Bobby Twist was entered in a calf riding contest. He was finally going to be like his daddy.
A rodeo cowboy.. He had his mama buy him a new western cut shirt. It had spring green background, with white piping, around the edges, for trim.. He had a beautifyl belt with his name carved in it and the letters stained with geen as well. He wore his brand new boots, and his dark blue wranglers. He was a sight to behold, for his mama and daddy.
His grampa Newsome and gandma were there too. The bright green hat made the whole
ensemble look like a brand new penny, all shiny and enticing.
Jack was so proud of his son. He had learned to ride pretty darn well ,for a boy of only nine. He was quick on his feet, and agile too. But there was definately, something different about Bobby than he ever noticed before. He seemed, somehow more quiet, than usual.
He didn't seem to be his usual, happy go lucky self..Usually he done a fair share of griping about the little things, in life. Things, pretty much unimportant. This time, however, it seemed to be, something was eating at him. Jack couldn't put his finger on it.
He figured he'd just let it go for now, and asked Lureen offhand "did she notice, anythin,
botherin Bobby lately" Somethin happen at school, or at baseball?" Lureen said "no, not that i know of. Why do you ask?" "Oh I don't know, just seems to be something wrong."
"Well you're probly right." An just at that time the announcer came on the public address
system, to announce the following group of Junior riders. He named all the kids, boys and girls alike, that were going to be participating. Bobby was seventh, in the line up. And he would
have to wait a bit.
Jack decided to walk over to the area where the kids were. Waiting, standin around, and
talk to the boy.
Try and keep his nerves at bay for a time. Jack understood how the
nerves could set in when you had to wait your turn. Jack and Bobby discussed how
long Bobby had been riding, and how long Jack had rode when he was rodeoin. They talked about the friends they had each met, and the different animals they had seen. Finally the time came, and it was only two more riders, before Bobby's turn, so he had to leave, and get ready to mount up. Jack turned to hug his son good bye til later, and wish him good luck. As Jack leaned in to hug him Bobby flinched away, and almost jumped backward. Jack was startled, having never had him act like that before.
Jack asked immediately. "What in heck is wrong boy? You getting too big for your daddy to hug you no more.?" Bobby said " daddy that ain't it." "What then, what is it?" "Well I figured people would think I was queer. Grampa said, you was queer. So if I hugged you, people would think I was queer too." Jack just froze dumbfounded where he stood.
He didn't have a reply, and he didn't make one. He just watched Bobby walk away toward the pins, where the mounting was done. He suddenly felt his legs feel like they could not,
further hold him. He had a sudden surge of anger, like he had never had. In his, entire lifetime. He paused, then. "I'm gonna kill that sumbitch. That mother fucking, ignorant, sumbitch. He has
gone too damn far. This time. Im gonna kill him."