Author Topic: ~~THE PERFORMANCE THREAD~~ **aside** ((action)) %%thought%%  (Read 1742098 times)

Offline Daniel

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Re: ~~THE PERFORMANCE THREAD~~ **aside** ((action)) %%thought%%
« Reply #4020 on: February 21, 2007, 01:12:05 am »

**Nah, the indoor one's fine.**

((Jack makes himself as comfortable as possible.))

**Guess this is the couch I'm s'posed ta lay on, huh? I reckon it's soft enough.**

((Now relaxed and comfortable, Jack pours out his heart and soul to the therapist, leaving out very little of the experiences over the past decade and a half.))

**... so I drove up to Wyoming, hopin' ta find him so we could settle down together'r somethin' like we talked about all those years ago... Course, like I told ya, he'd never been too keen on the idea, so I was right shocked when I got there and he was practically jumpin' in my arms. He was a totally different Ennis, kinda scary if ya ask me. It was scary in a good way, almost, but 'twas just too different. I do love Ennis, I really do... but I think Ennis's still got some problems showin' it, and really explorin' it. Still, kinda hard ta ignore the last words he said to me: 'I love you, Jack Fuckin' Twist', just like that, too....  That was the strangest thing, hearin' those words come off Ennis' lips.**

((Jack suddenly realizes he's been talking for nearly two and half hours and looks up guiltilly at the therapist.))

**Forgot to ask how much this's gonna cost me... Guess its an hourly rate.  Well, that's the story, Mister. I shoulda come down here lookin' for a prostitute'r somethin'... there's plenty of 'em out there, and some good lookin' ones too.... but after having everything ya ever wanted dumped in yer lap, includin' a handsome buckaroo thatcha've been in love with fer nearly fourteen years, I'm kinda tryin' ta get away from that stuff fer now.... least until I can figger out what the heck's goin' on.**
« Last Edit: February 21, 2007, 01:32:40 am by Daniel »
Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.

Offline Meryl

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Re: ~~THE PERFORMANCE THREAD~~ **aside** ((action)) %%thought%%
« Reply #4021 on: February 21, 2007, 01:41:42 am »

** Young man, you were quite right not to geeve in to your buckaroo, as you call heem.  Thees sudden change of heart could be a sign of a dangerous neurosis.  You do not seem to me to be in danger yourself, but let me admeenister a test that weel tell us more about what is going on in your psyche. **

((Puts JACK into a light trance and gives him paper and a magic marker))

** Now, express what you are feeling toward your buckaroo, not in words but in images! **

((JACK grabs the marker and feverishly completes a picture in the space of a few minutes))

Ich bin ein Brokie...

Offline Daniel

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Re: ~~THE PERFORMANCE THREAD~~ **aside** ((action)) %%thought%%
« Reply #4022 on: February 21, 2007, 02:02:12 am »

((Jack looks down at the image he's just drawn.))

**Yep, that jest 'bout covers it. Torn apart and barely hangin' on.**

((Jack's overcome with a sudden sadness.))
Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.

Offline Meryl

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Re: ~~THE PERFORMANCE THREAD~~ **aside** ((action)) %%thought%%
« Reply #4023 on: February 21, 2007, 01:52:57 pm »

** Oh Lord, I think I'll die if he gets any more beautiful! **

** JACK, we love you!  Don't be sad! **
Ich bin ein Brokie...

Offline Meryl

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Re: ~~THE PERFORMANCE THREAD~~ **aside** ((action)) %%thought%%
« Reply #4024 on: February 21, 2007, 02:18:26 pm »

** Your drawing has confirmed it, senor.  You need especially tender treatment at this time.  Please do not theenk of rendering payment to me.  I do thees because one so beautiful in grief will be all the more radiant when restored to heemself.  You may call me selfish, but I want to see your beautiful smile. **

((Takes out a prescription pad and writes))

** Thees prescription must be followed to the letter.  Do not omit one step!  First you will receive a full day of spa treatments at my clinic...

After a good night's sleep, you will report to my outdoor office...

 for an appointment weeth my associate, Juancarlo Bellissimo...

Do not be deceived by hees appearance.  He ees fully qualified--two doctorates in Clinical Psychology and Special Certification in Sexual Surrogacy Counseling.  He weel counsel you, and eef you weesh, he weel provide the sexual release you appear to me to be so greatly in need of.  All completely professional and confidential.  It is entirely up to you whether you avail yourself of thees, but I must say I strongly urge you to do so!

After your treatment, I would like you to report to me so that I may see you smile and weesh you a safe treep back home.**
Ich bin ein Brokie...

Offline Daniel

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Re: ~~THE PERFORMANCE THREAD~~ **aside** ((action)) %%thought%%
« Reply #4025 on: February 21, 2007, 06:15:13 pm »

((Jack takes all this into consideration.))

