Author Topic: JACK WITH ENNIS fanfic game - the archive  (Read 57209 times)


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« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2007, 04:36:28 pm »
Breakfast in Dubois by Susie

They stopped briefly in Dubois for a bite to eat before heading on to Signal and back to the real world.  The two men sat in a quiet corner at the back of the diner, feasting on a hearty breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausages and a side order of pancakes; a welcome change from beans and taters.

Jack’s head was still spinning after that punch, had it all figured out before, but now he didn’t know what the hell was gonna happen.  He yearned to communicate in some way with his lover, who was sitting stony faced, in silence, eyes fixed firmly on his plate.

Ennis felt a tingling pressure on his leg, a foot moving slowly up the inside towards his knee, and looking up from his breakfast, he saw a weak, hopeful smile on Jack’s face.  For a moment, he forgot where he was and returned the smile, then suddenly aware of the folks around him, jumped up in horror, shot a murderous look at Jack, muttered “Gotta pee” and marched off in the direction of the bathroom.

Jack followed after him, looking around cautiously before closing the bathroom door behind him.  Ennis threw him against the wall, in a furious temper, one hand around his neck, “Do that again and I’ll knock yer fuckin’ head off!”

“Fuck you, Ennis!” Jack glared at him defiantly, shocked at his violent reaction, and disappeared into one of the stalls.  Ennis shoved the door open roughly, “This ain’t over yet, Jack!”   Jack was on him in an instant, a mixture of hurt, anger, and lust burning right through him, pushing him up against the door, grinding his hips into Ennis’ and forcing his tongue into Ennis’ mouth.  “This ain’t over by a long ways, Ennis!” he breathed, tearing at Ennis’ jeans and dropping to his knees.


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Stories of page 13
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2007, 04:41:07 pm »
Another Reunion by littlewing

Ennis Del Mar was never inclined to notice the body of another man, but when he saw Jack Twist walking – no –running toward him, his head turned at the sight.  “Jack, you are so beautiful!”  Ennis mouthed, under his breath, as Jack flung his arms wide, welcomed Ennis into a warm embrace.

Jack folded Ennis close.  He touched his pave diamond bracelet to Ennis’ wrist, heard the tiny click of metal on metal, and was at once delighted that Ennis saw fit to wear his bracelet to their reunion.  “Let me look at you, Ennis Del Mar!”  Jack started as he broke the embrace and stepped just a few inches from his man.  “Just look at you, friend!  You look like a million bucks!”  Ennis was silent, but the wide flush that crept onto his full cheeks spoke volumes.

“C'mere!”  It was Ennis.  He beckoned for Jack, pulled him close once again.   Ennis held Jack’s head as he kissed him deep.  He was held captive by Jack’s eyes - unable to look away.  If he had to do without Jack’s kiss for another day?  Well, Ennis didn’t think he could survive it.  He reached between Jack’s thighs and cupped his swelling member.  Ennis rubbed and kneaded until Jack moaned into his mouth, felt his knees begin to buckle!  “Easy, Jack!”  Ennis whispered as he pulled Jack once more to a standing position.   “C’mon, Bud, I think we're ready!  Let’s go inside…”

Unexpected Feelings
by Toycoon

With his arms in a friendly embrace around his sheepherding partner, Jack felt an unexpected excitement deep in his loins causing his penis to stir; nothing he'd ever felt before was at once, exciting and terrifying.

Jack sunk to his knees, still clinging to the waistband of Ennis' jeans and ripping the fly open, held Ennis' manhood in his palm, quickly suckling it into his mouth.

Ennis closed his eyes tight, moaning and quivering in ecstasy; when he opened his eyes, it was dark and he was in the sheep herder's tent, alone, except for the carved wooden horse laying in the corner.

Unexpected feelings (2) by littlewing

Ennis was alone in the tent, but he was not lonely.  Reaching down to pull off his soiled jeans, Ennis allowed his mind to escape to the time when Jack Twist relieved him of his pants in one quick, skillful motion.

After his pants were in a puddle around his boots, Jack positioned himself between Ennis’ thighs and slobbed his knob for what seemed hours.  Ennis grimaced as he remembered the times he filled Jack’s mouth with his pleasure.

But now, he had to wash out his jeans before sundown.  It wouldn’t do to have Jack lean in and pull him out, and lick him down and….Ahhh..too late!  Not again?


