Well, she thought,,, " i wonder if Ennis's friend will be nice. I've never met one of his friends before." " I suppose i'll have to
make him dinner."
"That might be kinda nice, course we could get a sitter, take him to the Knife and Fork." "Ennis, Ennis," "yeah,
what." "Where did you say your friend was from?" "Texas, why." "Just wondering." "Well he probably would like Mexican food,
she thought." Alma wanted to impress Ennis's friend, show him how nice she was, and let him know, what a good cook she was too. and that he was always welcome.
"Hemmm, maybe i could fix them fahitas, like that new Mexican restaurant El Pollo Loco makes...Yeah, that'd be easy, and they sure are
good..." "This'll be fun for a change, havin company."