I actually just received an email from a reader who told me he was out taking a driving tour. He says, in part:
I live in a Dallas suburb and drove south on I-45. I drove out on some country roads and state hiways around Ennis and saw some beautiful fields of bluebonnets. Leaving Ennis southbound on I-45 there,as big as life, is a sign saying next exit is Alma. Then I left I-45 at Corsicana on SR 31 toward Waco. About 10 miles out of Corsicana is the Lazy L Ranch. I almost ran off the road turning to look at the sign. Also Heath TX is located in Rockwall county just east of Dallas.

OMG. Life can be truly strange. But how cool is that? Driving past Ennis and Alma, then seeing the Lazy L sign

. I think I indeed would have driven off the road, not only almost
I'd love to see a pic of that sign

Who knew?
Annie. Not about Lazy L and Heath, TX, of course, but she's said to be very meticulous with all kinds of background investigation. So maybe she came across Ennis TX and Alma TX while writing Brokeback Mountain.