Well, sometimes it takes more time. Just stare at that picture of Jake G up above, and you'll get into his head, and off you'll go, writing up a storm. Or, you'll just get a smile on your face, and head out whistling a happy tune...and it'll come to you.
Or, maybe you need Ennis to make you think. He's always the thinker,almost too much of a thinker, worrying about what could happen...to the point of being introverted. Isn't that the definition of his life, to a degree? It happens while he's waiting for something to happen. Better not keep Jack waiting too long, or he'll happen and move on...NOT!! They're fated to be with each other...they have to figure a way to talk out their fears and hopes together...and you have to figure out how to tell us about that talk...just like you have so successfully for the past 12 chapters.
Or, maybe you need to kick back with a Hornsby's Hard Cider Amber Draft...works for me!
Do I ramble sometimes?! Just so much to say...Ennis should try it sometime.
In any event, we wait patiently...some more than others!!...for the next installment of this great story. Thanks.

[Note: first time using

...just for you.]