Author Topic: Taking Chances, by E. L. Van Hine and L.H. Nicoll  (Read 3156867 times)

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Re: Taking Chances, by E. L. Van Hine and L.H. Nicoll
« Reply #8970 on: January 21, 2007, 02:10:30 pm »
Hey Marie, thanks for that quote. Chapter 48 is full of good stuff. Here's another little tidbit:

"No shit. Well as men go, he is the only rival ta Ennis, lookswise. The rest of em ... well..." he chuckled. "Gene said ta me most a these guys he wouldn't be able to do it with em unless they had a bag over their heads."

Ennis let out an uncomfortable laugh. "That's fer sure."

Ellery raised both eyebrows. "Ennis! You been lookin at guys down at the Stallion when you should be ... lookin at what their hands are doin?"

"Well?" Ennis shrugged. "They're right there, can't help but notice some of em are butt ugly."

"That's fer sure, an I ain't even queer," Dupree chimed in.

"Okay steaks are ready an we can talk about somethin interestin for a change." Ennis lifted one chunk of meat at a time onto a platter and brought it to the table, juice oozing from them. "They's all medium so if you want yers more cooked I'll put it back on."

Dupree shook his head. "Don't take my steak away now, Ennis, or I'll bite yer hand." Ennis went back for the skewers, loading them onto another platter, and Ellery opened the beers that were setting out on the table.

Ennis took a seat between the two men. "Eat up, boys. Oh, forgot the salads." He leapt back up again and disappeared in the kitchen.

Dupree leaned over slightly, reaching for a steak knife. "Hope I didn't make em feel uncomfortable, Chief."

"He's got ta deal with it sooner or later," Ellery said, shrugging.

"What a I got ta deal with?" Ennis said, frowning slightly as he came out of the kitchen, holding a large bowl, one containing fruit salad, the other, a green salad with tomatoes and bright chunks of pepper. He had gone all out, serving a full course meal with fruits, vegetables and meat, sitting down again and reaching for the salad bowl.

"Bein queer, Ennis, an people knowin about it."

"Well I'm comin along. All well an good fer you city boys ta go marchin in parades, but back where I come from a boy ends up dead for bein one a those kind."

"Yeah," Dupree said. In school they teach us about hate crimes. But a lot a people don't think assaultin queers is really a hate crime, an that has got ta change."

"Damn right it's got ta change."

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Re: Taking Chances, by E. L. Van Hine and L.H. Nicoll
« Reply #8971 on: January 21, 2007, 02:20:01 pm »
Hey, Leslie - yep, this whole section is full of good stuff:

The beginning of Chapter 49 is interesting in so many ways:

"I ain't happy with you," Ennis said, rattling the dishes unnecessarily as he stacked them in the sink for rinsing. Ellery was wiping down the patio table with a wet cloth, and looked up.

"Okay what'd I do, snuggle ya too much in front a Dupree?"

"Among other things. Ya treat me like I'm a cripple learnin ta walk. An that just ain't so. I'm just gettin used ta things in my own way an you seem determined ta make it some kind a trial by fire."

"It's make me feel a whole lot better if ya didn't freeze like a statue when I gave ya a welcome kiss on the cheek in front of a trusted colleague in my own home, Ennis."

"I'm sorry but that is the way I am... ya knew that when I met ya an I ain't changed a whole lot. If ya don't like it then ya shoulda hooked up with one a the boys who swishes his hips an writes his number on the bathroom wall down at yer bar, there's enough of em."

Ellery came and loomed in the patio doorway, staring at him. "You can't be serious, Ennis."

"I just wish you'd leave me be about it is all!"

"Hard ta do, Ennis. I only have one way a doin things. I try not ta rub it in ta people that I'm queer but if it ain't at my office an it ain't gonna get me a bullet in the head then I ain't gonna avoid it or lie with people. But you... yer a touchy feely guy an a demon in the sack, but the minute somebody else walks in the room it's like, the three faces a Eve. So ya got ta cut me a little slack that I ain't used ta adjustin all the time to the two sides a you. Let those be, you did all the cookin, I do the dishes, remember?"