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Stories of page 14
« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2007, 04:42:40 pm »
Bathin' with Ennis by Toycoon

After setting his boots side by side at the tangled roots, his pants on a low branch and his shirt above, Ennis hung his cowboy hat on the top the bramble bush, crowning the effigy of himself then a gentle breeze gave it life; he gingerly waded into the glassy lake and upon reaching waist height, stopped, turned and motioned for Jack to join him.

Jack, already naked, scampered to the edge then dove in, emerging from the water just behind Ennis a few seconds later; Jack's eyes languished over every element of Ennis' strong back, his elegant neck, sinewy muscles, the tiny birth marks, his lean waist, finally arriving at a patch of curly hair growing at the base of Ennis' spine, between the shallow dimples and above his crack.

Strangely, a song came to front of Jack's mind. I know shall meet you on that final day, Jack reached for Ennis' slim hips, Water walking Jesus, take me away and he softly kissed the curly patch of hair on Ennis' buttocks.


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Stories of page 15
« Reply #13 on: June 23, 2007, 04:44:42 pm »
The Sale by littlewing

Tammy Wroe wiped her brow, unable to believe the progress she was making in getting the cabin ready for sale.  Her grandpa, Don Wroe, left the cabin to her when he died in 1994.  Tammy didn’t know what to think or what to do when she learned that the cabin was hers.  Tammy loved her grandfather, but she never spent much time with him.  Her mom worked in the movie business, and moved Tammy to California when she was only 3 years old.   

Tammy’s life in L.A. was good, but when she found herself short on cash, she decided to visit Wyoming for the second time in her life.  Selling the good sized cabin may ease the financial burden of raising 2 children all alone.  The year 2025 was proving to be very hard for Tammy, and she needed the money.  Tammy’s once lucrative fortune telling business was beginning to suffer, even though her psychic gifts were genuine, and she helped a lot of people.  But times were hard and people could no longer afford to spend good money on fortune tellers.  Yes, selling Don Wroe's cabin was the only way.  Cleaning the cabin was backbreaking work, but it had to be done.  It took her 2 days to prepare the living room and kitchen.  Nothing left to do but clean the bathroom and the 3 bedrooms.  But as Tammy stepped into the master bedroom for the first time, she felt it!

Tammy braced herself against the sensation.  As she touched the quilt on the well preserved bed, Tammy thought she would fall in a swoon.  The energy was overpowering!  A male energy: passionate, forceful, very loving.  And suddenly from the corner of her eye, she saw it.  Tammy fell to the dusty carpet as she saw 2 shadowy images – vague, flowing, and twirling together in a dance of love.  Tammy never knew the history of Don Wroe’s cabin or what went on there.  But she knew the feeling of love, and this room was thick with it.  Tammy remembered entering rooms in homes, schools, restaurants and was amazed by the level of energy trapped there.  Some of it was so vile and brutal that she became ill.  But the energy that was trapped here, in Don Wroe’s master bedroom?  Tammy couldn’t believe it.  She wanted to know the names of the men whose loving energy is trapped in her granddad’s cabin.  When she was able to compose herself, Tammy pulled herself off the floor.  In a moment she knew that she could never sell the place…


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Stories of page 16
« Reply #14 on: June 23, 2007, 04:54:23 pm »
 By Louise

When Ennis woke, his fingers were still buried in Jack's hair, and he leaned close,  sifting through it, holding it to his lips, and then kissing the averted neck, once and then again, a surge of pleasure welling up, and he engulfed Jack in a bear hug that caused the sleeper to stir, startle, and then moan softly as he woke, captive in Ennis's arms.

"Huh, whuh?" Jack  mumbled, still groggy, lifting his head, and Ennis put his lips to that spot once more, fragrant with the salt of his sweat.

"C'mere boy, got somethin fer you."

Mountain Wildflowers by Clyde

   Robert Twist hadn’t been to Childress in twenty-five years; he’d never forgotten or forgiven things said when his dad died, but he was determined to visit his father’s grave on his way to Dallas to see his mother and her third husband.  Sunday would be Father’s Day.

   He was glad the road to the cemetery was deserted, the only traffic an old blue and white pickup kicking dust in the opposite direction.
   The headstone was where he remembered it, toward the back, in the shade of an old oak where the hot breeze carried with it the scent of memorial wreaths and dying blossoms.  A single grave in a double plot overgrown with weeds, unkempt, untrimmed; the granite weathered but intact; graffiti on the front had been hard washed, faded, no longer legible.  Not as good as he’d hoped; not as bad as he’d feared.  He knelt wanting to speak, but the words wouldn’t come, all those questions, all those things left unsaid, how could we have just abandoned you here?  That was when he noticed... lovingly placed at its base... a small bunch of wilting mountain wildflowers.


