Thanks for the searching tips. I was basically looking for articles having to do with the non-economic aspects of caregiving, which I feel are underemphasized.
Some of them are about economic aspects, but many are not. As I said, there have been a handful of articles on the non-economic aspects of caregiving in my newspaper alone, some of them written by me.
As for the AARP article, I wasn't talking about an article in the magazine or newsletter with reader comments. I was talking about comments on a message board, much like this one except instead of
Brokeback Mountain (etc.) the topic is caregiving.
Here's an AARP page that's like a whole website in itself, with a grid of topics you can click on to open up articles on basics, resources, caring at home, caring for someone with dementia, caring for someone with cancer, etc., as well as financial aspects. They're more guides than articles, but there is tons of information on a wide range of caregiving-related topics. are the first 10 results from a search for "new york times" and "caregiving." Long-distance caregiving. Easing the burden on caregivers. Caregiving for aging parents. Caregivers' isolation. Caregiving sooner than expected. A robot caregiver. Caregiver burnout. Caregiving for a cancer patient. And so on.'s a six-page special section from the Washington Post, "CAREGIVING: A Special Report," filled with stories and photos, including one by Rosalynn Carter.
Newsweek has stories (including the Rob Lowe one).
Time magazine has stories.
U.S. News & World Report? A little skimpy, and most seem to be about finances or nursing homes. But you get the picture. There is no shortage of coverage of this topic. When I've written about it, it has not been a problem of not enough information, it's a problem of too much.
There's a site called,,,, The last one has an article that lists 11 Facebook groups for caregivers.
Not that your article wouldn't be welcome -- it's a topic that people will be hearing more and more about as boomers age. The oldest boomer is only 72, an age at which most people can still care for themselves. Once our generation needs help it will be a full-blown crisis. There are far fewer Gen Xers to perform the caregiving, and they're scattered around the country.
Paid professional caregiving is expensive as it is, and yet the pay for people who do it is so tiny that nobody wants to do it. Except people who have a hard time getting other kinds of jobs. So here's a good idea -- let's kick all the immigrants out of the country!!