Oh, and on the phone call issue...generally recorded calls are very hard to admit into evidence b/c of the hearsay rules. But you guys are definitely hitting on something....
Let's have some wild speculation whilst we wait for an update.
I think I've never been following any other fic that called out quite as much for speculation as this one does. Other quality fics often carry me along, letting the story unfold in my mind at its own pace and in its own time, and I'm more content with that and less eager to outrun the author....
SoG is something else.

And there have been a few really unexpected plot twists along the way, making me all the more curious and eager to speculate.......
So OK, some wild speculation coming up:
I've been thinking that probably Jack's offer to Hinestroza of a trade between his own life and Ennis's safety would be accepted. Consequently that Jack'd leave Ennis to go hand himself over to Madrigal, and that Ennis would have to figure out where they are and go after them to rescue Jack in the very nick of time. But with Amy's most recent post, I'm thinking maybe not........
So therefore; some alternatives;
Alternative scenario 1:Hinestroza refuses to talk to Jack on the phone because of security concerns. Jack is unable to make any trade. Ennis discovers the call made from his phone, and somehow guesses at what it was all about. Is floored, angry, scared for Jack. Decides the only way to save Jack (and himself) is to take the war to Madrigal (and Hinestroza) instead of running from them...... Somehow figures out where Madrigal is, and goes after him. Manages to nail him. In turn this calamity for the dark side makes Hinestroza leave his safe ground to direct operations against J&E himself in the US. Hinestroza is caught, or killed....... Jack and Ennis go undergound for good - together.
Alternative scenario 2:Hinestroza hears Jack out on the phone, but makes no commitment. He learns about Jack's love for Ennis through their talk, though. He therefore finds out more about Ennis, and sends Madrigal after Alma to use her to pressure Ennis and Jack. Once more, they have to fight back.......

I realize that whatever else I think happen, I sincerely hope and believe that Madrigal will
not be left free to continue his life of horror as before when the fic ends. Madrigal needs to be dealt with in no uncertain terms. He'll probably go down fighting so I can't really see him surviving. I think the fic (and our heroes) didn't really dig all that seriously into the possibility of locating Madrigal when they discussed it previously, the matter was dismissed rather out of hand. However, if locating him becomes the only way out, then I think they might revisit that option and use FBI resources to do so to. And hopefully somehow Hinestroza will not be left free either - but given Jack's ambivalent relationship with him there is a wider field of outcomes for Hinestroza....
Well, Friday it is. Then we'll know a bit more. It's fun speculating in the meantime!