Author Topic: Strange Connections  (Read 89852 times)

Offline Daniel

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Re: Strange Connections
« Reply #100 on: September 26, 2007, 11:45:19 pm »
Do you know of any... I'd love to meet them. :)
Why do we consume what we consume?
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Offline Shakesthecoffecan

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Re: Strange Connections
« Reply #101 on: September 27, 2007, 03:28:40 pm »
Do you know of any... I'd love to meet them. :)

I would suggest you contacting esseffjoe, I think he could stear you in the right drection.
"It was only you in my life, and it will always be only you, Jack, I swear."

Offline Shakesthecoffecan

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Re: Strange Connections
« Reply #102 on: September 27, 2007, 08:14:38 pm »
Just remembered, will send you a pm.  :o
"It was only you in my life, and it will always be only you, Jack, I swear."

Offline Daniel

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Strange Connections - Infuriated
« Reply #103 on: October 02, 2007, 09:29:02 pm »
I am grateful that I have a free speech forum here in our Daily Thoughts, since we can post just about whatever. (There has only been one incident where I have felt pressured to remove and consequently deleted one of my personal blog statements).

Now before people start thinking I'm attacking something or someone, I am attempting not to. I have become extremely angry by the things which have slowly been revealing itself about the U.S. Government. Many of our recent changes, particularly since 9/11, have been very Orwellian in nature, and perhaps even Herbertian from a deeper symbolic level.... But in order to comprehend what is going on in my mind that has made me extremely angry, we kind of have to go back to the very beginning of time - the very roots of humanity and our spiritual reckoning of the Universe.

The book Uriel's Machine goes into some detail about the controversial Book of Enoch which is one of the texts included only in the Ethiopian version of the Christian Bible. But what I took great pleasure in realizing is that the book details geological knowledge of a global catastrophic event which occurred roughly around 12,000 years ago.  This coincides with a larger astronomic event, a supernova of a star very close (astronomically speaking) to the Solar System. Unfortunately I cannot remember the name of this star or the astronomer that originally published information about the event. It is not too difficult to imagine however that this astronomic catastrophe was the point of origin for a number of catastrophic events which later befell the earth, including a near-global deluge after comets or large asteroids struck its seas. This would explain much of the worldwide flood myths that have survived in nearly every culture.

It is also interesting to note that both the Mesapotamian and Biblical creation accounts may very well be describing the global readjustment period after this initial destruction.  For example:

"God" looked out over the waters of the deep.Waters of the deep may be referencing the global or near-global deluge that would have been the effect of the comet disaster.
God said "Let there be Light".The immense cloud and dust cover that might have resulted from such an impact is finally breached.
The various creations of creaturesSurvivors eventually begin to return to the surface as the Earth balances itself out over time.

Now that we can place the words in context with an event which we know happened, from a scientific perspective, and which fits both cultural and astronomical models, it is likely that we are finally perceiving a few small elements of truth in a matrix of deception concerning our origins. In hindsight, dogmatic religion seems like nothing more than a control system placed around us to control and contain our imagination; this might lead many of us to dismiss religion out of hand completely. But I believe we owe a small segment of our being to understanding the origins of the mythology that fills our holy texts, if for no other reason than to understand the psychology and spirituality of primeval humanity, and how this psychology and spirituality is a reflection of man's primeval state of existence within the Universe. But we should not blindly accept the precepts of Religion. Having faith means more than simply letting a priest tell you what the reality of the world is. If we cannot think about our world for ourselves, then we are doomed to be victims to its repeating disasters. If we insist on creating a particular image of God and adhering to it, come hell or high water, then we will be forever pushing aside faithful ideas which lead us away from this image. God may be directly before us and yet we push this entity aside because it does not match the vision that we had originally created.
  Before I get too easily sidetracked by this storyline, I will try to go into the next thing that I am angry about, and which is related to the event that I mentioned above.

