Author Topic: Come and see My pictures Tell us about your hobbies!  (Read 134606 times)

Offline Arad-3

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Re: Come and see My Aquarium!! Tell us about your hobbies!
« Reply #60 on: October 31, 2006, 05:56:33 pm »
Wow Katie that's a really pretty park. It's just right for a outdoor wedding! Bet it was pretty.
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Offline Arad-3

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Re: Come and see My Aquarium!! Tell us about your hobbies!
« Reply #61 on: October 31, 2006, 06:00:36 pm »
"Yes.. I started cornet through my school in Primary 6 - so I was 9 years old - my class got a test to see our musical ability - is that sound higher or lower, louder or quiter that sort of thing.. and I was one of the class that scored the highest so I got the chance to begin playing.. 16 years later I'm still doing it. Its great fun and I have so many very good friends through it."   quote by Kelda

A STAR IS BORN!    Sounds like a whole lotta fun! Happy Halloween!
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Offline Arad-3

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Re: Come and see My Aquarium!! Tell us about your hobbies!
« Reply #62 on: October 31, 2006, 06:03:15 pm »
Kelda and Geri -

Those pictures are wonderful!

Kelda: Scotland looks like a beautiful country. I have been to England but not Scotland. It looks like everyone was having a wonderful time during Whit Friday!  :D

Geri: your little town looks beautiful. It looks very "Northeast" and "New England". I love the colors. You did an excellent job taking those pictures. I really like the picture of your town hall and of your tree.

Thanks David!   As you already can tell I just love pictures of everything. A picture says a thousand words as they say.!
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Offline Pipedream

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Re: Come and see My Aquarium!! Tell us about your hobbies!
« Reply #63 on: October 31, 2006, 06:10:07 pm »
I eventually can post on tho this!!!


Loving the pics Geri. Specially like the clown fish and Bullseye.

My hobby is that I play a cornet in a Brass band. Think Brassed Off in Scotland rather than Salvation Army or USA Marching Band style.

This year I went for the first time to a thing called Whit Friday. A load of people from bands across Scotland made one 'Scottish Band' and went down for the weekend to play at this. Great fun, and plenty of booze. Def going back next year!

From the whit friday website......

Often described as 'the greatest free show on Earth', the Saddleworth & District Whit Friday Brass Band Contests take place every year on the afternoon and evening of Whit Friday - 1st June in 2007.

From the earliest recorded contest in 1884, the event has grown in popularity. Last year well over a hundred brass bands participated in some twenty different contests at venues scattered around the moorland villages and towns on the western edge of the Pennines. All of the contests are open-air, many in delightful surroundings. The area has a very strong tradition of brass band music. In the weeks before Whit Friday, the sounds of rehearsals echo across the hillsides from the various band rooms and village halls. There are thriving bands in some of the tiniest villages. And the best bands are world class.

This year's prize fund is £28,700.

The contests are open to all-comers. So the local youth bands get to match their skills against the top bands of the country. For bandsmen, the dash from contest to contest makes for an exhilarating (though exhausting) evening. See the comments in the guest book. This is a major event in the brass band calendar and bands travel the length of the country to participate, some even turning up from overseas.

It is possible to look in at several contests during the evening. But with over 100 bus-loads of bandsmen about, with many of the roads closed to traffic and the inevitable parking problems, it pays not to be over-ambitious. 

and some pf my pciture which give you a flavour of the day!

Err... Well, Kelda, what can I say? Talk about brass bands....  ;D

« Last Edit: November 01, 2006, 06:51:18 am by Pipedream »

Offline Arad-3

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Re: Come and see My Aquarium! Tell us about your hobbies!!.
« Reply #64 on: October 31, 2006, 07:44:34 pm »
OMG! You look great!!
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Offline Arad-3

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Re: Come and see My Aquarium! HAUNTED HOUSE!! Tell us about your hobbies!!.
« Reply #65 on: October 31, 2006, 08:04:35 pm »
The second weekend of October I  D-Jayed a wedding at a place called The StoneBarn Castle It's always been known to be haunted. There is no electricity there, but we have a power pack for such occaissions and it was the perfect place for a Halloween themed wedding.

 If I didn't believe the stories before ( about the ghosts that haunt it)   i sure do now.
This is a picture i took of it when i first arrived.

The reception room

Nighttime starts to fall and it gets alittle creepy!