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Stories of page 17
« Reply #15 on: June 23, 2007, 04:57:35 pm »
babyblue eyes by Dagi

Ennis was about to ride away when Jack caught hold of the reins and looked up to him.

Yet it was not the yearning expression in his babyblue eyes, but this bewitching, seductive tip of his tongue, visible for only a moment, licking those perfect lips,  that made Ennis dismount in a quick, deft movement and, one hand around Jack´s neck, the other one with a firm grip on his victim´s butt pushing his groin merciless against his own, he pressed his lips hungrily on his lover´s mouth his desirous tongue entering it in un uncontrollable urge, making Jack´s knees give way under him.

Hot waves flowing through their bodies and one rough lustful groan later they both knew: sheep be damned.

Only One for Me by littlewing

“You’re late!”  Jack Twist yelled as Ennis climbed from his truck.  Jack arrived at camp hours before - redlined it all the way!  He  pitched the tent,  even started supper.   Jack was not necessarily the worrying type, but he couldn’t help but think that Ennis wouldn’t show; or worse, had an accident navigating the terrain.  But Ennis made it, and Jack Twist could finally relax.  Jack studied his lover as he neared.  He couldn’t hide his awe, his excitement as his lover approached.

“Look what I brought..beans!”  Ennis laughed as he shoved a can of bettermost beans into Jack’s hands.  “Very funny, Cowboy!”  Jack laughed as he put the can aside.  “C’mon – I got some steaks on for supper.  I’m also heatin’ up a few ears of corn.”  Jack’s excitement was absolutely palpable, and Ennis couldn’t help but be affected!  Ennis cleared a spot on the chilly earth and took a seat.  He watched as Jack flipped the savory looking T-Bone steaks.  He was hungry, but once he caught a look at Jack’s booty as he bent over the small grill, Ennis developed an appetite for more than just food.

Ennis liked his meat cooked medium well, a fact that Jack learned and stored away for future reference.  Jack grilled the T-Bone to perfection and gently handed Ennis a plate piled high with steak, a couple of ears of corn and asparagus.  He took a seat right alongside Ennis and placed a warm hand on his knee.  “Eat up, Cowboy!”  It was Jack, mouthing the command between bites of corn-on-the-cob.  “After supper we can take a hike, or ride the horses out across the stream.  I found a clearing flush with wildflowers just like the ones that grew up on Brokeback.”  Ennis was silent as he enjoyed his food.  Jack was a little more talkative than usual, but Ennis was fine with that.  “You’re the only one for me, Jack Twist!”  Ennis thought as he beheld his animated and jubilant lover.  When dinner was eaten and the dishes cleared away, Ennis and Jack mounted the horses and rode east…

Father's Day by littlewing

Extreme AU, but I just had to do it!

Jack Twist bounced the beautiful baby girl on his knee while watching Ennis Del Mar set the dining room table.  Baby Indigo was only a year old, and she was the apple of Jack’s eye.  Ennis was rather fond of her, as well.  Indigo laughed and shrieked as Jack ticked her double chin.  “Jack, bring our child!”  Ennis called from the dining room.

Indigo was an extreme blessing: a gift of love to such sincere lovers.  Ennis cuddled his daughter as Jack handed her over.  He thought back to the time when he handed a cup of his semen over to a nurse at the clinic in town.  The surrogate was chosen carefully, and some nine months later, Jack strapped Indigo into a car seat and brought her home.  Ennis never stopped smiling from the time he laid eyes on her!

Dinner was ready and the table was set.  Ennis kissed the top of his child’s head and handed her back to daddy Jack.  He needed to get ready to entertain his other daughters, who should be along any time now.  Jack was already looking mighty fine, and couldn’t wait to see Bobby again.   He placed his daughter in her playpen and embraced his lover.  “Happy Father’s Day, friend!” Jack whispered as he held his lover tight.”  “Same to you, Jack!”  Ennis kissed him.  “Now let me go.  I gotta get ready to greet our other babies!”

« Last Edit: August 05, 2007, 12:18:21 am by Dagi »


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Stories of page 18
« Reply #16 on: June 23, 2007, 04:59:24 pm »
For Dagi by Susie

"Ich liebe dich Jack"

"Ich liebe dich Ennis"

Sie Kuessten.