Although many will say that there is no evidence to support this event, and in many ways I would say that I am one of those for I once disputed it myself, the knowledge of this global geological catastrophe matches too close in date to an event better understood as fiction than as reality. The destruction of Atlantis. One of my grandfather's more esoteric books: The Search for Atlantis (published in the 1960s I believe), mentions that the destruction of Atlantis occured sometime in 9,564 BC.  The same book indicates that the lost continent of Lemuria or Mu was destroyed in 10,068 BC. Plato's account of the destruction of Atlantis describes an earthquake and then a great wall of water overtaking the cities of Poseidia.

Destruction by water - great floods - astronomical events. Is there a connection? In an effort to keep my mind open to any possibility, I am reluctant to say for certain, but it seems like there is something going on here. And what's more is that there is archaeological evidence to support it, but this evidence is not at all explained or hidden before the public has an opportunity to examine it.

There are other events of particular global importance which the public seems to know little about, either because of "cover-ups" or because the scientific community does not view the events as being important. The effects of solar radiation for example on both human biology and environments is considered a type of quackery, and yet astrogenetics describes much of the reason for the variety of human predispositions.

But we must fast-forward to the present. There are a vast number of changes being procured by the federal government... some say in response to the terrorist attacks on this nation.  However, I am more likely the one to read between the lines, and to question the things which we have always taken for granted. Fortunately for me, I am not the only one to do so.


I am furious about the hidden agendas of our current government, the international banking cartels (C.H.O.A.M. corporation), and the New World Order (Novus Ordo Seclorum) which seems to be taking over our governments and our ways of life. This is not dissimilar from Frank Hervert's Dune: "The Spice must flow." "The balance of power must be maintained."

Now that I have gotten this off of my chest, and hopefully have shared information which I believe to be important, I will be able to find some solace and silent the angry spirit rising within me. A note of future warning. I see nothing wrong with this post, and can neither delete nor apologize for it, should it be requested of me. If this is upsetting to you, I sincerely apologize, but hope that you might see the importance of my decision not to backstep away from what might be considered painful moments. We have much, as a species, to account for. Even more so on an individual level. But accountance requires that we stare directly into the eyes of our darkest and basest weaknesses, even if it hurts or insults our sense of pride, or challenges our daily perceptions of life in general.
Why do we consume what we consume?
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Offline Shakesthecoffecan

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Re: Strange Connections
« Reply #104 on: October 03, 2007, 09:15:14 am »
I think the good thing about these blogs is that people don;t have to read them, if they see something that is offensive to them then they can just skip over it. Some folks do get stuck in the mentality of just a few years ago when we had only three TV chanels available to us. Then there was more a sense of it being forced on us, I don;t see it that way any more. If anything I feel like I am drowning in information.
"It was only you in my life, and it will always be only you, Jack, I swear."

Offline Daniel

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Re: Strange Connections
« Reply #105 on: October 07, 2007, 09:48:00 am »
Organizing some thoughts here... feel free to respond and add your own ideas if you like.

Types of psychics.

Psychic Intuitive
Psychic Channeler
Psychic Medium
Psychic Interpreter
Psychic Empath
Psychic Dowser
Psychic Kineticist
Psychic Telepath
Psychic Dimensionalist
Psychic Sensor

Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.

Offline Daniel

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Re: Strange Connections (Presidential Candidate Ron Paul)
« Reply #106 on: October 18, 2007, 11:33:27 pm »
Presidential Candidate Representative Ron Paul faces difficult questions on a conservative Christian radio talk show. I think he does very well.

Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.

Offline Daniel

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Re: Strange Connections
« Reply #107 on: October 19, 2007, 12:15:08 am »
A political debate... very interesting... Although I think the older gentleman is a little more passive agressive, and the younger man slightly more clear-headed... What do you think? As if anyone else looks at this thread... lol. :)





Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.

Offline ifyoucantfixit

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Re: Strange Connections
« Reply #108 on: October 19, 2007, 12:32:25 am »

      Daniel I love reading your yes someone out there is paraphrase..

