If I find I am not going to my dad's, I may try to find some biscuits. Dessert has yet to be determined.
Biscuits seem like they might be the easiest element to get in a good convenience version. Those Pillsbury cans are super simple and quite tasty. Plus, you'd liven up the holiday with a visit from the Doughboy!
My Thanksgiving dish has always been sweet-potato bourbon pie with fresh whipped cream, as I believe I've mentioned elsewhere. But this year we're having a turkey and the other sides, so I may not have time and energy for pie, too -- may have to go the store-bought route on that one. Do you have Perkins -- the chain family restaurant -- in your area? They have decent bakery take-out. But we also have fancy grocery chains with decent bakeries nearby.
My big fear is that my younger son, who lives in Chicago, won't make it. He's getting a 48-hour virus test and, if all is well, coming on Tuesday. I really need him here, both in an emotional sense but also to help with the cooking. My older son likes cooking too, but he likes to be alone in the kitchen doing it all. My ex-husband, who will also be attending, has offered to help. But his cooking skills are limited to basic prep stuff like chopping onions, whereas both my sons get into the more adventuresome aspects.
There was a story in the paper today about 85-year-old grandmothers sitting alone in their rooms on the holiday. The governor has asked people to limit celebrations to immediate family. My Chicago son is immediate family, of course, and luckily he still has a MN driver's license. If we were in New Zealand we'd probably risk spending the holiday in jail.