Interesting parallel with what is going on in the latest chapter of  "A Small Circle of Friends" with Jeremy frowning upon a kiss on the cheek from Nick in front of Lauren.  That Louise is a clever one!  :)

Thanks - Marie
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Re: Taking Chances, by E. L. Van Hine and L.H. Nicoll
« Reply #8972 on: January 21, 2007, 02:30:16 pm »
Ah, Marie...

more from 49:

"An you ain't dressed decent for company, Ellery."

"You afraid Dupree was gonna get all hard for me?"

"I think he likes ta watch queer boys, if ya want the whole truth."

Ellery grinned. "Ya know I was thinkin the same thing. He's curious. That's why he was watchin when I gave ya a kiss. It don't disgust him like it does the queer bashin types."

"Yeah well he might not want ta... you know, get it on with a guy but he sure likes watchin an thinkin about it."

"I'll have ta ask em. You suppose he got his eye on somebody special?"

Ennis nodded. "But I ain't gonna say... cause you'll say somethin at work."

"Come on Ennis, I won't say a word."

"Jim, the new bouncer who don't bounce worth a damn. He's always hangin around an Dupree just lets em talk em up while he's doin his oh look at me ain't I just the cock a the walk. Notice he didn't say nothin about how good lookin Jim is... just me an Gene."

"Interesting psychological view, my dear," Ellery said, plucking at his lip. "You may have a point. Now get away from that sink before I push ya away from it. An if I do that you might get all fancy an we could have another one a them arguments that ends in sex."

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Re: Taking Chances, by E. L. Van Hine and L.H. Nicoll
« Reply #8973 on: January 21, 2007, 02:33:08 pm »
And more! Still 49...

"Ya know, I really do love ya a lot Ennis, that's why I can't take my hands off a ya when I see ya."

"I know, Ellery. Ya know why Edna came up an gave me a hug?"


"Cause she heard me call ya darlin on the phone."

"Yep, an holdin hands lookin out in the sunset. She just thinks it is so sweet someone besides her calls me darlin."

"She didn't hear me say it was the Marlboro man callin an I'd just as soon she didn't learn all those special names."

"Ya mean like Mr. Coyote? An Mr. Please an Thank you?"

"Yeah, them."

"Let me see, I need a new name fer when you freeze up when I come up behind ya an kiss ya in public. Maybe Mr. Freeze."

"Ain't he some kind a Superman villain or somethin?" Ennis frowned, setting down the cigar.

"Dunno, never followed comics."

"I think he is. Now ya gonna call me Mr. Freeze, huh?"

"Only when yer Mr. Freeze."

"I like Mr. Coyote better," Ennis said, standing up. "Or some a them other bedroom names..." he dropped his voice, moving closer.

"I ain't done with the dishes..." Ellery said, holding up a hand.

"Well I am." And Ennis grabbed him around the waist, pulling him roughly away from the sink, heedless of his soapy, wet hands. "C'mere."

and after this, we get into some seriously hawt stuff...LOL...go re-read, friends, see what you are missing.

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Re: Taking Chances, by E. L. Van Hine and L.H. Nicoll
« Reply #8974 on: January 21, 2007, 02:38:00 pm »
Ha, ha, from chapter 50, the anticipation of Alma, Jr.'s visit is more than Ennis can cope with!

“It’s all right Ennis,all right…” Ellery whispered softly,sinking to the bed in stages under his weight, twisting slightly as he looked up into his eyes, but they were half-mast, the whites showing, and Ellery struggled against dead weight.

“Ennis?” He grabbed the side of the mattress and got out from under him, turning Ennis gently onto his back. He was out cold. Ellery patted his face, listened to his breathing, kissed his cheek, and gradually he came back and stirred.

“Huh…” his lashes fluttered open.

“I thought I was the one who was supposed ta pass out,” Ellery smirked.

“Yeah,” Ennis sat up. “I think I got carried away. Yer shoulder okay?”

“Aside from the usual coyote bite, sure.”

“I think I came.”

“I think we both did.”

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Re: Taking Chances, by E. L. Van Hine and L.H. Nicoll
« Reply #8975 on: January 21, 2007, 02:46:18 pm »
Ha, ha, from chapter 50, the anticipation of Alma, Jr.'s visit is more than Ennis can cope with!

I thought I was the one who was supposed ta pass out,” Ellery smirked.

