Author Topic: Resurrecting the Movies thread...  (Read 1245421 times)

Offline notBastet

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Re: Resurrecting the Movies thread...
« Reply #340 on: October 31, 2007, 12:19:40 am »
Me! I saw it twice, so long ago it was still in theaters (though the second time was a college-town revival, I think). The second time I knew it was going to be such a beautiful visual experience that I brought in a sprig of lilac with me so it would be beautiful smell-wise, too.

(OT, isn't there a better word than "smell-wise"? What's the smell equivalent of aural, visual, tactile?)

Back for just a moment to The Departed, personally I loved Leo. And Matt was pretty good, too. But Mark Wahlberg ... well, I used to like him and I thought he was good in it, but I've never felt quite the same about him since reading his homophobic comments in an interview a few months ago.

I loved Leo, too...  Sigh.  I was dumbfounded by the ending (I tend just go along for the ride with movies, rather than try to guess what is going to happen.)

Is the word you want scent?  Yeah, there's probably something better than scent - my guess is leslie or Louise will know.
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Re: Resurrecting the Movies thread...
« Reply #341 on: October 31, 2007, 07:48:10 am »

(OT, isn't there a better word than "smell-wise"? What's the smell equivalent of aural, visual, tactile?)

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Re: Resurrecting the Movies thread...
« Reply #342 on: October 31, 2007, 07:55:37 am »

Back for just a moment to The Departed, personally I loved Leo. And Matt was pretty good, too. But Mark Wahlberg ... well, I used to like him and I thought he was good in it, but I've never felt quite the same about him since reading his homophobic comments in an interview a few months ago.

I never paid much attention to Mark Wahlberg after seeing him in Boogie Nights, a movie I did not care for. I guess that's one of the reasons I was so surprised by his performance in The Departed.

Apparently, he has replaced Ryan Gosling in "The Lovely Bones." Ryan got the ax the day before filming began. Depending on which gossip mag you want to believe, he left because of "creative differences" or because director Peter Jackson wasn't happy with his 20 lb weight gain.

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Re: Resurrecting the Movies thread...
« Reply #343 on: October 31, 2007, 09:45:49 am »
Neither "scent" nor "olfactory" can be substituted for "smell-wise" in the sentence, "I brought in a sprig of lilac with me so it would be beautiful smell-wise, too" and make scents sense. Olifactorily would work, though a bit awkward-wise. I guess it doesn't slide off the tongue quite the way "visually" or "aurally" do.

Too bad for The Lovely Bones. Ryan Gosling has become one of my favorite actors on the basis of two movies: Half Nelson, during which I fell asleep but up until then was blown away by his performance, and Fracture, in which I liked him better than Anthony Hopkins.

I read the book The Lovely Bones years ago, and my reaction was, ehhh ...

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Re: Resurrecting the Movies thread...
« Reply #344 on: October 31, 2007, 09:49:01 am »
I saw ELIZABETH THE GOLDEN AGE this past Sunday.  There was much to recommend about the film, if you know something about history.  The costumes and sets were quite good as was Blanchett's performance.  However, the dialog wasn't well written and they tried to cover every historical story going on at the time in a matter of minutes.  A bit of dehumanization of Phillip II, the king of Spain.  He was shown as very dark skinned and oily, bad hair (very unattractive) and walked with a bad limp. In real life, he was tal and fair skin, blond hair and quite tall.  He did walk with a limp on account of gout.  

There are too many serious R rated films out right now.  I did see RENDITION which I liked. Much has been made about Clooney not being much of  a draw as Michael Clayton isn't doing well.  I believe it was on that posted an essay that the era when a major movie star  (it's not just Clooney, but Brad Pitt's film isn't doing well) could pull in a crowd was now over.  
I think that's been the case for awhile.  :o

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Re: Resurrecting the Movies thread...
« Reply #345 on: October 31, 2007, 10:56:56 am »
Neither "scent" nor "olfactory" can be substituted for "smell-wise" in the sentence, "I brought in a sprig of lilac with me so it would be beautiful smell-wise, too" and make scents sense. Olifactorily would work, though a bit awkward-wise. I guess it doesn't slide off the tongue quite the way "visually" or "aurally" do.

