And isn't that the "Shell" t-shirt he wore years ago at some kind of demonstration?
Here we go again, discussing his sartorial choices 
But it's fun, isn't it? 
Yes, it's the Shell (or rather, "hell") T-shirt. So... not something he shopped for recently, this. Something old, something new, something.... red&white striped!
And did y'all notice his vest is buttoned up all askew?
Man, did he go to real efforts to look as weirdly clothed as at all possible. And of course, 't was the socks stood out to me too.
I'm of two minds. Well, actually, 3:
On the one hand, I do find it impolite to show up dressed like that. It's the black-tie conclusion and awards ceremony to the festival, is it not? And he probably knew he'd even be accepting (on behalf of Cate Blanchett if she won).
One the other hand, I totally admire his guts, too. Going out like that in public with lots of photographers about? Going to the festival's gala conclusion with lots of beautifully and tastefully dressed movie hot-shots about, dressed like that? Whatever the intended message, and to whom.... he's got guts. I'm not sure I'd have the courage to get up like that in my own house, even.
On the third hand,

at self , yes Penth, it *is* fun to discuss this and I bet that's at least partly why he's doing it. He's a real Joker.
(ETA: I hope you won't all kick me and yell at me for saying this, but if I'm being honest I have to admit that this thought *did* cross my mind: I really do hope he wasn't high on something while getting dressed for the ceremony.
