Author Topic: Taking Chances, by E. L. Van Hine and L.H. Nicoll  (Read 3182862 times)

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Re: Taking Chances, by E. L. Van Hine and L.H. Nicoll
« Reply #8990 on: January 23, 2007, 10:25:37 am »
The FAMOUS conversation in chapter 58!

“I can’t understand why they have to do that fake talkin like they was all imitatin Mae West or somethin. Can’t they act like boys?”

“Well from what I seen, a boy who swishes around doin that high voice thing an wigglin his booty tends ta draw looks. I guess it’s also tellin the manly ones what they’re after.”

“That ain’t hard ta figure.”

“One thing is hard ta figure, Ennis, an that is... what it’s like with you an Ellery. I mean... both a you act perfectly straight.”

“What are you askin, boy?”

“Well... which one... is ... the man.”

Ennis laughed, unexpectedly. “We’re both men, Dupree. What the fuck a you talkin about?”

Dupree blushed. “You know what I mean.. which one a on top.”

“Shit Dupree, ain’t that kinda personal?” His face had reddened suddenly.

“Yeah, but part a why I wanted ta come over here ta work is so I could find out more about what life was like for homosexual men, how’m I gonna do that without askin questions?”

“Fair enough,” Ennis said, his blush fading. He pointed imperceptibly over at Gene, who was giggling loudly enoug for Dupree to hear. “Now if that was Bill’s last boyfriend, an Bill was with Ellery at one time what does that tell ya?”

Dupree blinked. “I wouldn’t a ... thought.”

“Sometimes we change places,” he added in an undertone.

“Learn somethin new every day...” Dupree said, looking down at his beer.

“Okay well you asked, guess you didn’t like the answer.”

“Well... all this time I thought...ya know.. Ellery was well... different.”

“He is. He ain’t like these girly boys.”

“Course not.”

“An it ain’t no disrespect ta him just because he likes it a certain way in bed. It’s a private thing.”


“But you still are makin that face.”

“I dunno, I didn’t think I had any prejudice about, you know, queers... I guess I sorta do.”

“Dupree, if nobody ever got on bottom then there wouldn’t be nobody on top.”

Dupree smirked. “Good point.” He took a gulp of beer. “I guess this makes us real good friends now that you told me some a yer secrets.”

“You better not say nothin ta Ellery about it. I don’t know what you boys joke around about down at the station but I sure don’t want em thinkin I was talkin about our private bedroom life with you.”

“You didn’t. I asked one question an you answered indirectly. It was quite tactful. So now I can say you never actually divulged anythin about you an Ellery.”

Ennis smiled faintly. “That’s true ain’t it?”

“You are amazinly clever for someone who likes ta play dumb country hick, Ennis. I never bought that act for a minute. An I am sure Ellery don’t neither.”

Ennis grinned at him. “No, he’s cottoned on ta most of it.”

“You really do love em a lot don’t ya?”

Ennis nodded, taking refuge behind his beer glass.

“I can tell, you get that look in yer eye. Same look he gets in his eye. I wish the hell I could get a girl ta look at me that way.”

“Oh come on Dupree, yer a nice lookin piece a man...”

Dupree’s eyebrows shot up again. “What are you sayin Ennis? You think I’m attractive...?”

“I’m just sayin. You would be to a girl.”

“You think I’m handsome don’t you? You check me out when I ain’t lookin?”

“I do not.”

“Come on, you can tell me, we’re buddies.”

“Shut up, Dupree....” Ennis growled.

“You do check me out. I’m gonna tell Ellery.” he stood up with his empty glass.

“Don’t you call em, boy, my little girl is probably half asleep on the sofa!” Ennis said, voice rising with annoyance.

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Re: Taking Chances, by E. L. Van Hine and L.H. Nicoll
« Reply #8991 on: January 23, 2007, 10:32:07 am »
Chapter 59....

“I haven’t forgotten Ennis. You want me ta wait for ya?”

“No, just tell Junior I’ll be right there.”

“Okay. I love ya. I’ll be home as soon as I can.”

“Yeah.” Ennis hung up, and went back over to where Dupree had started talking with Gene and Wayne.

“Oh hey Ennis, you decided ta notice I was alive I see,” Wayne said, pouting.

