Author Topic: Resurrecting the Movies thread...  (Read 1254258 times)

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Re: Resurrecting the Movies thread...
« Reply #1650 on: March 20, 2010, 11:52:37 am »
I think Ben is absolutely delightful as Keats.  But then, I would love him in anything, I think.

He is beautiful in this - this was the first film I had seen him in.  Abby is wonderful too.   Jane Campion's films are like works of art.  I didn't want to say too much about Bright Star in case people haven't seen it yet, but I loved it as well.   The Piano is still my favorite Jane Campion film tho.  :)
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Re: Resurrecting the Movies thread...
« Reply #1651 on: March 20, 2010, 07:41:34 pm »
He is beautiful in this - this was the first film I had seen him in.  Abby is wonderful too.   Jane Campion's films are like works of art.  I didn't want to say too much about Bright Star in case people haven't seen it yet, but I loved it as well.   The Piano is still my favorite Jane Campion film tho.  :)

I just finished watching the rest of the film and all I can say is it seems I've spent half of today in tears!  What a heartbreaking story.  Of course, i knew it wouldn't end well but the film was so well done I was practically sobbing!  And yes, Ben is beautiful in this and Rob Schneider was also really good!   BRIGHT STAR is only my second Sally Potter film, the first being THE PIANO which I loved. I'm ashamed to say I never did see SWEETIE or AN ANGEL MY TABLE.  She's such a brilliant romantic! 

I had started the day by going to see REMEMBER ME, the new Rob Pattinson film which turned out to be quite a little tearjerker as well.  The film is not in the same league of course, but still well worth watching.  I was pleasantly surprised to see Lena Olin as Pattinson's mother.  I always like her and she does wonders with a rather small role. I know the ending has caused some controversy but it sure had me reaching for the Kleenex.

No wonder I'm depressed, sheesh!  :'( :'(

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Re: Resurrecting the Movies thread...
« Reply #1652 on: March 21, 2010, 06:10:17 pm »
I had started the day by going to see REMEMBER ME, the new Rob Pattinson film which turned out to be quite a little tearjerker as well.  The film is not in the same league of course, but still well worth watching.  I was pleasantly surprised to see Lena Olin as Pattinson's mother.  I always like her and she does wonders with a rather small role. I know the ending has caused some controversy but it sure had me reaching for the Kleenex.

No wonder I'm depressed, sheesh!  :'( :'(

I saw REMEMBER ME last week with my younger daughter.  She made me promise not to read anything about it at IMDb before seeing it (which I typically do), so I really didn't know what I was in for.  I thought the movie was well done and perfectly cast.  (Robert Pattinson is VERY easy on the eyes.)  Afterwards, I was more stunned than depressed -- no Kleenex needed here, and I cry quite easily.  To me, it's the kind of movie that makes you think about how one thing (the actions of those mean girls at school, for example) can lead to another and result in a person ending up in the wrong place at the wrong time through no fault of their own, just by a twist of fate.  I'm kind of surprised by the lousy reviews.  In any event, I'm planning on seeing it again.

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Re: Resurrecting the Movies thread...
« Reply #1653 on: March 21, 2010, 07:50:46 pm »
Thanks for the recommendation, friend. I will give this a look whenever I have a craving for Robert Pattinson with no fangs. But my favourite RP movie so far is Little Ashes, where he plays Salvador Dali.
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Re: Resurrecting the Movies thread...
« Reply #1654 on: March 22, 2010, 08:45:55 am »
I've seen the trailer so often, I feel like I've seen the movie.

Seems to me this happens an awful lot these days. Between endless TV commercials for a film and appearances by the stars/director/whoever on TV chat shows to promote the film, it's the rare movie indeed--like, of course, Brokeback Mountain--that I really feel I need to see in order to know about it.  :-\
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Re: Resurrecting the Movies thread...
« Reply #1655 on: March 23, 2010, 09:36:11 am »
Ain't that the truth! The amazing thing is that I don't watch these talk shows or commercials, but I still see the trailers ad nauseum!! I did gorge myself on movies just before the Oscars, but never enuff, never enuff...but way too much of trailers. I think the funnest time I had watching trailers was just before AVATAR when I saw the trailers for all the 3D movies that are coming up. How to Train Your Dragon looks like fun. I wish Beowulf had been in 3D!
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Re: Resurrecting the Movies thread...
« Reply #1656 on: March 25, 2010, 03:32:24 pm »
Caution: The following post is about Local Hero...yes, again!!

Two other things that are similar between LH and BBM: there is a crying baby, and a tattooed woman!! The baby is a humorous character, as most of the characters are. (Only Burt Lancaster and Jenny Seagrove play straight parts, as Felix Happer and Marina.) The new guy, Mac, approaches a group of working men and notices a baby in a stroller, crying. He says, "Whose baby?" and there is an uncomfortable silence. We never find out. The tattooed woman is, I think, played by Caroline Guthrie. She's always chasing after Oldsen, Mac's sidekick.

The baby in BBM is, of course, Ennis' daughter Jenny, who he tries to comfort while creating a fit of jealousy in elder daughter Alma Jr. The tattooed woman appears dancing next to Ennis and Cassie at the Wolf Ears bar.
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Re: Resurrecting the Movies thread...
« Reply #1657 on: March 26, 2010, 12:39:07 am »
But wait! I'm not done yet with Local Hero!!

One of the most prominent set pieces of both LH and BBM is...the telephone booth!! In LH, it's the bright red booth of Britain...supposedly placed right on the beach. But, in reality, the bright red booth was a prop made of papier mache. The REAL telephone booth is more subdued, and is placed outside the inn in the little town which serves as the surrogate of Furness. It is called Pennan, and is on the northeastern coast, not far from Aberdeen.

Yes, it's a  town of lobstering altho, true to the movie, the locals canna afford to actually eat the lobster. They ship it off to Spain and thereabouts.
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Re: Resurrecting the Movies thread...
« Reply #1658 on: April 02, 2010, 11:35:37 pm »
I'm glad I saw Chloe, it was very interesting. Somewhat formulaic during the first halfhour or so, took too long to set the plot points. But once it got going, it was quite good! I loved Amanda Seyfried in the title role. At one point (where the movie "kicked in") she looked like an insect...maybe a preying mantis!! Her oversized eyes and mouth really worked for her in developing the character. But of course, the movie belonged to Julianne Moore. I identified so much with her midlife woman character that when I went into the restroom after the movie, I couldn't stand to look at myself in the mirror. I thought, "If a gorgeous woman like JM feels self conscious about growing older, then I can't even be a person!" but when I finally got up the courage to look, I found I was not unbearable, after all! Liam Neeson was also very good as JM's husband. I was shocked to learn that he lost his wife during the filming of this movie.
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Re: Resurrecting the Movies thread...
« Reply #1659 on: April 11, 2010, 12:33:18 pm »
Ain't that the truth! The amazing thing is that I don't watch these talk shows or commercials, but I still see the trailers ad nauseum!! I did gorge myself on movies just before the Oscars, but never enuff, never enuff...but way too much of trailers. I think the funnest time I had watching trailers was just before AVATAR when I saw the trailers for all the 3D movies that are coming up. How to Train Your Dragon looks like fun. I wish Beowulf had been in 3D!

I'm just back from seeing How to Train Your Dragon in 3D. It's a helluva lot of fun! Go see it! Amazing 3D effects and a fun movie. What more can you want?