Sorry, Katherine, I missed this post. I do hope my church community would step up and help.
I seem to remember writing a long time ago that I thought this was one reason to be a member of a church
An aunt gave me that advice a few years ago. I have thought about joining the Unitarian Church partly for that reason, but there's not one especially close to me and I'm lazy on Sunday mornings. If I were more inclined toward Christianity, I'd go to the church right behind my house. It non-denominational (it's called City Church), but it seems pretty liberal and community friendly. They let my neighborhood's community garden use a chunk of their property.
When my mom's Alzheimer's started to become obvious, her Unitarian pastor sought me out and invited me to coffee to discuss it. The pastor shared her own experience with her mother-in-law. And I'm sure I've told this story a million times, but after my mom died they let us use the church for her memorial even though she hadn't attended in years. My brother and I mainly just wanted to use the space and didn't expect anything more than that. But the pastor, who had never met her, gave a beautiful eulogy based on a long conversation with me and a look through some of her papers. They supplied AV equipment so we could play her favorite Joan Baez songs. And the church ladies made bars!