Author Topic: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!  (Read 1295288 times)

Offline jpwagoneer1964

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #810 on: March 22, 2007, 11:50:27 am »

Andy and Rita Collins, Ennis and Jacks friends who live and work on the ranch the boys had bought late in 1984, are up this Christmas morning while their 5 children open their stockings. Andy walks to the wind seeing an unfamiliar shadow as the sun rose.

Eyes wide Andy calls out. "Rita..." Almost breathless.” it..."

 "Is something wrong honey?" Rita concerned.

" at all...come over here and look."

Youngest in her arms Rita walks over to her husband looks out the window, sees what he sees. He places his arm around her.

"Oh my god!...what... " Rita's response to the maroon and white GMC van with the big red bow glistening in the sunlight.

"What is it daddy." Matthew on of the two oldest boys walks up to his parents and looks out the window.

"Wow!!!!...mommy, daddy look! Whose is it? Can we go outside and see?"

"Come on son get yourself a jacket and get your brother to help you sisters get somethin' warm, we'll all go."

The seven members of the Collins family made their way out side gathering around the shiny new van. Seeing the bow Andy reached out sees the card. He reads what he clearly knows to be Ennis’s handwriting.

Merry Christmas to the Collins family


From Santa

Andy looks to his wife, nods.

Daddy can we go open the door?” Echoed the children.

Andy walked over to the sliding door followed by Rita, with tears streaming down her face holding little Nathan. As he pulls open the door unseen before because of the dark tinted side and rear windows are the bikes and Big Wheels nestled on the seats, each with a small metal license plate bearing the name of the rider.

“Are those for us?”

“Can we ride?”

“Let’s race!”

“Big Wheel daddy!”

And carefully takes out each bike and Big Wheel handing to each his child reading the name on the plate.

“You … know it’s from Ennis and Jack.”

“Yes…yes I do….them two, so sweet…”

“Heard them talkin’ once when they were workin’ on that old Willys. Jack was wantin at get Ennis a new pickup, Ennis said he wanted at keep the one he had, the one Jack got him that time down in Rawlins, surprised him with, how special it is to him. That sure is some story, maybe we c’n get them ta tell it today. Anyways I think this is instead.”

“Uncle Ennis, Uncle Jack look what Santa got us!” Little Jessica beamed up at the pair, a bit disheveled but wide awake as they strolled toward to the Collins home from her Big wheel. “We all got new bikes! And mommy and daddy gots a new van!”

“Well sweetheart that sure is nice! You must ah been a good little girl this year.”

“Watch me ride!” the rest of children ran to hug and climb on Ennis and Jack.

“Bet you can’t ride faster than I can run.” Jack said to Delano.

Rita and Andy bid their turn as the children greet their favorite uncles.

“Thanks Buddy, can’t tell you how much we appreciate you getting us that van!” Andy said as he hugs Ennis.

“You boys are so sweet to us.” Rita said as she kissed both Ennis and Jack on the cheek.

“Don’t know what your talkin’ about.” Ennis looks down.

“The beautiful new van….we sure thank you!” Rita pats his shoulder.
“Came from Santa….just like the kids say. He sure picked out a pretty color”


“You heard the man.” Jack grins. “Came from Santa….Looks like Santa buys his vans at Grand GMC Buick in Denver.” Jack indicating the license plate placket. Ennis elbows him in the stomach grinning at Ennis.

“Daddy, can you take us for a ride in the van.”

“Yeah, daddy can we go for ride.”

“Ride, daddy…ride!”

“It’s ok Andy , lets take it fer a spin, see what she do.” Jack said. “Come on lets all get in.”

“Rita …you otta drive….seeing how you is gonna be usin’ it most…get use to it.” Andy said, helping his wife into the drivers seat.

Ennis Jack and Andy help all the kids into the van, the three oldest on the rearmost seat, Ennis and Jack in the center seat, two youngest in their laps with Jack at the window.

“Keys are in the ignition.” Ennis said. The all look to Ennis.

“What….I can see ‘em, right there.”

Rita looking carefully over the controls and gauges. “Where’s the knob for the wipers?”

“Um…” Andy trying to assist his wife.

“It’s on the end of the turn signal switch, ya just turn the end of it.” Ennis said.

“How’d you know that Ennis?” Jack looked at him.

“Um…that’s how a lot of these new cars ‘n trucks have it now.” Ennis looked back.

“But your truck doesn’t. It’s on the dash….so how….”

“An how would you know? ….Huh?….you don’t never drive my truck….something’ ‘bout the clutch.” Teasing Jack.

“Cause it’s the same as my pickup…remember? ….their both Fords.” The kids are giggling at this banter.

“Guess I musta read it in the paper or something’ , can’t a fella read the paper.? Huh?”