**Well, hell, I already feel better lettin' all this go on the couch,... guess I could let everything go for a day or two, just to get back inta bein' me, if ya take ma drift. I could use a bit a' complete release....**

((Jack looks at the prescription.)) **Sure 'nuff. Just doin' it once ain't gonna kill me.**
« Last Edit: February 21, 2007, 06:20:53 pm by Daniel »
Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.

Offline Mikaela

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Re: ~~THE PERFORMANCE THREAD~~ **aside** ((action)) %%thought%%
« Reply #4026 on: February 22, 2007, 07:12:08 am »
((In the meantime....))


((Wakes up and realizes he's got everything he's dreamed of. ALMA sleeping contentedly next to him, an instant little respectable family with two nice kids and (he wouldn't be at all surprised to find out) a third little one on the way. He's managing a small business. They live in a decent house, he's well enough respected in the community (nobody knows anything about CHER, nor about his constant gourmet urges, after all!), and it will soon be Thanksgiving, that wonderful day of relishing family reunions, a special time for closeness and for giving thanks for all the above. ))

** This probably is.... as good as it ever gets. **

** The world sure looks really colourful from my vantage point these days! **
« Last Edit: February 22, 2007, 07:15:05 am by Mikaela »

Offline saucycobblers

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Re: ~~THE PERFORMANCE THREAD~~ **aside** ((action)) %%thought%%
« Reply #4027 on: February 22, 2007, 02:25:03 pm »
((Meanwhile, somewhere in Riverton...

JBB wakes up outside ALMA's front door and realises he dreamt the whole thing. There's no TERRY CLOTH waiting at the bottom of the steps to hold the lovelorn butt lotion in his warm wefted folds. All that JBB can see is tumbleweed rolling lazily across the parking lot, and a few broken pieces of the Riverton set lying in some frankly peculiar places. JBB wonders what he missed during his long dream-fest.

Sighing heavily, JBB remembers the stinging rebuff he received from BAD BYRON, and suspects he has been replaced in YOUNG JACK's affections by one of those alluringly perfumed lotions one can procure at most major retail outlets (and online at Brokenarse Enterprises, subject to availability and handling charges). There doesn't seem to be much to stay around for...

And so our intrepid butt lotion must hit the road once more, and search for acting challenges anew. JBB takes one last look at the Riverton set and smiles at the many happy memories he will hold in his creamy heart always.

He thinks once more of the warshrag and, as is his wont at such times, sings a melody of Ms Tammy Wynette's that always made him think of his beloved TERRY CLOTH, as he shuffles off into the Brokenarse sunset...))

**Sometimes it's hard to be a butt cream
Giving all your lotion to just one rag
You'll have bad times, and he'll have good times
With JAMMY PANTS in the laundry bag

But if you love him please forgive him
Even though he makes you wanna nag
And if you love him, whoa be proud of him
Cause after all he's just a rag

Stand by your rag
Give him two loops to cling to
And wefts so warm to come to
When laundromats are cold and lonely

Stand by your rag
And show Brokenarse you love him
Keep following the care instructions on his tag
Stand by your rag

And if you love him, whoa be proud of him
Cause after all he's just a rag

Stand by your rag
Give him two loops to cling to
And wefts so warm to come to
When laundromats are cold and lonely

Stand by your rag
And show Brokenarse you love him
Keep following the care instructions on his tag
Stand by your rag**

« Last Edit: February 22, 2007, 02:29:40 pm by saucycobblers »
Will you stop playing with that radio of yours, I'm trying to get to sleep!

Offline Daniel

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Re: ~~THE PERFORMANCE THREAD~~ **aside** ((action)) %%thought%%
« Reply #4028 on: February 23, 2007, 01:39:59 pm »

((After two days of relaxation and, ahem, counseling, Jack returns to the psychiatrist.))

**Well, it didn't fix everythin' but it sure made me feel a whole lot better 'bout maself, and I guess that's the 'mportant thing.**

((Jack stops and looks in a mirror.))

**Juancarlo said I might look better with a 'stache, whaddaya think? It'd sure be different, but hell, different might be good.**
Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.

Offline Meryl

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Re: ~~THE PERFORMANCE THREAD~~ **aside** ((action)) %%thought%%
« Reply #4029 on: February 23, 2007, 02:09:16 pm »

** Senor Twist, it has been my privilege to counsel you.  May I say that your buckaroo as you call him is a very fortunate man.  I wish you all good fortune with your relationship.  And do feel free to call me any time!  Adios! **


**Senor Twist, I am only too happy to beed you goodbye.  Your beautiful smile has returned, and the mustachio ees just the thing for a mid-life crisis.  Eet has helped many an hombre Americano get through the travails of Thanksgiving weeth the in-laws.  Good luck to you, my son! **
Ich bin ein Brokie...