Author Topic: "Some Sweet Life," "The Grieving Plain," and other "Zane Twist" fanfictions  (Read 158252 times)

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Re: "All I Got and All I Want" by Jeff Wrangler
« Reply #50 on: September 19, 2006, 10:25:29 pm »
Good point. ...

I guess I don't think of my stories as "slash" because I don't seem to be able to write them having sex (not counting the Annie Proulx-style sex in "The Cabin") because it would be too much like telling the secrets of two friends I love very much. How freakin' ridiculous is that?  :-\

Sometimes, I kinda wish someone would close the door and give them some privacy. lol.
I understand slash to be the relationshiip, doesn't have to have sexual content.  Just are they sexually attracted to each other.  I've read a lot of beautiful wonderful stories about them that had no sex but would still be slash even if they hadn't discovered those feelings for each other yet.  And certainly if they are lovers then it is slash. I just wondered if it is different in this fandom. 

... not nobody when in somebody's arms,  ain’t nowhere if somewhere with him.
My man who nothin ever came t’is hand the way he wanted.
‘Cause all he ever wanted was me.

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Re: "All I Got and All I Want" by Jeff Wrangler
« Reply #51 on: September 19, 2006, 11:02:41 pm »
Heh.  True fic fans will hang on.  Not sure if they'd hang on 20 years though.  :P

EDITED TO ADD:  I keep trying Jack/Ennis slashfic in alternate universe, but the Jack character always ends up dead.  I guess in my mind there can never be a happy ending for those two no matter who or where they are.  :(

Hi Delalluvia!

are you kidding me!  ha, I have been ruthlessly searching out my favourite fanfic and I have a list of the best sweetest stories of Jack and Ennis!  They are all Jack and Ennis, either AU (deviates from canon, where Jack and Ennis DO find the sweet life we all wanted them to have)  or they are filler for the canon story, filling in the missing scenes, so-to-speak.  Otherwise known as the Real Deal.  Jack does not die in these fanfics, no way!   :o

If you are interested I can give you more info, like where to find them, but for now off the top of my head here are just a few of my favourites:

royandronnie:  Never Enough Sleep, Trailhead, Cycle of Broken Dreams, The Time Between
midwest_girl:  If I Asked
writings by belgianboy
Dreaming by Cathalin (we have been waiting patiently for over a month for Chapter 15)
all three stories by Jenny:  Big Boots of Pain, Not Taking No, and When The Snow Didn't Come
larcopidis:  So Damned Happy

and of course the classics

Jennasts, MaineWriter, MadLori

there's also a few authors I haven't finished reading yet, I Heart Gale Harold, and lovehurts4ever, niims, deviant_dev.  There's more that that, but that's all I have for now....


PS I hope I do not inadvertently hurt anyone's feelings by leaving them off this list, this is obviously only a partial list of Jack and Ennis fanfic, and if anyone knows of any other good fanfic about J & E, canon or AU, please let me know!



Edited to add:  PS:  ok, now that I finished reading the thread, I see that Del is not necessarily looking for fanfic to read, she is a writer....  Oh well, I might as well leave this post up now, that I've written it....
« Last Edit: September 19, 2006, 11:11:23 pm by JakeTwist »
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Re: "All I Got and All I Want" by Jeff Wrangler
« Reply #52 on: September 23, 2006, 02:22:38 pm »
Was delighted to see that you had a new stiory--but dsappoitned to find that I'd read it a week ago.  Due to an unfortunaste mishap I cannot leave feedback on ff--I think it has something to do with one person blockling my feedback...others have told me they have done no such thing, but I can't leave feedback for anybody now.

I think it's too bad that everyone is going AU. But as someone pointed out: we're running out of cannon!

As gut-satisfyting as it is to see Jack and Ennis living happily ever after--they didn't did they? Isn't that what the story was all about, that they didn't? And why?

Oddly enoigh, there is an AU thing I might like to deal with. I'll simply report a story i read in Life magazine about..umm...1950.  A man who lived alone in rough terrain--cause that's the way he liiked to live, drove a jeep, and had few friends one day was driving a little too fast,. hit an unexpected bump, and the jeep turned over, pinning him beneath it. Gas began leaking oput of ther tank, and soon caught fire. Fortunately, someone did come along, and pulled him out in time to save his life, but he was very badly burned.

He was taken to an excellent hospital, where after many skin grafts and anitbiotic, he began to recover.  He became fond of the nurse who cared for him most of the time, and she him. They fell in love, and by the time he was ready to be released, they were  married.

Althouigh they were not blessed with children, they were very happy, and continued to live in the man's rough house that he had built for himself, a good while ago now.

One day, he was driving along the rough road from his house to town (his wife wasn't with him), and taking such pleasure from simply being alive, he began to drive too fast. He hit an unexpected bump in the road, the jeep turned over, he was pinned beneath it. Gas leaked out of the gas tank, and caught on fire. He burned to death.

Am I the only mainly non-DaveCullen person going to the Slash bash in Chicago on Friday?
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Re: "All I Got and All I Want" by Jeff Wrangler
« Reply #53 on: October 01, 2006, 05:54:49 pm »
Bump--because I've posted Chapter 2 of "All I Got and All I Want."  :)
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Re: "All I Got and All I Want" by Jeff Wrangler
« Reply #54 on: October 01, 2006, 10:07:07 pm »
A link would help, Jeff darlin:


Enjoy, everyone...

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Offline Jeff Wrangler

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Re: "All I Got and All I Want" by Jeff Wrangler
« Reply #55 on: October 02, 2006, 08:33:10 am »
A link would help, Jeff darlin:


Enjoy, everyone...


There was one--added to the very first post on the thread--but thanks for adding here, too.  ;) I just bumped because I learned that if you just edit a post, to add something to it (like a link to a new chapter), it stays where it is. It doesn't move back up on the forum unless you bump it.

To add that chapter 2 I used the instructions you sent me--in April! Very clear--and the process was easier than I expected. Thanks, Honey!

"It is required of every man that the spirit within him should walk abroad among his fellow-men, and travel far and wide."--Charles Dickens.

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Re: "All I Got and All I Want" by Jeff Wrangler
« Reply #56 on: October 02, 2006, 09:42:17 am »
Jeff, this chapter made me hungry!! Even after a big roast beef dinner...LOL

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Re: "All I Got and All I Want" by Jeff Wrangler
« Reply #57 on: October 12, 2006, 09:31:59 pm »
Jeff I am so into this story!  What a great read.  I can't wait to see what happens next!

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Re: "All I Got and All I Want" by Jeff Wrangler
« Reply #58 on: October 13, 2006, 02:38:29 am »
Great story! Can't wait to see Ennis and Jack kick those rough necks butts.  I'm wondering of this will win them a little respect in the community....or if any of the other "men" in the restaurant will lend them a hand.  Looking forward to your next chapter.
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Re: "All I Got and All I Want" by Jeff Wrangler
« Reply #59 on: October 13, 2006, 06:35:58 am »
Great story! Can't wait to see Ennis and Jack kick those rough necks butts.  I'm wondering of this will win them a little respect in the community....or if any of the other "men" in the restaurant will lend them a hand.  Looking forward to your next chapter.

Hey Dot....

I see you are new here to Bettermost! Welcome. Pull up a chair, have some coffee and cherry cake, make yourself at home.

And enjoy Jeff's story, he's one a my bestest buds round these parts...

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