Author Topic: Great YouTube clips  (Read 63484 times)

Offline Peter John Shields

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Great YouTube clips
« on: June 17, 2013, 11:19:08 am »
Men who love eachother:

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Offline x-man

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Re: Great YouTube clips
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2013, 04:39:21 pm »
For all Queer as Folk fans:  You have got to check out YouTube's <QAF - Brian & Justin "Chiquitita">.  This is a gorgeous and loving 5-minute+ video that matches QaF clips to the words of the Abba song.  (This song, you will remember, ended the Pride sequence in season 2.)  If you know the QaF show you will realize how well it does this.  Even if you don't, you will still love it. 
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Offline CellarDweller

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Re: Great YouTube clips
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2013, 09:08:05 pm »
I call this one "The Caught Kitty!"


Tell him when l come up to him and ask to play the record, l'm gonna say: ''Voulez-vous jouer ce disque?''
'Voulez-vous, will you kiss my dick?'
Will you play my record? One-track mind!

Offline x-man

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Re: Great YouTube clips
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2013, 08:14:05 am »
I have a couple more YouTube suggestions, which I should have put on my first time.  I see that some people can move the videos from Youtube directly to here.  I don't know how to do that, so I have to rely on telling you about them so you will go there.

The first is Jack I Swear done by BayCityJohn.  It is the Steven Robinson song with skillfully selected clips from BBM.  This is the most powerful BBM song I have ever heard, and BCJ does a beautiful job with it.  There are a few versions of the song on YouTube, but his is by far the best.  If the end of BBM still makes you cry, you will cry here too.  BayCityJohn has done many excellent videos on YouTube; look for his name when you go there.  He is, by the way, a BetterMostian, and would probably appreciate a personal message of thanks if you like Jack I Swear--which I am sure you will.

My second suggestion is The Man I Love by John Alcorn. (Play the one with his face on the album cover.)  I discovered this song on Queer as Folk.  Alcorn is a gay jazz singer in Toronto (my city).  I don't know how a straight woman would react to hearing it sung by a man, but to a gay man (at least this gay man) it has resonances and depths not there when hearing it sung by a woman.
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Offline milomorris

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Re: Great YouTube clips
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2013, 10:05:59 am »
I have a couple more YouTube suggestions, which I should have put on my first time.  I see that some people can move the videos from Youtube directly to here.  I don't know how to do that, so I have to rely on telling you about them so you will go there.

The first is Jack I Swear done by BayCityJohn.  It is the Steven Robinson song with skillfully selected clips from BBM.  This is the most powerful BBM song I have ever heard, and BCJ does a beautiful job with it.  There are a few versions of the song on YouTube, but his is by far the best.  If the end of BBM still makes you cry, you will cry here too.  BayCityJohn has done many excellent videos on YouTube; look for his name when you go there.  He is, by the way, a BetterMostian, and would probably appreciate a personal message of thanks if you like Jack I Swear--which I am sure you will.

I have seen some of BCJ's videos, but not this one. He does have a knack for matching images from the movie to the lyrics and rhythms of the songs he uses.

I did a little digging and found this from Steven Robinson:

"I wrote this from a poem that a friend wrote for two dear friends of hers...Further inspired after she saw the movie, 'Brokeback Mountain'"

My second suggestion is The Man I Love by John Alcorn. (Play the one with his face on the album cover.)  I discovered this song on Queer as Folk.  Alcorn is a gay jazz singer in Toronto (my city).  I don't know how a straight woman would react to hearing it sung by a man, but to a gay man (at least this gay man) it has resonances and depths not there when hearing it sung by a woman.

Great voice!! Maybe the reason the resonates so well in a man's voice is that the tune was originally written by Gershwin to be sung by a male character. The original title was "The Girl I Love."
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Offline Penthesilea

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Re: Great YouTube clips
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2013, 11:37:34 am »
I see that some people can move the videos from Youtube directly to here.  I don't know how to do that, so I have to rely on telling you about them so you will go there.

Hi X-man and welcome to BetterMost (in case I missed you so far)! :)
This is a little off-topic here, but I like to post technical tips on the board instead of PMs from time to time, so more than one person can see them.

If you want to post a youtube video directly here on BM, look for the little youtube-icon on top of your text box when writing a post.
The first row of icons directly above the text box are our cowboy smileys. In the next row above the smileys is the youtube icon, second from left.

Click on the youtube icon and you will get this (without the spaces):

[youtube=425,350 ] [ /youtube]

Paste and copy your browser's adress line of the youtube video, and then insert it between the square brackets.

