Cocky son of a bitch. “Oh, really?” Ennis gave Jack a cold smile of his own. “Well, this time you’re not. Felon in possession of a firearm, Mr. Twist.” Ennis made a clucking sound with his tongue. “That’s a big no-no. Five years mandatory.”“It wasn’t my fucking gun,” Jack said, folded his arms behind his head.“No good,” Ennis countered. “Thought you’d know by now federal judges see right through that one. The gun was in your car when you were arrested. Don’t give a shit whose it really is. You’re on the hook for it, bud.”“As you can see, Del Mar, I’m shaking in my boots over here.”Don’t let him get to you, Ennis. It’s what he wants. You’re holding all the cards here. Jack Twist is nothing. Nothing. -- Shades of Grey by midwest_girl/Amy"The cocky son of a bitch"
Amy, so sorry to take over this thread! Guess we got a little distracted *ahem* Your last chapter was so intense it's difficult to discuss it. Hope you don't mind this little Jake detour.cc33 / Leslie
Christ almighty all i did was say my friend tells me Jake is better looking in RL then on film, add my 2 cents that he is maturing well and we end up with what, 20 posts filled with "TAKE ME JAKEY!!!! RIGHThere, ON THE STEPS!!!!"lmaoooooooooooooo
OH(!) I know that! Duh! I don't mean your avatar but the two pics on the same post Leslie posted of Jake on page 41; one of them is your MW Jack isnt it??Hahaha ~ knew you couldn't resist my pleading gaze! Thanks! Squeeeee!
Hell if anyone has a better quality napping jack then the one I use, I'd love it...<hint, hint>