“Why would they put that in a newspaper? I know not much happens round here to report but I don’t think their gonna start printin’ stuff out of an owners manual. Huh Ennis?”

Ennis turning red elbows Jack in the ribs. Jack respond by tickling Ennis, Laughing the kids join in bringing Ennis to the floor, Jack and the kids on top of him shrouding him with laughter.

« Last Edit: March 22, 2007, 11:53:29 am by jpwagoneer1964 »
Thank you Heath and Jake for showing us Ennis and Jack,  teaching us how much they loved one another.

Offline Lumière

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #811 on: March 22, 2007, 01:49:58 pm »
Morning folks.  :)  My dabble ...

When sparks fly ..

August 10th 1969

The light from the campfire danced leisurely on their sweaty, writhing bodies as their lovemaking intensified.  Their audible sighs and moans escaped freely into the night air as they rolled around on the old blanket.  Jack straddled Ennis’ hips and lowered himself onto his lover’s hard body.  Ennis gasped loudly, his eyes squeezed shut, holding fast onto Jack’s flanks as he entered him again.  He felt he saw more stars than the ones in the dark sky above them when Jack continued to ride him that way, his fingers digging into Ennis' thighs for support. 

They were both panting heavily when Jack collapsed on his lover’s chest, his body spent and trembling from the overwhelming vigor of their coupling and the intensity of his orgasm.

“Fuck..” Ennis gasped, “There ain’t nuthin’ else quite like what ya just did there .. damn!”

Jack laughed and plopped heavily on the ground beside Ennis.  “My head’s still spinnin’ too, cowboy..” he breathed, throwing a lazy arm over Ennis’ body and placing a kiss on his shoulder.  They lay in silence, catching their breaths ..

“I swear, I could get used to this..” Ennis whispered, his hand caressing the fingers that now played with his nipple.

“Me too."  Jack propped himself up on one elbow and looked into the warm brown eyes, “We’d be happy Ennis, you and me .. I know it and ya know it.” He paused, and when Ennis said nothing, he continued.  “We could start over .. a brand new life .. just the two of us.  Ennis .. this thing we feel, it’s only gettin’ stronger, ya know it as well as I do.  Like I’ve told ya many times before, I’ll leave her ..  We can go some place else, we don’t have to stay in Wyoming or Texas, we can..”

“Jack!” Ennis groused, “We’ve been through this before.  Ya know we can’t .. there’s Alma an’ Lureen and our kids to think about.  We just can’t..”

Jack nodded grimly, a shadow of sadness in his eyes, “I see .. so you prefer us to keep lyin’ and hidin’..” he said in a near whisper.

Ennis turned his head away from Jack’s gaze, his eyes falling on the glowing embers in the slowly dying fire and the sparks that flew from a burning log.  “We ain’t got another choice..” he sighed, swallowing hard as he held back the tears.

« Last Edit: March 22, 2007, 04:56:41 pm by Lucise »

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #812 on: March 22, 2007, 05:38:43 pm »
The Lady in the Store

(March 1978)
Ennis was out trying to buy presents for the girls.  He hasn’t done that much before.  Alma had always bought them, when there was money for presents.  Even since the divorce, Ennis didn’t give them many presents.  But he missed Christmas.  He just couldn’t go see them, not after Thanksgiving.  He only saw them once since and he could tell they weren’t very happy.  But he was going to see them Sunday, he thought they might like something brand new from him, even though they must get things from Monroe.

Ennis went to the store after work.  He hadn’t been in there for a long time either, even to buy things for himself.  The store was right near the supermarket, with Monroe and Alma.  Even now, with the new baby, Ennis knew Alma went there sometimes.  He saw her but he wouldn’t let her see him.

“Hello, Mr. Del Mar, how are you?” the lady said when he went in.  He barely mumbled hello.

“Can I help you?” she asked.  The lady didn’t talk like the people around here.  Ennis saw her around, but he never talked to her before.

“I need something for my girls, somethin nice.”

“We just got these in” she said, opening a box that was right there on the counter.  There were socks in it, all different colors, all with flowers on them.  “They don’t cost very much at all, you can get them matching ones.”

“Fine” Ennis said, taking a glance at her.  He never did talk to her before.

“How about something for yourself?”  She asked, looking straight at him.  “I know you like to go fishing, we just got in these new hats, they're just right for fishing.”

Ennis looked at her.  She was still staring right at him.

“Naw, just the socks” he mumbled even softer.

She rang them up on the old cash register.  Ennis gave her the money and didn’t look up again as she wrapped them.  He grabbed the bag and left as fast as he could.  He could feel her eyes on him.

Ennis hurried to his truck.  He got inside and just sat there, breathing very hard.  He took the postcard out from his pocket.  He got it at the post office just before he went to the store.  “See you April 10th” the postcard said.

