May I tell you about a few of our haunted houses?
The Hannah House - Indianapolis, IndianaThe Hannah House is located on the southside of Indianapolis not too far from my house. Built in 1858, the house was owned by staunch abolitionists and the house was used as a stop on the Underground Railroad. Unfortunately, nearly half the residents of Indianapolis sympathized with the South, and escaped slaves were not at all safe until they were well north of Indianapolis. The slaves would be brought into the house and taken to a secret tunnel, just off the basement where they would remain for days, or even weeks, until it was safe to move them to the next stop.
One night while dozens of slaves were packed into the tunnel, a lantern was overturned, burning everyone alive.

Today, many people report the smell of rotting flesh throughout the house. One minute they will smell it and suddenly it will disappear. People have also reported hearing screams coming from the tunnels and the basement as well as the sound of glass breaking in remote areas of the house. People wearing period clothing have also been seen walking up and down the stairs and in the corridors. Suddenly they will disappear.
I have been to the Hannah House, and I while I never saw, heard or smelled anything unusual, I did notice a very oppresive atmosphere while I was in the house. Of course this could have been my imagination since I was well aware of the history of the house.
The Hannah House
The Willard Library - Evansville, IndianaThe Willard Library is located in Evansville, Indiana. Built in the late 1800's, the library is typically Victorian. This library is supposedly haunted by the Grey Lady. Hundreds of people have reported seeing her. The investigators from the Sci-Fi Channel's Ghost Hunters even made a trip to Willard Library. Parapsychologists from the Discovery Channel have also been there. You can even watch for the Grey Lady on the Ghost Cams located in the library... have been in the Willard Library many times. I visited it frequently while I was living in Evansville. Here is a picture of the library. I think the picture speaks for itself.
The House Of Blue Lights - Indianapolis, IndianaAnd then of course there is the House of Blue Lights. I actually went into this house with friends when I was a teenager. It was really spooky. Many stories surrounded the house, and I must admit I did experience a few taps on my shoulder and a few ghostly whispers. The house is torn down now.
Rather than taking up any more room on Geri's trhead, if you would like to read about it, I posted some info about it in my thread...