Camp Nokomis
Bear Island, NH
July 31, 2006
Dear Grandpa and Poppa,
Greetings from camp! I am having a good time but I miss you and the Lazy L. Thank you again for a very nice visit. I had a lot of fun.
We have a tradition here at camp, it is called the pinecone ceremony. During the day, you need to go around camp and collect the number of pinecones for the number of summers you have been here. For me, it is five this year. Then at campfire on Friday night, each person gets up and throws in their pinecones. They start with the ones, then the twos, and so on. The director has been here forever, so she threw in 56!
I was thinking, it would have been nice to have a pinecone ceremony at your party…30 pinecones for you, 16 for my mom and dad. Then I remembered that there aren’t any pinecones in Texas!
Anyway, it was fun thinking of you. I can’t wait to see you again.
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