Too bad for The Lovely Bones. Ryan Gosling has become one of my favorite actors on the basis of two movies: Half Nelson, during which I fell asleep but up until then was blown away by his performance, and Fracture, in which I liked him better than Anthony Hopkins.

I read the book The Lovely Bones years ago, and my reaction was, ehhh ...

I haven't paid too much attention to Ryan, myself. However, Lars and The Real Girl is getting interesting reviews and might be worth seeing.

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Re: Resurrecting the Movies thread...
« Reply #346 on: October 31, 2007, 10:58:56 am »

There are too many serious R rated films out right now.  I did see RENDITION which I liked. Much has been made about Clooney not being much of  a draw as Michael Clayton isn't doing well.  I believe it was on that posted an essay that the era when a major movie star  (it's not just Clooney, but Brad Pitt's film isn't doing well) could pull in a crowd was now over. 
I think that's been the case for awhile.  :o

I think it was the same article on Slate that said people ask for serious, adult movies but then they don't go to them. Are they being marketed incorrectly or is it a myth that people want serious adult movies?

And frankly, the whole "fabulous George Clooney" thing is lost on me. He'd never be a reason for me to see a movie.

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Offline notBastet

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Re: Resurrecting the Movies thread...
« Reply #347 on: October 31, 2007, 11:05:11 am »
Neither "scent" nor "olfactory" can be substituted for "smell-wise" in the sentence, "I brought in a sprig of lilac with me so it would be beautiful smell-wise, too" and make scents sense. Olifactorily would work, though a bit awkward-wise. I guess it doesn't slide off the tongue quite the way "visually" or "aurally" do.

Too bad for The Lovely Bones. Ryan Gosling has become one of my favorite actors on the basis of two movies: Half Nelson, during which I fell asleep but up until then was blown away by his performance, and Fracture, in which I liked him better than Anthony Hopkins.

I read the book The Lovely Bones years ago, and my reaction was, ehhh ...

How about: I brought in a sprig of lilac with me so there would a beautiful aroma...?

Spoiler (sort of)...

I read the Lovely Bones awhile back, as well.  I only remember a little.  I can't exactly guess what part Ryan Gosling or his replacement would be playing....  the bad guy?
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Offline notBastet

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Re: Resurrecting the Movies thread...
« Reply #348 on: October 31, 2007, 11:07:45 am »
I loved Ryan Gosling in The Notebook.

I had thought about seeing the 2nd Elizabeth movie last week, but decided against it because Clive Owen does not always strike me the right way... (in fact, he may never have done so).  I opted for Into the Wild instead.
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Offline serious crayons

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Re: Resurrecting the Movies thread...
« Reply #349 on: October 31, 2007, 12:30:07 pm »
I think it was the same article on Slate that said people ask for serious, adult movies but then they don't go to them. Are they being marketed incorrectly or is it a myth that people want serious adult movies?

I read that, too. I think the answer is that this particular movie is being marketed incorrectly. I almost went to it on Sunday, though even then I really didn't know what it's about.

Serious adult movies, IMO, are still in too short supply. I think the problem financially is that serious adults rarely see a movie more than once or twice (BBM aside  ;D), whereas kids are more likely to see movies several times.

I read the Lovely Bones awhile back, as well.  I only remember a little.  I can't exactly guess what part Ryan Gosling or his replacement would be playing....  the bad guy?

Oh yeah, the bad guy. I was wondering about that, too, and for some reason I'd forgotten all about the bad guy. I think Ryan Gosling, talented though he is, seems too sympathetic an actor to play a guy that evil. Even Mark Wahlberg might not be abhorrent enough. I was thinking the cop.