Ennis sat there looking at it, but then he dropped it, his hands were shaking so hard.

« Last Edit: March 22, 2007, 06:42:09 pm by marlb42 »

Offline mariez

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #813 on: March 22, 2007, 06:38:20 pm »
.  .  .
“You boys are so sweet to us.” Rita said as she kissed both Ennis and Jack on the cheek.

“Don’t know what your talkin’ about.” Ennis looks down.

“The beautiful new van….we sure thank you!” Rita pats his shoulder.
“Came from Santa….just like the kids say. He sure picked out a pretty color”


“You heard the man.” Jack grins. “Came from Santa….Looks like Santa buys his vans at Grand GMC Buick in Denver.” Jack indicating the license plate placket. Ennis elbows him in the stomach grinning at Ennis.
. . .

Another great moment, Mark. I love seeing J&E so happy.  :)

. .  .
“Me too."  Jack propped himself up on one elbow and looked into the warm brown eyes, “We’d be happy Ennis, you and me .. I know it and ya know it.” He paused, and when Ennis said nothing, he continued.  “We could start over .. a brand new life .. just the two of us.  Ennis .. this thing we feel, it’s only gettin’ stronger, ya know it as well as I do.  Like I’ve told ya many times before, I’ll leave her ..  We can go some place else, we don’t have to stay in Wyoming or Texas, we can..”

“Jack!” Ennis groused, “We’ve been through this before.  Ya know we can’t .. there’s Alma an’ Lureen and our kids to think about.  We just can’t..”
.  .  .

Sigh.  Talk about heart-shot.  Lovely writing, as always, M.

.  .  .
“How about something for yourself?”  She asked, looking straight at him.  “I know you like to go fishing, we just got in these new hats, they're just right for fishing.”
.  .  .

Aww, poor Ennis - that's all he needs.   Nice job, Marl.

The measure of a country's greatness is its ability to retain compassion in times of crisis         ~~~~~~~~~Thurgood Marshall

The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself.    ~~~~~~~~~ Mark Twain

Offline Cameron

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #814 on: March 22, 2007, 07:17:18 pm »
Thank you for another wonderful drabble today :)


And Thank You Marie, again and again and again. :D
« Last Edit: March 22, 2007, 07:33:05 pm by marlb42 »

Offline Lumière

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #815 on: March 22, 2007, 11:31:28 pm »
Cheers Marl.. ;)

And Thank You Marie, again and again and again. :D

Here here!  :-*


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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #816 on: March 23, 2007, 06:11:32 am »
Morning all,

Friday morning, back in the US, but only home briefly before heading to Boston and another Brokie get together! What a schedule!

For prompts, let's try:

  • Travelin' man
  • One way out
  • Eat a peach

Have fun...

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Offline mariez

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #817 on: March 23, 2007, 01:47:32 pm »
.  .  .  He had never even taken the time to find ~her~ heart in all the warp and woof of their family life.  . . .

All your writing is beautiful, TH - this sentence, especially, really hit me.  So true of how the young regard, or rather, don't regard, their parents.

Thank you,
The measure of a country's greatness is its ability to retain compassion in times of crisis         ~~~~~~~~~Thurgood Marshall

The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself.    ~~~~~~~~~ Mark Twain

Offline jpwagoneer1964

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #818 on: March 23, 2007, 02:22:43 pm »

Its late evening 12 days into November 1977, following several cooler days this was second warmest day of the trip. Ennis and Jack are on their last camp of the year in the Big Horn mountains spending this ninth night around the campfire, next to the last night of their trip. An Indian summer lasting only their first full day brought midday temps into the 70's allowing Jack and Ennis to make good use of favorite swimming holes, soaking up the sun rays on the surrounding granite boulders. As always their meeting brings on an indescribable bliss, easy familiar companionship each had known only with the other. The next time together will likely not be until the following spring. The boys finished off a mess of trout caught early that morning with fried potatoes and canned green beans, were sitting close enjoying the after glow of the meal they prepared.

Ennis is pensive, has something he wants to ask of Jack before they part for the winter.

“Jack…..”Jack looks to Ennis stoking the fire “Sometimes….. I think about….on the road….you driving……all the way…….and back……and I never hear………” Ennis looks away, careful with his words not to be misunderstood..

“Ennis…what is it?” Jack moves closer.

Ennis looks to Jack. “Its just that……I wonder…..I mean I know you always have a new enough truck and all…..when I see you, I know……make” Ennis looks away.

“Ennis….”Pulls him close. Jack doesn’t know what is getting to Ennis.

“But I …..wonder….if you……made it back…..I mean its …so far…..and if anything……….if you had any……t …..I wouldn‘t hear” Ennis looks down bites his lower lip.