     Beautiful mind

Offline Daniel

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Re: Strange Connections
« Reply #109 on: December 19, 2007, 05:58:31 am »
Thanks for that... sometimes I disappear from these pages for so long and forget to come back and thank those that visit for... well, visiting.

I would like to talk a little more about the sense of strange connection that permeates my being. The Prismatic Path, I've called it before, the Aurora Phantasy. For some time I spent a little bit of time thinking about my life in general, where it has been, and where it is going. I thought back to the first young man I ever fell in love with... and reveled at the spiritual excitement that that experience sponsored in me. I called his family recently to see if he would be stopping in for the holidays. (I had tried to get his number before... I haven't been lucky yet.) What most saddens me is that we have not spoken in nearly seven years, probably more... though I see his family quite often.  His parents are deacons at the church my father goes to, although whatever strange religious experience he is going through (the denunciation of Christmas as a pagan holiday, and the refusal to celebrate it under any circumstances because of its pagan symbolism (the hanging of Baal's testacles on Nimrod's Penis (ornaments on the tree)), among others.

I find it difficult to imagine where this is coming from. But my imaginings have always been more creative than destructive. So, for your entertainment, and my own as well... I would like to present this simple story in prose form. Poetry can be beautiful, but sometimes directness is needed. Names were protected to change the innocent, as much as possible.