“You seemed ta have plenty a company there Wayne, why should I butt in?” Ennis said, obviously uncomfortable.

Wayne turned to Gene, who looked up at Ennis disdainfully. “Ennis don’t like me because I’m flabby an don’t ride horses an I ain’t enough of a man fer him.”

“That figures. Ain’t nobody good enough for em but the lord high Ellery Cantrell, ain’t that so Ennis?” Gene said.

“You want ta talk shit about the guy who opened this bar go ahead, but do it outside,” Ennis said. “Listen Dupree, I got ta go. Ellery is goin in to the station an I don’t want Junior ta be home alone.”

“Course not.”

“I’d ask ya along except that’d leave the bar without a bouncer an that ain’t good considerin.”

“I can have the patrol stay on, Ennis, don’t worry. Lauren here can help if Wayne an Gene start throwin punches at each other over which one of em wants ta go ta bed with ya first.”

“Jesus Christ Dupree, ya just made my stomach turn.”

Both Gene and Wayne glared at Dupree, who returned their looks with a sweet smile. “You know ya both find em irresistible. What’d Jim call ya? The Marlboro Man.”

“Shut up Dupree, I swear,” Ennis said, and walked rapidly out of the bar to the sound of combined chuckles and giggles.

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Re: Taking Chances, by E. L. Van Hine and L.H. Nicoll
« Reply #8992 on: January 23, 2007, 10:36:09 am »
More from Chapter 59:

Ennis pulled her close, smoothing her hair. “I am real sorry about this, Junior, real sorry. Is there anythin I can do?”

She nodded, sadly. “Yeah, but I don’t think you will, Daddy. Not after what I seen today.”

“You want me ta come back ta Riverton.”

She nodded again, pressing her head against his shoulder.

“Darlin I would if I had some kind a job ta keep me, an if I didn’t have ... the life here, ya know I would. I didn’t leave Riverton ta run away from ya.”

“I know Daddy,” she said, voice very soft. “I know. But things are real bad, an if Curt don’t find a job I just know he is gonna move back in with his momma an just cut me dead.”

“Darlin if Curt leaves ya... ya can come down ta me an I’ll... help ya out here. Me an Ellery, an Wes an Edna. Tell you what... stay for the party tomorrow an meet em an you’ll get ta know what life is like for me here. I got a really good job, an I got a good life.”

“What if... things don’t work out with you two? I mean it’s only been a little while.”

“It don’t work that way with me darlin. I always knew it was Jack fer me from the get go... an it’s the same here... it wasn’t like marryin yer momma. I always knew why I done that, an it was always a mistake. But no, we ain’t goin nowhere here, an if you need me an don’t want ta go ta Bill an yer momma you come down here an we’ll figure it out.”

“You sure?” she said, pulling back slightly and looking in his eyes.

“Sure I’m sure. In fact I’ll tell Ellery about how things are an maybe he can come up with some ideas. He knows a lot a people in this town, and so do Wes an Edna. I ain’t hopin fer Curt ta leave you, if ya don’t want em to, but if he does, you wont be left high an dry. You got that?”

“Okay Daddy. In that case I should probably call Curt in the mornin an tell em I won’t get gettin home till Monday. He won’t be happy but he won’t complain when I bring home half the rent money either.”

Ennis patted her head. “That’s my gal. Now you get some sleep, an I’m gonna lie down a bit, who knows when Ellery’ll be back.”

“Okay Daddy, good night now.”

Ennis kissed Junior good night, shut off the living room light, and took one of his five minute showers, wrapped himself in a towel and went into the bedroom. He picked up “The ABC Murders” which he hadn’t finished, and tossed it down when his eyes got heavy. He looked longingly at the phone, hoping Ellery would call, but the phone remained silent. He drifted off to sleep with the book in his hand.

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Re: Taking Chances, by E. L. Van Hine and L.H. Nicoll
« Reply #8993 on: January 23, 2007, 01:29:54 pm »
Hi gang - another great set of chapters! 
The FAMOUS conversation in chapter 58!


Oh - Famous, indeed!  Wow - that is something to re-read that now!   ;D  In J&N's holiday story Nick worries that his mom will ask that same embarrassing "who's the man" question!  I like this line especially -

"Dupree, if nobody ever got on bottom then there wouldn't be nobody on top."

