Author Topic: Resurrecting the Movies thread...  (Read 1112981 times)

Offline delalluvia

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Re: Resurrecting the Movies thread...
« Reply #30 on: November 25, 2006, 02:43:33 pm »
Saw A Good Year yesterday.

Lovely, picturesque move.  It's a movie about love.  Love between an uncle and his nephew, between a man and his career, a man and a country, a man and his memories, a man and his lifestyle and finally, less importantly, love between a man and a woman.

Ridley Scott keeps the tempo of the movie moving quickly considering the subject matter.  Beautifully filmed, Russell Crowe at his most charming.

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Re: Resurrecting the Movies thread...
« Reply #31 on: November 27, 2006, 06:27:13 pm »
Thanks for the review, I went to A Good Year yesterday. Russell Crowe was so charming that his early attempts at being an ass I couldn't believe in the film.

Also, della, could you give me more info on The Fountain? Is it really an adaptation of the novel The Time Traveler's Wife?
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Re: Resurrecting the Movies thread...
« Reply #32 on: December 03, 2006, 01:43:09 pm »
Thanks for the review, I went to A Good Year yesterday. Russell Crowe was so charming that his early attempts at being an ass I couldn't believe in the film.

Also, della, could you give me more info on The Fountain? Is it really an adaptation of the novel The Time Traveler's Wife?

Sorry being so late in response.  I'm on vacation now and last week was a bear tying up loose ends.

No, The Fountain is defintely NOT an adaption of The Time Traveler's Wife.  It is an original work.

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Re: Resurrecting the Movies thread...
« Reply #33 on: December 16, 2006, 11:41:16 pm »
Went and saw The Holiday.  Good romantic comedy fluff.

Practically got a headache from all the blinding whitened teeth showing during the scenes between Jude Law and Cameron Diaz when the Beautiful People are smiling at each other and flirting.

The Kate Winslet/Jack Black storyline is more believable, as much as can be expected in such a comedy about fabulously wealthy people who have love troubles in a world where everyone dresses in high end designer wear and lives in huge fabulous houses

Hollywood sure does like to make movies about itself though.  :P

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Re: Resurrecting the Movies thread...
« Reply #34 on: December 26, 2006, 11:09:17 pm »
Went and saw Apocalypto.

Amazingly it was a just a good action adventure.  That simple. 

You can indentify with the characters - on both sides - and really feel for them.  There are plot holes but not anymore than any other movie.  HIstorically there were problems, but you're pretty much following the story which could have been set in any ancient culture.

The violence is not as gory as I thought it would be.  No different than some Conan the Barbarian type movie - much much less gory than a Quentin Tarantino movie.

Offline silkncense

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Re: Resurrecting the Movies thread...
« Reply #35 on: December 27, 2006, 02:59:17 pm »
As an aside:

Premiere's Top 20 Most Overrated Films of All Time

American Beauty
Field of Dreams
Chariots of Fire
Good Will Hunting
Forrest Gump
Jules and Jim
A Beautiful Mind
Monster's Ball
Mystic River
The Wizard of Oz
An American in Paris
Easy Rider
The Red Shoes
2001: A Space Odyssey
Gone with the Wind
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Re: Resurrecting the Movies thread...
« Reply #36 on: December 27, 2006, 03:30:02 pm »
Okay, I can agree with all those except Nashville. That Robert Altman film was groundbreaking conceptually, entertaining, and thought-provoking on several levels. Plus, it had amazing performances by Lily Tomlin and others.
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Offline delalluvia

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Re: Resurrecting the Movies thread...
« Reply #37 on: January 02, 2007, 08:54:11 pm »
Went and saw The Children of Men with Clive Owen.

Clive is looking fine and was worth the price of admission alone.

The movie was OK.  Not great.  Watching the movie's version of the 3rd worldization of the West was disturbing.  But what got to me the most was the movie's attitude.

I don't believe the below contains any spoilers because it was pretty much evident from the previews.

I'm not sure if it's because I'm not a big fan of children, but the attitude of the main character and movie in general I found unusual.  Clive's character was described as being depressed and the society in general has an atmosphere of hopelessness because the human race is going to go extinct because of the infertility of the women (the movie states outright it's the women and not the men).

I guess I don't understand this attitude being so prevalent.  Would it be, do you think?

Is it a parent thing?  I understand that some people feel bereft for a myriad of reasons if they wanted to have children and can't.  But that doesn't bother the rest of us who never wanted children.

Or is it a humanocentric thing?  That nothing matters except humans and if we are going to go extinct then that's a reason to want to commit suicide or tear society apart?

What's wrong with enjoying what's left of one's life?   
« Last Edit: January 08, 2007, 08:39:48 pm by delalluvia »

Offline cmr107

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Re: Resurrecting the Movies thread...
« Reply #38 on: January 02, 2007, 10:13:07 pm »
I don't usually like to make recommendations, but I highly recommend The Pursuit of Happyness (sic) with Will Smith. He had a wonderful performance. They say this is the performance of his career, and I agree. His son (his real son played his son in the movie) is adorable and gave a really great performance too. I hardly ever cry at movies, but I got teary twice.

I also saw Dreamgirls. For those of you who don't know, it's a movie version of a Broadway musical. I never saw the stage version, but a friend of mine who knows pretty much everything there is to know about musicals said it did a great job of staying true to the original. Great cast, with terrific performances by all. Jennifer Hudson has an AMAZING voice, and Keith Robinson has probably the most gorgeous smile I've ever seen. If you like musicals, you won't be disappointed.

Offline j.U.d.E.

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Re: Resurrecting the Movies thread...
« Reply #39 on: January 03, 2007, 05:47:27 am »
As far as I can see, noone has mentioned "Little Miss Sunshine". Saw it yesterday and it is a truly wonderful film! All the cast is exceptional and there's lots of poetry!

j. U. d. E.
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