I guess it's all a matter of perspective 
I'll have Thursday, Friday, Sat and Sun completely free. That's 1/2 a day more than you have, but still I feel cheated out of one holiday (the Saturday).
And in two years it'll be worse because both Christmas holidays will be on the weekend. They're totally lost, eeek! 
I can see how that would be frustrating ... unless you had a friend across the pond who gets only
six holidays a year (there are other holidays, of course, but they're not typically days off work for most people).
And she has to use vacation days to take those holidays off.
And if she or a family member gets sick, there go more vacation days. (We don't even call them vacation days -- they're PTO, or paid-time off.)
And this is someone who has a relatively comfortable middle-class job with decent benefits. Those aren't uncommon, but they're becoming less so. Then there are poorer people with hourly wage jobs -- who can by law take time off to care for a sick family member but aren't necessarily paid for it and are not guaranteed holidays off or anything else.
But that also applies to people with theoretically middle-class jobs. A few years ago, I worked part-time contract at a huge international Fortune 500 company, My hourly pay was good (by my standards) but I had no benefits, including no PTO. On my 14-person team, mostly graphic designers, 11 were contract employees working 40 hours. But were contract employees. So they, like me, got no PTO or anything else but worked 40 hours a week.
Then there are rich people who, studies show, actually work more hours than people with lower incomes. But of course, in return they get high incomes and cushy benefits.
And don't even get me started on employer provided (or not) health care.