Are we sure the evil voice is all the *same* voice? Aren't there more than one bad guy in this film? (I'm pretty blank on the whole Batman thing).
Because I'd say that the
"I'm a man of my word" is definitely Heath, but the
"Starting tonight.... " doesn't sound like him.
And Michael Caine's voice speaking before that is so easy to recognize, isn't it?
I thought his Ennis accent was wonderful, until it came time to say things like "Thought I'd drop the gulls off..."

Yep, one big benefit of not being an English native speaker of any kind or nationality. Small slips like that are undetectable to people like me, so we blissfully buy what the film and Heath try to sell in the accent department.
ETA: Picked up the most recent TotalFilm Magazine. There's an interview with Maggie Gyllenhaal, and she talks about her Batman role among other matters, but for some reason the mag decides to focus on *her* and fails to ask her what she thinks about acting with Heath.