 :laugh: :laugh:

I thought this exchange, which takes place immediately preceding the FAMOUS conversation,  was very interesting (a bit of foreshadowing?) in light of "A Small Circle of Friends":

“No, I was gonna say too much of a recluse. You an Ellery must get along good because you both like ... I dunno, you ain’t party people, is the best way I can say it.”

“That’s fer sure, only party I can remember goin to is the one when Ellery got his promotion.”

I'm also finding Jeremy teasing Ennis in the bar really funny - little did he know that in a few months he himself would become the target of some teasing - and he won't find it funny at all!!

Great quotes, Leslie!  Thanks!

The measure of a country's greatness is its ability to retain compassion in times of crisis         ~~~~~~~~~Thurgood Marshall

The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself.    ~~~~~~~~~ Mark Twain

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Re: Taking Chances, by E. L. Van Hine and L.H. Nicoll
« Reply #8994 on: January 23, 2007, 01:39:59 pm »
Well, you didn't think I was going to skip this, did you?  This scene is memorable for many reasons  - I can't remember another time when we've seen this particular, er, number pop up on E&E's dance card.  I guess we find out why when we read Ellery's last line!

As soon as Ennis broke the kiss, rising onto his knees, Ellery shook his head. “Boy what are you doin?”

“What’s it look like?” Ennis whispered, stroking his cock with a wicked grin on his face.

“Gettin me hard as a rock, Jesus Ennis, you gonna fuck me with yer daughter in the other room?”

“Was thinkin a somethin different actually, maybe not so loud... like suckin each other off.”

Ellery moaned again softly as Ennis skillfully stroked him, his hips rising slightly off the bed. “Well okay if yer sure.”

“Got ta have somethin boy, can’t go all night like this,” and Ellery noticed in the moonlit darkness that Ennis was fully erect.

“You been thinkin about me.”

“Dreamin.. had a dream,” he said. “We gonna talk or get to it?”

“You want ta do this at the same time?” Ellery said, still doubtful.

Ennis nodded.

“Okay then turn around an climb over me...” he instructed softly, and Ennis turned, lowering his knees as he stretched out over Ellery’s body, keeping a firm hand on his cock, and shivered as his cock slipped into Ellery’s mouth, then opened his own mouth and began to lick the tip of Ellery’s cock, sliding it bit by bit deeper into his mouth and rested on his elbows while his own cock was swallowed energetically. It was difficult for Ennis to concentrate or to use any technique, with the enthusiastic treatment his own cock was getting, but he sucked and stroked with the rhythm of Ellery’s rising hips, his own hips bucking with the intense stimulation.

It became clear as he felt a surge of pressure, that Ellery was trying to make him come rapidly, but by then, he could no longer concentrate or hold back, and almost choked on a groan as his hips tensed up and he erupted suddenly, Ellery swallowing his jet of come without difficulty. Ennis redoubled his efforts as his orgasm settled, Ellery still sucking him, and he squeezed the base of his cock, knowing that it was the more vigorous and violent action that usually triggered Ellery off, and slipped his free hand around and pushed it into his sphincter dry, causing Ellery to buck hard and spasm, squirting a mouthful of salty fluid into Ennis’s mouth, his own mouth falling open with a loud gasp and a shudder.

Ennis pulled his finger out when Ellery finished coming, and rolled off him, panting, then rose to his knees. His face was messy with come.

“You look a sight, boy,” Ellery said, grinning up at him.

“Yeah, but I feel real good,” he replied, lying down on the pillow. “How about you?”

“I look a sight too, but I haven’t got all that spunk on my face.” He leaned in, and lapped at Ennis’s cheek and chin, and Ennis chuckled softly while Ellery lapped his come off his face, sneaking a kiss in the middle of it. “Much better,” he pronounced as he tickled Ennis’s cheek with the tip of his tongue.

“You like that good enough?”

“Good enough for not havin no sex, sure,” Ellery said, digging his elbow into Ennis’s ribs.

Ha, ha, Ellery - no sex!  Ah, well, with Junior on the other side of the wall - emergency measures needed to be taken! 