More than Ennis can cope with is right!  One of my very favorite lines - no wonder I loved this chapter so much - aside from "seriously hawt stuff!"  LOL!! 

Thanks - Marie
The measure of a country's greatness is its ability to retain compassion in times of crisis         ~~~~~~~~~Thurgood Marshall

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Re: Taking Chances, by E. L. Van Hine and L.H. Nicoll
« Reply #8976 on: January 21, 2007, 09:59:57 pm »
I am a little ahead for the re-readers, but tomorrow is going to be busy so...

chapters 51-55

Chapter 51 is great. Ellery and Junior meet for the first time. We get exchanges like this:

"Do ya think I look okay?"

"You don't want ta know what I think a how you look or you'll get all feisty."

"Heh, ain't that the truth, now let me look at you."

"What a ya got ta look at me fer, I'm not gonna have my balls hangin out a my shorts when she shows up. I'm gonna shower first."

"I mean, did I leave any marks on ya we got ta cover up now?"

"I don't expect ta be takin my shirt off ta show er my coyote bite Ennis."

He blushed hotly. "You had better not."

"Ya know that is what is so cute an so scary about you Ennis. Yer a bundle a contradictions."

"If you had a daughter you would not want her lookin at where you been nibblin on yer loved one durin intimate moments."

"Yep, well aside from it might imply I had ta stick my cock in a woman an that thought had not occurred ta me for a good twenty years or more."

and this:

"That too, don't be such a fuckin psychologist okay Ellery?"

Ellery grinned. "You could use a drink."

"I don't want er ta smell it on me."

"C'mon yer a grown man."

"Alma used ta complain about how much I hung out in bars an drank, I don't want er ta think that is what I do now, or carry tales back."

"Okay, whatever you say. But if you do much more a this second-guessin I am gonna need a drink so be forewarned."

and then they meet...

“Hey Daddy,” came the uncertain voice, that same faint smile reflected in Alma Junior’s eyes, and the breath went out of her as Ennis’s arms came around her and lifted her onto tiptoe as he hugged her.

“Oh darlin!” he said softly, kissing her hair and twirling her half around, pulling her through the doorway and then setting her down. She was blushing, her color high... and Ellery, standing in the kitchen doorway now, to give them room, smiled widely. To him, the resemblance, both appearance and behaviorwise, was unmistakable. A young, female form of Ennis, blushing in his living room.

“Hey Daddy I guess yer glad ta see me!” she said, voice hushed and embarrassed.

“You bet. Uh, Alma Junior, this here is... Ellery Cantrell.”

Junior’s eyes came up as she regarded the man in black denim lounging in the doorway, hair pulled back from his lean face, wearing a proud smile, and her blush deepened. “Oh my,” she said, putting a hand over her mouth and closing her eyes, then glanced nervously back up at Ennis.

“Nice ta meet ya, Junior, I am real pleased ya decided ta come down, you are a course always welcome,” Ellery said, stepping cautiously closer and holding out a hand.

Ennis nudged her. “Be polite darlin,” he murmured, and she took Ellery’s hand, shaking it delicately.

“Thank you kindly,” she said, but that blush did not abate, and she looked up at Ellery once more before lowering her eyes.

Ellery let her hand go, concerned. “Uh... everythin okay? I got a pimple or somethin?”

“I’m sorry,” she said breathlessly. “I’m ... it’s jest... “ she glanced at Ennis once more. “Yer real handsome is all.”


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Re: Taking Chances, by E. L. Van Hine and L.H. Nicoll
« Reply #8977 on: January 21, 2007, 10:15:22 pm »
Getting to know you.....LOL

“Well that’s cause yer Daddy does all the housework an I can’t stop em,” Ellery said, and Ennis peered out of the kitchen.

“I do not, that’s a damn lie,” he said, bringing out the pitcher of lemonade and a stack of glasses. “We’re gonna have tacos tonight darlin I hope that’s okay,”

“Sure,” Ellery replied, a wide grin on his face, and Junior blinked rapidly.

“I was talkin ta my little darlin, an I only got two a those,” Ennis said, leaning over and kissing Junior on the top of the head, then sat down on the sofa next to her.

