!"