The measure of a country's greatness is its ability to retain compassion in times of crisis         ~~~~~~~~~Thurgood Marshall

The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself.    ~~~~~~~~~ Mark Twain

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Re: Taking Chances, by E. L. Van Hine and L.H. Nicoll
« Reply #8995 on: January 23, 2007, 02:15:40 pm »
Well, you didn't think I was going to skip this, did you?  This scene is memorable for many reasons  - I can't remember another time when we've seen this particular, er, number pop up on E&E's dance card.  I guess we find out why when we read Ellery's last line!


E&E's dance card?? Marie, you crack me up!!  :laugh:

thanks for the quotes.
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Re: Taking Chances, by E. L. Van Hine and L.H. Nicoll
« Reply #8996 on: January 23, 2007, 06:38:04 pm »
I just saw that today is Quiplash's birthday! 

I haven't seen him online for ages ..
but if you do read this Quip..

Happy Birthday mate!  8)

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Re: Taking Chances, by E. L. Van Hine and L.H. Nicoll
« Reply #8997 on: January 24, 2007, 09:25:08 am »
Good morning, re-readers! Chapters 61-65 today...

From 61, a little bit of early morning humor...

“Nah I’m okay.” The bathroom door opened and Ellery stepped out, wearing that too-brief robe that showed most of his thighs. He opened the door of the bedroom as Junior turned, startled. “Jesus God!” she gasped, and put her hand over her eyes.

“Whoops, ‘scuse me, “ Ellery said with an embarrassed smile, and closed the bedroom door.

“What’s wrong, darlin?” Ennis asked, frowning, and poked his head out into the hall.

“Nothin... it’s okay,” she murmured, blushing wildly, and retreated to the sofa to start folding up the blankets and sheets.

“Dammit,” he muttered, stirring the eggs in the pan.

Ellery came out several minutes later, hair combed back wet, in a black t-shirt and denim jeans. “Smells good,” he said cheerfully, leaning in through the kitchen doorway. Junior clutched her robe to her neck, and bent to get some clothes out of her overnight bag.

“S’cuse me, can I go in the bathroom now?”

“Sure Alma, sorry about dashin out there like that.”

“Just wasn’t... wasn’t expectin ...” she fled into the bathroom wordlessly.

“Jesus Christ Ellery.”

“I haven’t got a longer robe. I’m a former bachelor, remember?”

“Still... ya might a dressed in the bathroom.”

“You didn’t.”

“She’s used ta me, besides, I put a towel on, I didn’t prance around in a little nightdress,” Ennis muttered.

“I won’t do it again, okay?”

“Damn straight ya won’t do it again.”

“Ennis, yer bein irritatin.”

“An yer bein insensitive. She is a young girl.”

Ellery dropped his voice, but his tone was heated. “She’s a married woman. All she got was a look at my legs. She’s seen legs before.”

“She’s havin a bad time with her husban so she don’t need no distraction.”

Ellery blinked twice slowly, and then smiled. “I swear ta god Ennis, you come up with the strangest ways a bein jealous.”
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Re: Taking Chances, by E. L. Van Hine and L.H. Nicoll
« Reply #8998 on: January 24, 2007, 09:49:29 am »
From Chapter 62:


“Hey Daddy. I’m sorry I told ya ta shut up.”

“I’m sorry I called ya a filly in heat.”

She looked up shyly. “Did ya mean it?”

Ennis sat down next to her on the sofa. “I never lived with a man before, Junior... I ... I don’t know, I just know when anybody looks at Ellery an I catch em lookin it gets me riled up an I see red. I guess that was out a line.”

“An I guess if I am gonna come cryin ta you I should expect ya ta start askin questions. An no, things a been all right in the love department, an that is about the only thing that is workin right.”

“Fair enough,” Ennis said.

“So you got... jealous a me findin em handsome Daddy? Really?”

“I’m a real jealous guy, darlin,” he said.

“Funny, I never seen you act that way with Momma when was little. An men used ta look at er all the time.”

He smiled faintly. “Junior, you hit the nail on the head. See... I didn’t feel that way about yer momma.”

“Oh... yeah...” she said, her voice dropping. “I see.”

“When someone is lookin at the man I want... it’s ... it’s different.”

“I understand. Sometimes me an Curt go to the church social an there is this Gillian Summers always comes flouncin over an hi an how are you an can I dance with yer husband and she is swayin her hips an it just makes me see red.”