[ youtube=425,350]insert adress of youtube video here[ /youtube]

That's it! :)

With links it works the same way, you just use a different icon. The Hyperlink icon is two to the right from the youtube icon. Gives you this (again without spaces)
[url ] insert adress of link here  [ /url]

Same way with pictures, which is the icon between youtube and hyperlink icon in the same row:

[img ] insert adress of picture here  [ /img]

In the case of John's BBM video, it looks like this:

[ youtube=425,350][ /youtube]

And if I now erase the spaces, you can see the video:


If you have more technical or otherwise questions, feel free to PM me or any other moderator of BetterMost. We're happy to help! :)

Offline x-man

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Re: Great YouTubes I Need Some Help
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2013, 07:28:14 am »
I am hoping someone can help me track down a song, perhaps on YouTube.  It is in Episode 5 of Season 4 of Queer as Folk.  A line keeps repeating, "Doing what you want, and doing what you want me to do."  Putting this quote on YouTube didn't get me anywhere, so perhaps that is not the name of the song.  (Practically everything from QAF is on YouTube, it seems.  I would be very grateful.  Thanks.

Also, where in BBM do we hear the Wings portion of the score?  I watch the film all the time, but never hear Wings--I only hear it on BBM Radio.
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Offline x-man

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Re: Great YouTube clips 2 More
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2013, 08:58:07 am »
(1)  <You're Gone - Diamond Rio (w/lyrics)> done by mniicoleex3
I first heard this song on BBM Radio, and was so startled I just sat there for a while after it was over.  You frequently hear songs that catch your situation very well, but you usually have to ignore some lines and alter others--not with You're Gone.  Every line, every word, is a knife to the heart.  The comments on youTube, posted below the window told me that everyone else was affected by the song as I was.  You can imagine Ennis singing it to Jack.

(2)  <BROKEN SOCIAL SCENE - Lover's Spit>
The video done by Luisa Lloyd is basically still shots of buildings, but the sound quality is especially good.  The luna6 version is the official video.  We get to see Kevin Drew, the scruffy, sweaty, hot, lead singer enjoying the song very much.  The song is weird but great, and might tell you more about the mechanics of sex than you want to  hear--lines like "All these people drinking lover's spit, sit around cleaning their face with it," and "Swallowing it while giving head, but it takes some hand to get used to it."  The gritty lyrics work well with the dreamlike music of the song.  Just take a chance on YouTube and try it.  BTW, this is the song that plays in QAF when Justin and Brian reunite after Justin's disastrous affair with Ethan, and the two make love in Brian's office.   :)
Happiness is the lasting pleasure of the mind grasping the intelligible order of reality.      --Leibniz

Offline x-man

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YouTube Suggestions - John Grant
« Reply #8 on: October 16, 2013, 11:55:17 am »
A few more suggestions.
YouTube introduced me to John Grant and his first major album Queen of Denmark.  When I got the CD and played it for the first time, I just thought "I really wasn't ready for an album like this."  It is by far the best gay album I have ever heard, and Grant will appeal to Brokies, both M and F: lost love, regret, a few chances taken, difficult backgrounds, etc.  No tracks are on BBM Radio, I suspect because it does not have a rural flavour, and it can be rather grim.

Grant is well represented on YouTube--songs and interviews with him where he is very outfront about himself and what he is trying to say in his music.  You really owe it to yourself to get acquainted with him and his work.  And listen to the words.  The two songs at and near the end of the film Weekend are Grant's, and are two of the ones I am recommending to you here.  On YouTube:

<John Grant - T.C. & Honeybear> done by keytoucher
This is a beautiful, bittersweet love song that shows Grant's vulnerability and trouble reaching out to others.  Grant is nothing if not honest in his lyrics.  This is my favourite track from the CD.

<John Grant & Midlake - I Wanna Go to Marz> done by positive viber
From what I know about Grant, this seems to be about his teenage years in a small town (Parker, CO to be exact).  He contrasts the cloyingly sweet "malt shop" young, straight love scene with his real desire to "go to Marz" where "your sweet 16 is waiting for you after the show...where you'll get your heart's desire...(and) I will meet you under the lights."  If you know the small town highschool scene and its alienation, you can relate to this song, particularly if you are gay.

<John Grant - Sigourney Weaver> done by Mr.Tappis14
This appears to describe Grant's feelings the day after he learned he was HIV positive.  The Sigourney Weaver title refers to Alien, the great AIDS-metaphor film.  His is a stark view of his situation, and in an interview Grant talks about his "not having a future."
Happiness is the lasting pleasure of the mind grasping the intelligible order of reality.      --Leibniz

Offline x-man

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Re: Great YouTube clips
« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2013, 09:55:10 pm »
The famous cat herding commercial.  It is the West.  It belongs in BetterMost.

Happiness is the lasting pleasure of the mind grasping the intelligible order of reality.      --Leibniz