Author Topic: Please HELP!!  (Read 14972 times)

Offline JCinNYC2006

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Re: Please HELP!!
« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2006, 02:01:21 am »
Very sorry to hear that your friend is sick, it sounds so painful for you right now.  Hopefully he'll get the care he needs, and you as well.  It also sounds like his diagnosis may have been a surprise.  Be well and take good care of yourself.  There's a lot of love and support here for you as well.

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Offline Rayn

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Re: Please HELP!!
« Reply #11 on: March 27, 2006, 03:13:09 am »
Dear Nancy,

     I'm writing to you from far away in Asia where I work, but no distance is too far for the force of loving kindness to reach and work.  I just placed an offering on my shrine before the Buddha and held you and your friend in my heart asking for healing and comfort.  I will continue to do so.

     Be aware, that you have given me a gift I needed.  You see, we Buddhists see things sometimes differently from some in the West:  In asking for help, you gave me a chance to be loving and generous!  For this I must thank you and send you love for helping me! 

     Love is always a two way path! 

    Think of the precious and wonderful times you've had together and still have with your friend.  No one knows when our time is over here.  You and your friend may have years to care and enjoy still.  Take all you know of love and use it now for him and know that he is giving you the great gift, a chance to use your loving heart and mind.  We are all made better for that.

    If the worse comes, the best thing for him is your being with him to remind that the body goes one day, but we are not our bodies.   It is painful, yes, to leave the body, but we are much more than flesh and bone.   All the love and goodness we make in our minds remains and goes on... to where, I cannot say for sure, but I send much love and strength for both of you.


Offline Aussie Chris

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Re: Please HELP!!
« Reply #12 on: March 27, 2006, 06:28:46 am »
I won't be posting too much here for a little bit...I'm exhausted and trying to keep MYSELF together too. 

We're all with you Nancy, hold on to us as we hold on to you, and through you, your friend also.

Best wishes and love, Chris.
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Offline donnaread

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Re: Please HELP!!
« Reply #13 on: March 27, 2006, 11:13:55 pm »
Dear Nancy, please know that you and Everett are in our prayers.  God bless you, I am sure you are his strength at this most terrible of times.  Love, Donna

Offline iristarr

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Re: Please HELP!!
« Reply #14 on: March 27, 2006, 11:42:21 pm »
Dear Rayne,
What a  beautiful post -- I'm sure all on this site will enfold that message into their hearts and offer it up for Nancy and Everett.  You speak the essence and the truth . . . love is all there is . . . blessings, Iris
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Offline BBMGrandma

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Re: Please HELP!!
« Reply #15 on: March 28, 2006, 12:35:41 pm »
OH MY....I'm SO very thankful for ALL of you.  I cannot express how much love and caring I feel from all of you.  It's so comforting to me AND to Everett.  He's not lucid right now....he's drifting in and out of reality.  I sit by his bedside and tell him all about the love that you're all sending to him.  Sometimes he I KNOW he's hearing me. 

I've been reading Shakespeare to him.  He LOVES the old Bard...and it seems to comfort him when I read.  I'm afraid he's weakening though.  It saddens me a LOT but he knows I'm there.  He takes my hand once in a while and kisses my fingertips.  I feel very privileged to share these moments with him.  I WILL hold his hand and help him get to wherever he's destined to go.  I'm so focused on the WONDERFUL times we've had together.  I don't bring him ANY sadness...only the joy we've shared. 

Ironically....the car that he gave to me....a CUTE little Mercedes...powder neat.  I picked it up in SF on Monday....went to see him at the hospital....then set out on my way home.  I got over the Golden Gate Bridge...and BOOM....the car set on fire!!  Flames....smoke...the whole works.'s kaput...!!  SOO  I'm going now to meet the people that I called to DONATE the car.  Everett loved that little car.  I'm NOT going to read anything into this.  I refuse to!!  It's just a car that went down the tubes. It's a material thing. 

Rayn....your thoughts and wishes and wonderful sincerity touches me soo VERY deeply.  And ALL of dear new friends.  Thank you SO very much. 

Talk to you all soon....hold those wonderful thoughts for my friend!!

MUCH LOVE.....Nancy 
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Offline Kea

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Re: Please HELP!!
« Reply #16 on: March 28, 2006, 01:36:33 pm »
Hi Nancy

I am new and just saw this prayers to you for strenght .....wisdom and courage...for your friend, healing, hope and peace...

I am so sorry

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Offline BBMGrandma

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Re: Please HELP!!
« Reply #17 on: March 28, 2006, 07:17:48 pm »
Hello My Friends...

Well....I have sad news I'm afraid.  The counselor just called from the hospital.  It seems that they've discontinued ALL treatment and Everett's vital organs are shutting down.  They told me it would be two the MOST!!  The few friends that have hung in there with my dear pal....are keeping vigil.  I'll go in the morning!!  He won't die alone.  He will have his dearest friends with all times.  My heart is breaking... :'(  I'm hanging on to all the wonderful times he and I have shared.  He and I made a promise many years ago...that when he got through with all his escapades...and I got through with mine...we'd buy a home together and take care of each other in our old age...<which is fast approaching>  We were going to sit on the front porch together...have two pounds of the BEST chocolate shipped to us each week....drink some GREAT wines...and live out our lives together. 
I'm recollecting all the FUN times we used to have.  We were in our late 20's when we met...and we were both HELL on WHEELS!!  We worked together...that's how we first met.  We'd go out every we used to call it..."STOMPING around"  We'd flip a coin to see if we were going to a straight dance place...or a gay one!!  We'd dance all night then go for breakfast. was fun times!! 
He was my mentor...when it came to politics and any controversial topic.  We'd discuss things for HOURS on end.  We didn't make a move unless we put our heads together and discussed all the in's and out's.  He talked me into buying this house that I live in now.  He helped me move....lugged furniture with me...helped me set up house. 

Ahhhh....I'm drifting now....just remembering all the love!!  No matter what kind of mischief we'd get into....we'd laugh...and always figure things out together. 

Everett will be SO very missed.  He's going to leave a HUGE hole in my heart.  But he's also going to leave me the most wonderful memories.  I'm SOO very glad to have had him in my life.  He's been my rock!!  He'll ALWAYS sit inside my heart. I LOVE YOU EVERETT!!!  ALWAYS!!! 

Thank you my dear friends....for ALL the love you've sent.  Your caring is immeasurable!! 

Now...I'll take my leave for a bit...and sit vigil with my friend. 

"If ya can't fix it...ya just hafta stand it"   

Much love....Nancy 
"If we never dream....we'll never have a dream come true"   (me...myself...and I)

Offline Fla_Tim

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Re: Please HELP!!
« Reply #18 on: March 28, 2006, 08:11:56 pm »
Hi Nancy,

My heart is with you, from the other end of the country in this time. I'm sorry Everett has taken a turn for the worse so quickly, you will look back and cherish the time you are spending with him now. I went through something similar with my Dad, and in the end like Everett there was nothing they could do but I was glad to have some time to spend with him before he was gone.

Your times with him sound like such a riot!!! God bless you both for making so much fun together, you will cherish those times always.

Be well,


Offline juneaux

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Re: Please HELP!!
« Reply #19 on: March 28, 2006, 09:06:26 pm »
Nancy,  If there is anything I can do to help you get through this impossible time~ just let me know.  Everett is very fortunate to have such a loving caring friend.  My prayers are with you.

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