He nodded. “Then you know exactly what I’m talkin about.


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Re: Taking Chances, by E. L. Van Hine and L.H. Nicoll
« Reply #8999 on: January 24, 2007, 09:58:51 am »
From chapter 65....another famous encounter!

“Hey... we got a second night ta get through, but we got a little while fer some cuddlin an fondlin while she’s out on her walk.”

Ennis swallowed a gulp of coffee. “That’s true. C’mere.”

Ellery stood up and walked over to Ennis’ side of the table, and Ennis, predictably, opened his belt and unzipped him. “I miss doin this just any ol time.”

“Oh sweetheart, you like bein dirty don’t ya?”

“Yeah well... yeah...” he slipped his fingers into Ellery’s fly and pushed down the front of his drawers, gripping his cock, then tilted his head up. “You like that, when I grab ya?”

“Uhhhh huh...”

Ennis stood up, keeping Ellery’s cock firmly in hand as it stiffened, stroking him slightly as he moved closer, then smothered his mouth with a passionate kiss, his other hand pulling Ellery’s chest against his, thrusting his tongue in his mouth. Ellery shuddered with pleasure, feeling the stiff heat of Ennis’s erection against his hip as Ennis thrust his tongue deep in his mouth, working his cock roughly with his hand, then pushing him against the side of the house. Ellery’s arms came around his back, sliding down over his ass and kneading his cheeks with his long fingers.

Junior, had started down the road, turned back as a large thunderhead cast the early evening into shadow, and she came around the side of the house to join Ennis and Ellery, stopping dead as she saw her father pressing Ellery up against the house in a passionate embrace. She stared for a long moment, in a confused fascination, taking in the position of Ennis’s hand moving between them, Ellery’s fingers digging into his ass, the faint moans that escaped their locked mouths, stepped back down the stairs, and at last looked away, breathless.

Neither of the men, their ears filled only with the sound of their muffled moans and labored breathing, heard Junior’s light step on the patio, or her retreat, when they finally broke the kiss. “Can’t wait ta get you alone, an show ya my surprise, boy,” Ennis said, his voice low and urgent in Ellery’s ear, still stroking his erection.

“What is it?” Ellery responded, his breaths a series of short pants against Ennis’s neck.

“Gonna tie ya up, put that vibrator inside ya this time, turn in on high an give ya a paddlin.”

“Oh, Ennis...” Ellery sighed. “You been thinkin again.”

“You bet.”

“Now we just got ta think a what ta do right now,” Ellery moaned softly, his hips rolling as he thrust up into Ennis’s hand.

“We’re gonna make you make a mess in yer pants is what we’re gonna do,” Ennis growled, brushing his lips against Ellery’s neck and sucking, tightening his fingers on his cock as he pumped him.... “yer gonna come fer Mr. Coyote or he’ll give ya a bite.”

Ellery whimpered, opening his eyes to scan around them, but his body was largely blocked by Ennis’s, the yard empty but for a few hopping brown birds and a bright blue hummingbird sucking at the water feeder, and he surrendered to the dominance of Ennis’s hand and the scrape of his teeth along the base of his neck, fixing on his shoulder, and he nipped hard as his hand pumped him, the nip causing a spasm of pleasure to tip Ellery over the edge, causing him to spurt into the palm of Ennis’s hand. He moaned softly as he came, his body quivering with pleasure, and Ennis relaxed his hand, gathering as much of his semen as he could and stepping back a pace, holding his wet palm to Ellery’s mouth while he tucked his cock back into his drawers. Ellery gave him a heavy-lidded smile as he licked the warm liquid out of Ennis's hand.

Ennis nodded, dropping his hand once Ellery had licked it clean, and zipped him up, buckling his belt. “Try not ta look too satisfied, boy...” he warned softly, giving him another rough kiss, his tongue lapping the salty taste from Ellery’s lips.

“I’ll try,” he replied with a mischievous grin. “What about you?”

“You can suck me off when we go ta bed.”

“Can I use some fingers?”

Ennis nodded, saying nothing, his face flushed with desire, and as he moved to sit back at the table, he adjusted himself. “Better settle down now. Want another coffee?”

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