Author Topic: Hey, What Ya Reading??? A book???  (Read 107026 times)


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Re: Hey, What Ya Reading??? A book???
« Reply #30 on: July 17, 2007, 06:52:34 pm »
As Meat Loves Salt by Maria McCann.  It's an erotic tale of passions and obsessions set against the back drop of Civil War in Seventeenth Century England.  It's intense expecially the homo-erotic love scenes.  Whew!   

After this I hope to cool down by reading the new Harry Potter.

*sound of thunder as the entire population of Bettermost charge to the bookstore to buy "As Meat Loves Salt"*

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Re: Hey, What Ya Reading??? A book???
« Reply #31 on: July 17, 2007, 09:25:57 pm »
*sound of thunder as the entire population of Bettermost charge to the bookstore to buy "As Meat Loves Salt"*

[thunder thunder]

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Re: Hey, What Ya Reading??? A book???
« Reply #32 on: July 23, 2007, 12:23:16 pm »
I'm reading Bill Bryson's the Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid!!!!

Bill Bryson is my favorite writer. You cannot read his books in Public Transport, because you would make a fool out of yourself by laughing so hard and not being able to stop! LOL!

This book is about him growing up in Des Moines in the 50's. God, my boyfriend is so fed up with me now, I cannot stop laughing hysterically at it.

Has anyone ever read anything by Bill Bryson?


Oh my god, I must have read ALL of Bryson's books! My favourite of his remains "The Lost Continent" about his travels through America. I just finished "Thunderbolt kid" but must say I was disappointed.

I have just started a book by Jay MacInerney around 9/11 called "The Good Life". I have read plenty of good reviews of this book but am finding it hard to really get into it - too many characters right from the beginning, and they mostly seem to be minor characters. I'll keep trying anyhow. Has anyone managed to read it all? Is it worth it?
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Re: Hey, What Ya Reading??? A book???
« Reply #33 on: July 25, 2007, 01:36:39 pm »
just finished "I Had to Say Something" by Mike Jones with Sam Gallegos, about the outing of Ted Haggard, excellent story. Excellent points he makes and his journey thru the process is amazing.

Now reading "Evening" by Susan Minot, on pg 5 and am already in love witht he story and the way she tells it. Will read it then see the movie (Thanks Focus Features)
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Re: Hey, What Ya Reading??? A book???
« Reply #34 on: July 26, 2007, 02:26:11 pm »
             Well I have been in the middle of Harry Potter for the last two days, and am finishing it up..No spoilers here for those who have not read it..But I have mentioned it before that my grandaughter and I have been reading it together for all these years...She is finished, and said for me to get back to it in order that we might discuss it..But I just wanted to post her report in her blog.  I think it is worth reading for those who have yet to read it and are sad at the

The end of an era...
I finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows last night. I expected to be devastated when it was over; half of my life was spent following Harry on his quest to save the world from the evils of prejudice and hatred. Everyone knows that there's always a feeling of let-down at the end of a book, ESPECIALLY if it was a good one. Well, in the end, I do feel that let-down a bit. But it is not going to be too hard to deal with. In fact, I woke up this morning feeling vitally renewed and ready to move on.

People may mock me for this, but I feel like finishing this series marks a revolution in my life as well as in Ron's, Hermione's, and of course Harry's. I am not stupid. I recognize that Harry, Hogwarts, the Ministry of Magic, the Weasleys, all of it, are not real, but they have been my sanctuary for years; and in a very special and even unique way, they were real to me. I pity anyone who tries to tell me that I was too invested in this fictional world. Just because you don't understand how I feel does not mean that my sentiments are not valid or meaningful.

I would not dream of telling how the story ends (I was unfortunate enough to have that happen to me...), but I will say that it was quite satisfying. I feel as though JK Rowling outdid herself in putting an end to the world's adventures with Harry Potter and his heroic friends. I commend JK Rowling on a job well done. I could have hoped for little more from the final installment of the adventures of Harry Potter. I would not have dared to hope that I could feel this good about the end of my adventures with them, but I do. As I said, it has helped me to realize the end/beginning of an era in my own life.

I'm not in high school anymore. I've known this for years, don't get me wrong. But now, I'm going to be a junior in college, and I am finally starting to recognize what this means. I feel like I came of age right alongside my good friend Harry Potter (I know some would call me childish, but I truly do not care). He was almost 18. I am 20.

I have loved amazing people, seen friends live happily, move on, move away, and even pass away. I have changed a lot since my first adventure with Harry when I was 12 years old. I'm no longer "Little Miss 4.0." My goals in life have changed drastically. I am in love with a man, and would love nothing more than to marry him and have little blonde versions of him running all around us (he was such a cute baby. 8-P….and I'm young, this sentiment may change too). I'm no longer bitter or afraid of people and slightly less cynical than I was two years ago. I like to jump out of airplanes, and I am most certainly going to see the world.

As much as I desperately want to be a part of Harry's magical world (I don't think this will ever go away; it is such an awe-inspiring world), I am now content with my own. Remarkably, somewhere along the way, while Harry and I were growing up....I quit NEEDING him. I quit needing a place to go where magic is real, the end is never really the end, and love really does conquer all. Hiding is no longer necessary; reading about the wizarding world is just a peaceful and fun way to pass the time. It doesn't really matter whether this revolution has anything to do with Harry Potter itself. It is very likely that I could have had the same reaction to The Iron Ring, The Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia, or any other such tale.

In the end, though, it was Harry who I grew up with. It was Harry who I learned from and with. It's Harry who I now say goodbye to as I have with many good friends who I have watched leave.

Today is a new day, and it seems just right for some evolution, don't you think?

posted by K @ 11:53 AM   0 comments  

is being the end.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2007, 03:51:05 pm by ifyoucantfixit »

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Re: Hey, What Ya Reading??? A book???
« Reply #35 on: July 27, 2007, 01:41:31 am »
aw, Janice. What a special young lady.

Congratulations.... ;)

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Re: Hey, What Ya Reading??? A book???
« Reply #36 on: July 27, 2007, 02:17:29 am »
Janice--Your granddaughter's blog about Harry Potter is great--I loved reading it. She's quite a writer!
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Re: Hey, What Ya Reading??? A book???
« Reply #37 on: July 27, 2007, 08:18:24 am »
Oh Janice, that was wonderful!

Especially loved this:

I pity anyone who tries to tell me that I was too invested in this fictional world. Just because you don't understand how I feel does not mean that my sentiments are not valid or meaningful.

I agree wholeheartedly with that because it's the same feeling I have with BBM and the way we here are all invested in it!

Thanks for posting... wish her the best of luck from all of us...

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Re: Hey, What Ya Reading??? A book???
« Reply #38 on: July 27, 2007, 11:40:08 am »
Janice, what a lovely girl your Granddaughter is  ;D  You must be very proud!
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Re: Hey, What Ya Reading??? A book???
« Reply #39 on: July 27, 2007, 08:23:14 pm »
Good for your granddaughter. 

Just because a character/world is fictional doesn't make the lessons they learn/display and the hardshps the characters undergo any less meaningful for the reader/viewer.  Human/life experiences - whether lived by reality TV people or characters in a book/movie/comic/TV show - do not change and we can all be affected by them in very life-affirming positive ways.