The Picture Show
April 1967
Ennis had the pictures in his head. They were saved up like in a movie, that he could go watch whenever he needed to. Lately it seemed he needed to go there a lot, with Alma complaining and the girls crying almost all the time.
Now the show that was on was that time when the sky was crimson, and they were riding back after untangling the sheep. Ennis could still recall that feeling he felt, that feeling that welled up inside, that he couldn’t describe, and never felt before.
“Hey Del Mar, ya comin tonight?”
Ennis was pulled back to the present, the ranch, in the middle of mud season, dragging a wiggling calf between his mud covered feet.
“Comin where?”
“Del Mar, don’t ya hear anythin’, to the new bar, with them girls...”
Ennis didn’t answer, he heard that song on the fella's radio, that group, the Beatles or something.
But Ennis tuned it out, and went back inside his picture show, to the images of Jack, and Jack's singing and the night that followed, that night which was now on the show in his mind.
(192 words)