Caution: The following post is about Local Hero...yes, again!!
Two other things that are similar between LH and BBM: there is a crying baby, and a tattooed woman!! The baby is a humorous character, as most of the characters are. (Only Burt Lancaster and Jenny Seagrove play straight parts, as Felix Happer and Marina.) The new guy, Mac, approaches a group of working men and notices a baby in a stroller, crying. He says, "Whose baby?" and there is an uncomfortable silence. We never find out. The tattooed woman is, I think, played by Caroline Guthrie. She's always chasing after Oldsen, Mac's sidekick.
The baby in BBM is, of course, Ennis' daughter Jenny, who he tries to comfort while creating a fit of jealousy in elder daughter Alma Jr. The tattooed woman appears dancing next to Ennis and Cassie at the Wolf Ears bar.