     I knocked at the white door, my knuckles already paling in the cold air. I wrapped the colorful scarf tighter around my neck as I listened for the sound of movement beyond the blank expanse, marred only by a silver knob. Soon the door opened, however, and a familiar girl's face peered out at me.
     "Anna!" I exclaimed. "It's so nice to see you again. Thank you so much for inviting us to your Christmas dinner. Father couldn't make it, he's humbugging at home." Anna's long dark hair, pale blue eyes, and creamy complexion reminded me immediately of her older brother, Nathanael, whose smile had turned on me in rare hope-lit moments in my youth, when it seemed that I faced only despair for the rest of my life. I realized, with a start, how much my life had changed since then... how much I had moved from being emotionally dependent on the smile or nod of one lone person, and became more resolved in my self, even in the face of disastrous desire.
     My brother stepped up behind me, carrying the casserole dish covered in aluminum foil. The scent of basil and garlic wafted across the short distance between us, broken only by the crisp cool wind that rustled the ochre leaves still clinging to their mother trees. My brother's stance shifted slightly as he came to a halt near the door, and I remembered belatedly his own attraction to Anna, and the similarities that they shared on so many levels, an intricate and complicated friendship/attraction further dismantled by her extreme religious convictions and obediance to a modern rhetoric of the Love of Christ. In many southern states whose religious convictions are bound in the Southern Baptist megachurches of the modern day, religious fervor ruled the moldable. Love of Christ had almost a sexual connotation to it if you were to perceive the ecstacies that followers pursue in their praise and worship ceremonies. Thus, I think I knew the conflicts that my brother faced.
     There was a mutual attraction, a type of shared spirituality, shared philosophy. A love of classic literature, for example, and the works of philosophy from ancient Greece and Rome. Anna was (and still is) bright, cheerful, intelligent, and witty. Her voice was musical and bright as well.
     "Oh, Daniel and Richard... come in. It's too cold to stand here at the door." As the door closed behind us, Anna led us into their large kitchen. "We've got turkey, mashed potatoes, biscuits, yams, cranberry sauce and gravy, corn on the cob, green beans... just about anything you could want... and whatever you brought as well."
     To be honest, I wasn't sure what my brother had made... but it probably had salmon in it. And while I have heard many sing its praises, the fishy fish is just not for me.  I watched my brother disengage himself from my side, as I knew he would, and sought companionship with the other young men of the household, though Anna followed quickly. I remained in the kitchen, however, as I knew I would... and offered assistance to the matron of the house. Fourteen children were born to this elderly, wise woman, whose face still shone with an inner youth. Her long, graying black hair and near gray eyes had a quality of timelessness about them that is difficult to describe... as though she had always been alive and knew all the secrets that time forgot.  It always surprised me that whenever I looked into her eyes I always found wisdom and compassion instead of revulsion and judgement, which was something I was all too familiar with.
     Our host for the evening was of course her husband, the father of fourteen, a deacon of our church, one whose ministries I had been subjected to... and not always unwillingly. His blond hair and pale blue eyes revealed his Aryan descent, and for some reason I was grateful that Nathanael had inherited his mother's features, and perhaps more importantly, her inner strength and compassion. The deacon was not one for ordinary kindness... he believed in ecclesiastic law and a regimented authority bound in the church of Christ. It was this faith of his which allowed him to remain deacon and associate pastor through nearly four administrators of the church.
     For some reason, at that moment, I recalled a moment from our youth service, which I and Nathanael had attended. Nathanael then, (and perhaps still is, but I have not seen him) surrounded himself with the insignia of rebellion. He wore an ankh pendant around his neck, and smoked proliferately. The scent of leather lightly caressed with cigarette smoke is still a compelling one in my case. But it was the ankh pendant that I wish to speak on. Our youth minister questioned him on the device, as though it were somehow an affront to the holy ground upon which he had brought it. Nathanael did not speak, and I felt obliged to protect him from this cruel instructor: "It is a symbol of Egyptian Christianity" (which is true - the ankh was adopted by Coptic christians through the fourth century) However, Nathanael revolted against that statement. I watched his eyes deepen in anger, the flash of bittersweet heaven crossing his pupils, and felt my throat lumpen when realized that anger was directed at me. I was stunned into silence, and felt fear. Not fear of harm, but fear of separation. This memory soon faded as I realized that our host was speaking to me.
     "I know. I'm sorry that my father has been.... odd lately. He seems to believe that Christmas is the devil's holiday."
     "Well, he has some valid points. If we go by the Hebrew calendar, the Messiah was born during the Feast of Trumpets, which is in September, as we all know."
     "So, you too, have decided to give up on this annual tradition?"
     "Perhaps when I am older and the children have moved on."
     I sat in silence for a moment and shoveled a forkful into my mouth delicately, chewed and swallowed in discretionary time. "I think.... I think we have it wrong. We keep looking at the origins of the holiday, as though it is this which defines its character.... If we were to do the same with the Universe... why it would seem that its natural state is chaos, or perhaps nonexistance. The natural state of man is spiritual in nature, if we are to believe the Word of God... so how can we account for the changes that they go through, both the Universe and Man. Are we to be forever bound by the laws which created us, or is our possibility in the opportunities that await for us: the ways in which we can expand ourselves beyond our limitations?"
     Our host looked at me as though my head had fallen off, but I continued.
     "I cannot deny that the origins of the holiday are indeed pagan, but we have only to see the effects that the holiday has had since then to realize that it is a powerful tool for the Miracles of the Heart. And if God created the human being, with his heart and all that it is capable of, then he must have realized that it would one day be used on these days, and in this nature. The Christmas Season has become the time of spiritual faith and light in a sometimes otherwise darkened world. A world of cold and snow in the northern hemisphere... and one which is in dire need of a spiritual hope. A hope that enacts the miracles of the heart. It allows caritas, and all the other enfeeblements of love: kindness, devotion, patience. I am sure you know the list more than I."
     I paused for a moment. "Should we throw out the human heart? Which aches to find spiritual light and meaning in a darkened, bitter, cold world? The season has always been a tradition of bringing light and love to others, and it is something that we need to learn to do on each and every day... but particularly for Christmas: allowing the heart its chance for miracles, and for God to work through human hearts to affect the whole human race."
     I quieted down, focusing on my plate and realizing I had spoken too much. I worried that I had overstepped my bounds, and realized that I had at once criticized my father, my pastor, and their views on what God is and how he is to be worshipped. But if worship is something that must be dictated and rules laid out for it to be experienced "correctly", I want no part of it.
Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.