Coming up Tuesday!
Of course, in my ancestral culture, the day is known as Fastnacht Day.
In the country of your ancestors Fastnacht/Fasching is six days long, starting with
Thursday, wich is also called Altweiberfastnacht or Schmutziger Donnerstag (Old Women's Fastnacht or Dirty Thursday)
followed by Faschingsfreitag, Faschingssamstag and Faschingssonntag (Fastnacht-Friday, -Saturday and -Sunday)
then comes Rosenmontag (Rose-Monday)
end it ends with Faschingsdienstag (Fastnacht-Tuesday).
The two main Fasching days are the Monday and Tuesday however.
On Altweiberfastnacht/Dirty Thursday, women march into town halls and cut off ties from the men. So you better wear an old or ugly tie on this day.
On Fastnacht-Tuesday our employer gives us half a free day and we have to take the other half from our vacation days or deduct it from our overtime, since everything is closed.