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Stories of page 19
« Reply #17 on: June 23, 2007, 05:02:31 pm »
by Leslie

Jack miró a Ennis y dijo. “Te amo vaquero.”
”Yo te amo a ti,” respondió Ennis, acariciando con sus dedos la barbilla de Jack.
Jack, rió entre dientes. “Lo dije yo primero.”
“Pero yo lo digo mejor”, contestó Ennis inclinándose para besarlo.


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Stories of page 20+21
« Reply #18 on: June 23, 2007, 05:06:48 pm »
El Vaquero y el Campesino
by Toycoon

Jamas me olvidare de su sonrisa, tan triste y humlide con tanta candela que enciendiera el bosque.

Labios como fruta madura, dulse y prohibido; me duele, como los quireo.

Que alegria me da verte, Jack-jodido-Twist!

His Touch by littlewing

Jack Twist settled in, sat down between Ennis Del Mar’s open thighs.  He had just driven 1400 miles to be with his lover, and though Jack never complained, Ennis noticed a stiffening of Jack’s shoulders.  It worried him.

Ennis pulled Jack closer and ran his fingers through Jack’s thick, dark hair.  “Hey what you doin’ En?”  Jack laughed as he looked up at his love.  “Shhh,, just sit up still.  I know what I’m doin.”  It was Ennis, as he massaged Jack’s scalp with firm, circular motions.  Ennis kneaded and rubbed, kissed his man’s hair until Jack purred like a kitten.

Jack became almost limp as Ennis moved to the shoulders.  He used his thumbs to work out the kinks in Jack’s stiff neck.  “Oh God, Ennis, where you learn how to do that?”  Jack whispered as he laid his head sideways in Ennis' lap.  He felt Ennis’ growing manhood, but he needed more of his man's practiced touch.  Jack moved his head back and forth, guiding Ennis, leading his hands where he needed them most.  It was good.  And after a good half hour, Jack Twist felt mighty fine, completely refreshed.  He turned around suddenly and freed a tumescent Ennis from his jeans…

Moment by littlewing

It was well after midnight and Ennis was ready for bed.  He was ready for love.  Jack was warming himself by the fire, rubbing his hands together, blowing into his palms, trying to keep warm.  “If you’re cold, let’s go in the tent, Bud.”  Ennis said as he moved closer to Jack.  I’ll do more than keep you warm, that’s fer sure!”  Ennis winked at his lover.

“Well, I think I’ll sit up a bit longer, if it’s all the same to you.”  Jack placed his cold hands under his armpits.  “Come sit by me, friend.  Let’s just enjoy this crisp, cold night for a bit longer.”  Ennis moved close to Jack, and draped an arm around his shoulder.  He leaned in and placed a sloppy kiss on Jack’s cheek.  Jack Twist sighed with pleasure and took Ennis’ hand.  He kissed his open palm, traced Ennis’ lifeline with his tongue.  “You keep that up, Rodeo and I’m gonna have to take you right here!”  Jack chuckled and placed the back of Ennis’ hand to his mouth.

Ennis watched, transfixed, as Jack kissed his hand.   As the fire died down, Jack was just a shadow, a ruddy image.  Ennis was fascinated by the glow of his love in the firelight.  He reached out for Jack, pulled him to his feet.  And just as the last embers of the fire sputtered and popped, Jack allowed himself to be led into the tent.


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Stories of page 22
« Reply #19 on: June 23, 2007, 05:12:18 pm »
La Carta by Opinionista

"Ennis: Te amo y te extraño, y estoy loco por volver a sentir tus besos y tu cuerpo sobre el mío", escribió Jack sobre el papel. Antes de proseguir, volvió a leer lo que había escrito, pero el miedo a la reacción de Ennis hizo que volviera a romper la carta, como ya había hecho con otras diez. Sacó otro folio del cajón y volvió a empezar.

Cabin Fever by Gary

Ennis had stormed out two hours before, so now Jack was alone.  The preceding argument had left him feeling tense and bitter, and therefore he was thankful for the stillness of this place out in the wilderness.  There wasn’t a soul around, and this gave Jack an opportunity to lick his wounded pride in private.  He hadn’t meant to tick Ennis off, but sometimes it was hard not to think out loud, or dream out loud when you felt so comfortable and relaxed with someone.  Maybe asking Don Wroe if he’d be willing to sell the cabin was a dumb idea, but it wasn’t like Jack was determined to follow through.  Saying something like that was akin to trying on a new pair of boots.  You might buy them and take them home if they fit, but most likely you’d leave them in the store.  Why couldn’t Ennis see that?

