.... remind me of Brokeback Mountain.
Now that I've reached a stage where I don't have that overwhelming urge to discuss and analyze every bit of the film 24/7, still there's so much that keep *reminding* me of the film. Small things, big things. I thought through it, and here's the top 10 of the (much longer list) of reminders I had no problem producing. Yup, BBM got me good!
• The full moon (last full moon here was exceptionally bright and shiny around midnight, very worthy of an Ang Lee significant scene)
• Sheep with new-born lambs……well, that would be half-grown lambs by now (Several fields around town here are full of sheep and lambs, so I get lots and lots of BBM reminders)
• Driving long distances (I drove well over 500 kilometers a couple of weekends ago, and my thoughts sure went to Jack. I hope his back hurt less than mine!)
• Any image or mention of Wyoming or of Alberta mountain ranges (Upon reading Hillary Clinton’s “Living History”, one of the stories there that made a particular impression (all thanks to BBM) was the Clinton family and their Secret Service entourage camping out in the Grand Tetons. I envied them!)
• King of the Road (Heard a marching band playing this tune on Constitution Day last month and I sure enough did a BBM double-take )
• Mention of anything remotely Rodeo related, however far out (yes, I was totally thinking about BBM while watching Borat’s rodeo stint in the cinema....)
• That particular colour blue (Jack's shirt & eye colour – there are patches of wildflowers sporting just that colour these days)
• Whiskey, in any bottle, shape or form. (Impossible to not look for the whiskey or to not send Jack and Ennis a thought now if visiting a pub or bar. Plus it’s tempting to ask whether there’s Old Rose for sale there, just on general principle.)
• Camping gear, mini barbeque sets, and outdoors folding chairs (‘tis surely the season for all that)
• Cher (both her music which I happened to have to listen to, some days back - and images of her, especially if wearing one of those explicit outré costumes….. I totally blame my stint as Monroe on the PT for this strange Cher fixation!)
(Mods, pls. feel free to merge this with another thread. I'm sure this must have been posted about before and at length somewhere, but my search didin't turn up a relevant thread. Also, feel free to move to another part of the board. I figured this does in a way show "how the movie impacted me" though, so...here I am!