“Its ok Ennis, I’m fine, were here…”Jack looks at Ennis not clear what he is trying to say and rests his hand on his neck.

“Could you maybe…….just……I mean I don’t hear from you until……the next time we…….” Ennis looks away.

“Just, what?…..whatever you want Ennis…”.

Turns to Jack. “Aw hell Jack, you ever think of let ‘n a fella know, you know that he made it all the way back to Childress so he don’t go worry’ n his self to death thinking that you ’s road kill or died of thirst in the desert? Huh?" Ennis tries to look pissed. " I got my little girls growing up to worry me and I don‘t need to be thinking o‘ you at the side of the highway, Huh? Send a card? Somethin'?” Under the false bravado Jack see his eyes glisten.

Jack relieved, gently tugged at Ennis to looked him in the eyes said simply “Friend", gives Ennis a big wide grin “Don‘t you never give it another thought” Touched by Ennis’s concern for his welfare (their welfare) more that he could fathom he shrugged and said. "You know I wouldn't let nothin' happen to keep me from...Look its ok Ennis, I always have the mechanics at Newsome’s check the truck out before I leave. You know, change the oil, check the tires, belts, hoses, everything. All these years never had a breakdown, flat, or run out of gas, nothing…… ” 

From that trip until Jacks death Ennis always received a postcard:


In Childress safe and sound


When Jack was delayed in Lightning Flat later than planned there would be one as well.


Leaving LF. You will hear from me soon.


« Last Edit: March 23, 2007, 02:27:13 pm by jpwagoneer1964 »
Thank you Heath and Jake for showing us Ennis and Jack,  teaching us how much they loved one another.

Offline Cameron

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #819 on: March 23, 2007, 05:23:46 pm »
(Please do forgive me for going over, the prompts were perfect to continue the story.  Thank you, Leslie)

The Week of Fog

(May 1985)
Ennis spent the next days in a fog.  He couldn’t sleep, he couldn’t eat at all.  He somehow made it to work at the ranch.  He was still taking care of the calves in the barn, at least there he could be alone.  When he got home each day he looked all around before he got out of the truck.  He had to make sure Tom wasn’t around.

Ennis did go to have dinner with Alma Jr., Kurt and the baby, like he does every week.  But late that night, while lying in bed, Ennis realized that he couldn’t remember a word that was said.  Except when he looked up and saw Junior standing there, staring at him.  “Daddy, you okay?”  Junior asked.  “Daddy, you didn’t take a bite of your dinner, Daddy, something goin on?” Junior asked.

But Ennis couldn’t reply at all, even to Junior.

“Ya gotta have something to eat.  Please, Daddy, have a piece of pie, or eat a couple of peaches at least, they’re real nice.”  Ennis had a little pie, for her.

When Ennis lay in bed each night, it was the worst time of all.  The darkness was heavy all around him.  The thoughts were swirling in the fog of his mind.  He longed to go outside and look at the stars.  But Ennis couldn’t because he knew that Tom would come right over.

Tom did anyway.

At the end of the week there was a knock on the door.

“Hey buddy, how ya doin?”

“Um, well…” Ennis was still finding it difficult to speak.

“Listen, buddy, I’ve been real worried ‘bout ya.  Come outside and sit for awhile.”

Ennis got two beers, the pack of cigarettes, and went outside.

They sat down on the step of the trailer.  Ennis wished that he had those plastic lawn chairs so that he wouldn’t have to sit so close to Tom.

“How did ya know?” Ennis asked again.
“I just knew.”
“You won’t tell anybody?”  Ennis had to ask.
“Ain’t no one to tell”  Tom replied.

Then Tom lit a cigarette and drank some beer.  “Ya know, I’ve been sort of a travelin’ man, been all over the states” he said, taking a long drag on the cigarette.  “Saw a lot of places, met a lot of people.  All kinds of people.  I decided the Lord made me just like I am.”  He paused, then went on.  “Couldn’t face it for a long time, got married a couple a times.  Thought that would make it right.  Still think about the looks on their faces, when I kept hurting them so bad.”

Ennis sighed, seeing Alma and Cassie before him.

Tom took another long drag.  “Traveled all around, at least around this side of the waters, and ya know, there are others all over.  More than you could know.   Decided it’s just the way the Lord made me.  Like he made the stars and the little bugs in the dirt.”  he continued as he picked up a handful of dirt from the ground.

“Figure there’s only one way out, that’s when the Lord comes and gets me.  Till then I gotta be like I am, just ain’t no other way.”

Ennis took a long look at Tom.  Then he looked up at the stars.  “I hope you understand” he softly whispered.

Ennis held out his hand.  Tom took it and held it tight.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2007, 05:47:06 pm by marlb42 »