« Last Edit: October 31, 2006, 08:45:10 pm by Arad-3 »
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Offline Arad-3

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Re: Come and see My Aquarium! Tell us about your hobbies!!.
« Reply #66 on: October 31, 2006, 08:21:45 pm »

There was no indoor plumbing so if you had to use a bathroom you had to get a flashlight ??? and walk out side for about 50 feet to some outside bathrooms!!! i was scared to death. Because there was nothing outside only darkness! When i walked out the only thing you could see was the candle lights coming out of the reception hall door. There was no lights anywhere else in or on the building. but when i took these pictures after viewing them I can see alot of activity with the points of lights.I took about twenty shots outside because it lit up my surroundings. In each picture I took the lights were located somewhere else!

I enlarged some of the lights. This is the one shooting off the house and into the sky!

This is one of the lights that seems to be in the window. But really wasnt there.

There were other things like very cold spots. I kept feeling a breeze behind me and something touching me. my partner felt it too. We had our backs up against a wall. but the cold breeze was blowing at our backs. It was really scarey. After midnight everyone up there was pretty scared. I was glad to get home!i
« Last Edit: October 31, 2006, 08:36:44 pm by Arad-3 »
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Offline David In Indy

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Those pictures are really creepy looking Geri. Cameras sometimes photograph spirits and orbs. I have some pictures where orbs can be seen in them. Sometimes these orbs are due to the light from the camera's flash reflecting off of dust particles, but somehow I don't think this is the case in your picture. Those orbs actually have light IN them. I really do think you may have actually photographed some REAL orbs Geri!

The light coming from  inside the window of the house almost looks a like an eye... and evil eye.

Congratulations on the terrific pictures! You should show them to a parapsychologist and see what he or she says about the pictures. They sure do look convincing to me, and that house is very spooky looking too! 
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Offline Arad-3

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Some of the pictures I took were without the flash because I wanted to get the illumination that the candles were giving off in the reception room. Those pctures also have lights all over it. The funny thing is is every picture (and i took about twenty walking back and forth to the bathroom) the lights were in different places in all of them Like the orbs were playing around outside. Maybe it was my loud music that got them going crazy. They probaly would of been inside if it wasn't so loud!!

Thanks David!!
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Offline David In Indy

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May I tell you about a few of our haunted houses?

The Hannah House - Indianapolis, Indiana

The Hannah House is located on the southside of Indianapolis not too far from my house.  Built in 1858, the house was owned by staunch abolitionists and the house was used as a stop on the Underground Railroad. Unfortunately, nearly half the residents of Indianapolis sympathized with the South, and escaped slaves were not at all safe until they were well north of Indianapolis. The slaves would be brought into the house and taken to a secret tunnel, just off the basement where they would remain for days, or even weeks, until it was safe to move them to the next stop.

One night while dozens of slaves were packed into the tunnel, a lantern was overturned, burning everyone alive.  :'(

Today, many people report the smell of rotting flesh throughout the house. One minute they will smell it and suddenly it will disappear. People have also reported hearing screams coming from the tunnels and the basement as well as the sound of glass breaking in remote areas of the house. People wearing period clothing have also been seen walking up and down the stairs and in the corridors. Suddenly they will disappear.

I have been to the Hannah House, and I while I never saw, heard or smelled anything unusual, I did notice a very oppresive atmosphere while I was in the house. Of course this could have been my imagination since I was well aware of the history of the house.

The Hannah House
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The Willard Library - Evansville, Indiana

The Willard Library is located in Evansville, Indiana. Built in the late 1800's, the library is typically Victorian. This library is supposedly haunted by the Grey Lady. Hundreds of people have reported seeing her. The investigators from the Sci-Fi Channel's Ghost Hunters even made a trip to Willard Library.  Parapsychologists from the Discovery Channel have also been there. You can even watch for the Grey Lady on the Ghost Cams located in the library...

I have been in the Willard Library many times. I visited it frequently while I was living in Evansville. Here is a picture of the library. I think the picture speaks for itself.

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The House Of Blue Lights - Indianapolis, Indiana

And then of course there is the House of Blue Lights. I actually went into this house with friends when I was a teenager. It was really spooky. Many stories surrounded the house, and I must admit I did experience a few taps on my shoulder and a few ghostly whispers. The house is torn down now.

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Rather than taking up any more room on Geri's trhead, if you would like to read about it, I posted some info about it in my thread...
« Last Edit: October 31, 2006, 10:47:25 pm by David925 »
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