Our police do not routinely carry guns although there is regular discussion about changing that. We are more likely (as early this year) to have national mourning due the the death of a policeman. Two young police officers made a routine traffic stop and the driver jumped out and shot them both, one fatally. His funeral was delayed as close relatives had to come from Australia and undergo 14 days quarantine. The funeral (in our largest football stadium) was broadcast on TV about 2 hours. It was very emotional. Just the Haka at the end has me in tears
Your fellow citizens are much less murderous than ours, that's for sure. Whether via gun or COVID.
Weren't the first Europeans in Australia criminals, taken there as prisoners? I could very easily be wrong, but that's how I seem to remember my ancient history. And of course, that might not apply to NZ.
In any case, much of the United States was settled by extremely religious people. Funny how things work out.