Heh. I sure don't need any images or glass prizes or caption prompts to make me think
"F**k you, AMPAS". That's merely a statement of general and oft-repeated truth where I am concerned.

Thank you everyone for the images and information. Many nice pics that make me smile.
And so, so great to see Heath getting some more than well-deserved recognition, however late in the coming......
Otherwise a bundle of very random thoughts crossed my mind. Like, I think Heath looks waaay better with short hair. Some scissors his way at once, please! (::blush:: Not that it's any of my business....

) And, I think this is the first time since the BBM premiere I've seen images from this kind of ceremonies where Michelle hasn't been glued happily to his side. There really seems to be an empty space when she's not there. Is she away filming or something?
And Daniel Radcliffe.....now I totally see why people tend to get him mixed up with Elijah Wood.