Author Topic: Completed Jack and Ennis Fanfic  (Read 110965 times)

Offline welliwont

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Re: Jack and Ennis Fanfic
« Reply #30 on: December 29, 2006, 10:31:58 am »

So, is this a thread for recommendations of ALL and ANY fanfics, or of only a specific type?

Hi Scott,

My original intent for this thread was to recommend Jack and Ennis Fanfic, as opposed to Ennis and OC Fanfic.  I read Ennis and OC for a while, but it just does not appeal any more, in fact it makes me sad for Jack.  I personally lean more towards Jack than I do towards Ennis, but that is the subject for another thread altogether!   ;)

So in the meantime, this thread is dedicated to Jack and Ennis fanfic, be it Canon, Real Deal, filler, or AU.  Just as long as it is Jack and Ennis.

Personally I have decided that for now I am only going to rec stories that are finished, until I run out of those, that is!   :P   I am presently waiting impatiently on at least 10 different stories to update, and it is difficult to be waiting with bated breath for each and every chapter so I am not going to inflict more of that here.

Here is my next rec:  This one is an oldie but a real goodie, I think it was written way back last spring.  It is an AU story, and rates 9 on a scale of 1 to 10.  It has this one really romantical moment that I have gone back and read over and over a few times,  ;) !

Jenny, Big Boots Of Pain

and since many people may have already read this one, I will make this a double-feature and give a second rec, also a very Classic BBM fanfic, written last June and July:

midwest_girl, If I Asked

this one is also AU....  and I really liked this one, of course I saved it.....

Then the clouds opened up and God said, "I hate you, Alfafa."

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Re: Jack and Ennis Fanfic
« Reply #31 on: December 29, 2006, 11:04:22 am »
Hi Jane! I've missed seeing you around. Earlier you recommended a fic. She posted an update today on LJ so I thought I'd include this:

New Story Posting
PINE CREEK - PART 1 (SEQUEL TO "Missing Motel Moments")

"Ennis now knew what it was to long deep and ache hard…
and still not be able to give an answer or a solution,
other than to utter the name of Jack Fuckin Twist…*
both the cause and the cure for all his aching need."

*As you all know, I LOVE Jack F. Twist!  ;)


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Re: Jack and Ennis Fanfic
« Reply #32 on: December 29, 2006, 02:48:02 pm »
YAY! I'll read them! For sure!  ;D

And you know what I'm also waiting for, Mel!  ;)  :-*

OK, let me go on an internship at NASA and then write it!

Yes, I think I know what you are waiting for, and if I am thinking of the same thing you are thinking of, is on its way, ch. 5 and 6 almost finished! :-*

Offline Bigheart

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Re: Jack and Ennis Fanfic
« Reply #33 on: December 29, 2006, 05:00:47 pm »
OK, let me go on an internship at NASA and then write it!

Yes, I think I know what you are waiting for, and if I am thinking of the same thing you are thinking of, is on its way, ch. 5 and 6 almost finished! :-*


Whoooo Mel!! Wonderful!  :-*


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Re: Jack and Ennis Fanfic
« Reply #34 on: December 29, 2006, 05:30:14 pm »
My original intent for this thread was to recommend Jack and Ennis Fanfic, as opposed to Ennis and OC Fanfic.  I read Ennis and OC for a while, but it just does not appeal any more, in fact it makes me sad for Jack.

I'm still not sure what you're getting at - are AUs or canon stories that take place while Jack is alive the only kinds of BBM fanfics you think people should be reading, or writing? If this type of story is the "real deal" you're talking about, then are the rest... imaginary deals? Illegitimate deals? Maybe sort of literary dope deals?

If so, no good is going to come of that. Orthodoxy is to creativity what emphysema is to the human body.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2006, 05:44:29 pm by Marge_Innavera »

Offline Bigheart

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Re: Jack and Ennis Fanfic
« Reply #35 on: December 29, 2006, 06:58:55 pm »
I would totally like to recommend this Jack/Ennis AU!AU  GOING HOME, by one of one set in Scotland on the 23rd, 24th, 25th and 26th of December 2006  :)
I feel it's an ABSOLUTE MUST READ and the response to it has been overwhelming. It's such a perfect, sweet and beautiful Christmas fic; so carefully written and her lovely and descriptive writing is such a joy to read  :) I HIGHLY recommend it! I loved it so much and was very, very sorry to see it end.

Thank you H, SO much for this BEAUTIFUL and special Christmas gift  :-*
« Last Edit: December 29, 2006, 09:16:17 pm by Bigheart »

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Re: Jack and Ennis Fanfic
« Reply #36 on: December 29, 2006, 09:04:03 pm »
Things are gettin' lively in here!

I'm still not sure what you're getting at - are AUs or canon stories that take place while Jack is alive the only kinds of BBM fanfics you think people should be reading, or writing? If this type of story is the "real deal" you're talking about, then are the rest... imaginary deals? Illegitimate deals? Maybe sort of literary dope deals?

If so, no good is going to come of that. Orthodoxy is to creativity what emphysema is to the human body.

Marge-not to put words in her mouth but I think Janie is just putting out some suggested reading for those who are fond of E/J fic. I don't think she is trying to make any type of implication as to what people "should" read or write.

Jane-I'm gonna send you my story speadsheet-you can pick out the one's that you would recommend  :-*

As for "Going Home: A Christmas Tale in Four Parts" I have to agree-EXCELLENT! It is AU!AU (so stay away Jane  ;D )
and has been sitting on the back of my mind for a week now. I've read it 3 times.

Janie-since this is your topic, maybe you can keep all the links to the recommended stories at the top of the original post and update periodically. The recommendations are very helpful to me and I'm open to any kind.


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Re: Jack and Ennis Fanfic
« Reply #37 on: December 29, 2006, 10:14:50 pm »
I would totally like to recommend this Jack/Ennis AU!AU  GOING HOME, by one of one set in Scotland on the 23rd, 24th, 25th and 26th of December 2006  :)
I feel it's an ABSOLUTE MUST READ and the response to it has been overwhelming. It's such a perfect, sweet and beautiful Christmas fic; so carefully written and her lovely and descriptive writing is such a joy to read  :) I HIGHLY recommend it! I loved it so much and was very, very sorry to see it end.

Thank you H, SO much for this BEAUTIFUL and special Christmas gift  :-*

Oh I second (or maybe third...) this rec!! I loved this one so so much and would love a sequel (hint, hint, Helen  ;) )
‘cause the truth is, I already give him everythin’ I got to give, more than I ever even knew I had; ‘n it all for him, all of it, him who is my brother, my father, my child, my friend, my lover, my heart, my soul; my Ennis.

-- del Mar Painting, Ch. 48 by b73

Offline littleguitar

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Re: Jack and Ennis Fanfic
« Reply #38 on: December 29, 2006, 10:16:48 pm »
I dunno Mandy....I can kind of see him as David in Six Feet Under!  ;D

oh man, did that ever just put an idea in my head...  ::) Seriously though, can I call dibs on this plot bunny???
‘cause the truth is, I already give him everythin’ I got to give, more than I ever even knew I had; ‘n it all for him, all of it, him who is my brother, my father, my child, my friend, my lover, my heart, my soul; my Ennis.

-- del Mar Painting, Ch. 48 by b73

Offline Bigheart

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Re: Jack and Ennis Fanfic
« Reply #39 on: December 29, 2006, 10:48:07 pm »
oh man, did that ever just put an idea in my head...  ::) Seriously though, can I call dibs on this plot bunny???

You serious Mandy??! OMG! *dies* I adore Six Feet Under, I think David is adorable!  ::)

I'm so excited!  ;D