Jack needed something to do just to pass the time so he got the broom from the corner and started sweeping the dust that he and Ennis had tracked in during their stay.  He looked the place over as he went, at the wide-planked floor boards, the rough barn board walls, the propane stove and refrigerator, the bed with its iron frame, the fireplace made of river rock, and the wing chair beside it.  The night before Ennis had been sitting in that chair naked, and so Jack took his own clothes off, climbed into Ennis’s lap facing him, wrapped his arms around Ennis’s neck, and his legs around the arms of the chair, and he rode Ennis’s hardness like he would ride a bull.  This was a nice place, and he really would like to call it his own.

When he opened the door to sweep out the dirt he found a young man standing on the porch getting ready to knock.  “Fuck!” Jack said with a start.  But then he apologized and asked, “Is there somethin’ I can help you with?”

The kid was about eighteen, with shaggy dark hair, short sideburns, fair skin, and bright blue eyes.  Judging from his ragged jeans, and army jacket adorned with peace signs and an upside down American flag, he was yet another war protester.  Jack looked the boy up and down and felt a stir in his groin.

“My name’s Danny, sir, and I’m looking for Aaron Wroe,” the kid said with a slow southern draw that would melt butter like warm toast.

“Don’t know an Aaron Wroe,” Jack confessed.  “Is he related to Don?”

“Don’s his daddy.”

Jack had to tell the young man that Aaron wasn’t around, but since it appeared he had hiked the seventeen miles up from the main road on foot Jack didn’t have the heart to simply turn him away on a dime.  So he invited the kid to share a beer with him.  Danny accepted and Jack got a couple of bottles from the fridge, and then they sat on the rockers on the front porch and talked.

Danny explained that his parents had moved to Riverton from Alabama when he was fourteen, and he and Aaron had become good friends.  They even planed to be roommates at the University of Wyoming in the fall.  The kid had an easy and open way about him.  Within a half hour Danny had revealed that “Five Easy Pieces” was his all time favorite film, and that his favorite book was “The Catcher in the Rye.”  He also spoke of joining the Peace Core after college.  Jack liked the boy’s company, but he was glad when he said he had to go.  Ennis turned stony cold toward these kids who gave the finger to tradition, so Jack was glad they wouldn’t cross paths.

Not more than five minutes after the kid left Ennis returned.  He walked slowly up to the cabin, stopped before coming up on the porch, and stood there with his head hanging.  “Jack, why can’t you take what I can give ya, and stop askin’ for more?”

“Sorry, Ennis.”  And he was sorry.  Right then all Jack wanted was to enjoy what little time they had together and not fight.

Suddenly Ennis bounded up the steps and charged toward him.  Jack got to his feet thinking Ennis was about to hit him, but instead Ennis grabbed him, pushed him up against the wall, and said, “You mess with my mind, Jack fuckin’ Twist.”  And then he forcefully shoved his lips against Jack’s and pushed his tongue in.

They kissed like that for a long time, and then Ennis did something he had never done before.  He picked Jack up into his arms, and carried him inside the cabin.  Then he threw him down on the iron bed and started undoing his shirt.  As they made love Jack secretly imagined that Danny was standing outside the window looking in.  He wanted the boy to see.  Wanted him to know that Ennis loved him.  And somehow he thought Danny would appreciate that.

Afterwards Ennis sat up in bed, and Jack leaned against him.  “Do you know Aaron Wroe?” Jack asked.

“That’s Don’s son.  How’d you hear about him?”

“Someone came by looking for him while you were out.”

Ennis said in a flat tone that indicated he was holding too much back, “Well, he won’t be findin’ him anytime soon.  Aaron got himself shot over there in Vietnam.  They sent him back in a body bag last week.”

Jack was overcome with a sudden wave of sadness, and not just for Aaron, but for the young man he had met earlier.  “Was he good friends with some kid named Danny?”

“Danny Phillips?  Guess so.  Don was tellin’ me when I asked him if I could borrow the place how last year around this time Aaron was supposed to come up here with Danny.  But Don wouldn’t let him.”

“Why not?” asked Jack.

“Don didn’t like him.  Not many in Riverton liked Danny after he pulled that stunt to stay out of the army.  He told the draft board that he was queer.  Wanted Aaron to do the same.”

Jack, sensing something wasn’t right, sat up and looked at Ennis.  “What happened to Danny after that?”

Ennis’s expression turned to confusion and he said, “Did that guy that came by say somethin’ about Danny?”

“Just answer me.”

“One night when he was coming out of a bar on Main the kid got jumped, pulled into an alley, and got his head kicked in.  Danny Phillips is as dead as Aaron Wroe.”