“Silly me,” Ellery said, unrepentant. Ennis gave him a quick warning look.

“Here, drink some, you were in that hot car all this time, ya want ta change? Ya bring any change a clothes?” He poured a glass of lemonade for her and pushed it into her hand.

“Yes Daddy, don’t make a fuss now I’m fine. I stopped every hour at the rest area an had an ice coffee, you do fuss!” she said, blushing once more. Just like her Daddy, Ellery marveled, how could two people turn out so much alike?

“Don’t want my little girl ta get dehydrated.”

“Daddy I’m twenty in September!”

“September?” Ellery said. “What day?”


“Well ain’t that a coincidence,” Ellery said. “We were born the same day. Well, not the same year, I wish I was that age again.”

Junior set her glass down. “Really? You ain’t jest sayin that.”

Ennis blinked. “I didn’t know ya had a birthday comin up.”

Ellery nodded. “Yeah well, didn’t seem important ta bring up if it wasn’t a week from now ya know?”

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Re: Taking Chances, by E. L. Van Hine and L.H. Nicoll
« Reply #8978 on: January 21, 2007, 10:27:34 pm »
Chapter 52:

Junior raised her eyes then, her reticence slowly wearing off as she glanced shyly over at the man lounging in the recliner, watching her quietly, and that smile flickered once more. Ennis was struck by the look on her face, remembering how much it had irked him how women responded to Ellery wherever he went... it was no less true with Junior now.

“So... is it true... that yer in ... love with my Daddy?” she said, voice not challenging, but cautiously curious, as if not quite believing in the man sitting in the chair.

“Yep, it sure is. I care about him a whole lot, Alma, more than anythin else in the world.”

Ennis looked quietly stunned, and froze, his own hand sweating on his glass.

“Well. Then... I guess that is what’s important,” she announced quietly. “I am glad he got someone ta love em so much... like that.”

“I am glad ta have em with me, Alma an I appreciate yer sharin em,” Ellery said with a mischievious twinkle in his eye.

“Well... I guess...” her voice dropped, “it ain’t fair keepin em to myself.”

Ennis set his glass down, gulping hard, his eyes shiny with unshed tears. “Darlin, I know this ain’t easy fer you...”

She shook her head, long hair shivering around her shoulders, “it sure ain’t Daddy... I can’t say Francine is all that wild about it, neither but it ain’t like yer tryin ta make anyone unhappy... just tryin ta make yerself happy... an god knows ya been plenty unhappy.”

“Aw, Junior, those times are over, I got a good job an a real good boss, an... well... ya know the rest I guess. Hey, I put up a water feeder for the humminbirds out back, want ta see ?”

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Re: Taking Chances, by E. L. Van Hine and L.H. Nicoll
« Reply #8979 on: January 21, 2007, 10:33:03 pm »
More from 52:

Alma glanced back toward the house. “Er... Daddy.... how old is he?”

“Uh, he’s, I think he’s gonna be 39 if his birthday is comin up, a little youngern me.”

“Daddy that can’t be, he looks... well he looks way too young for you ta be hangin around with!” she said in a hushed voice.

Ennis stared at her. “No, he ain’t. He just ain’t... he don’t show it.”

She gave him a skeptical look. “He looks real young, are you sure you ain’t robbin the cradle Daddy?”

Ennis put a hand over his eyes. “Alma in all my born days I never thought I would hear you say that ta me.”

She put her hands on her hips. “You tellin me the truth?”

“I am tellin ya the truth, when ya get em alone you can have em show you his license.” He started laughing.

“What are you laughin at Daddy?”

“Robbin the cradle. He just got a promotion, he’s the chief deputy a Laramie ya know, he ain’t no spring chicken.”

“Well all right then,” she said, frowning slightly. “He just seems way too ... handsome... ta be nearly forty.”

“Huh, are you sayin I ain’t handsome no more?”

“No Daddy, it’s just.. .well, yer my Daddy. I don’t think a you that way.”

“Well ya better not think a him that way either darlin cause ... cause that’s my man. Ya wouldn’t want me giving Curt the up an down would ya?”

“Hell no!” she blushed hotly.

“All right then.”

“Oh Daddy yer just teasin me.”

“Yeah. Curt ain’t my type by a long ways.”


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