If we can't joke about things anymore Katherine, we are way too uptight!!!!!!!
I agree, Janice, but I know some people here seem genuinely saddened, and I don't want to offend anyone.
Here's a confession: for all my many contributions to this thread over the years, I still see Heath and Michelle pretty much as movie stars. Which is not to say their troubles don't matter objectively. I'm not making some kind of comment like, "Well, they're rich and famous, so I'm sure they'll be fine."
No, what I'm saying is that they basically are strangers to me. So their breakup is sad in the general sense that any breakup is sad, particularly that of a couple who recently seemed in love and who have a young child. But I reserve most of my genuine emotions for the troubles experienced by friends, family and myself. Occasionally, I do feel truly sad for a stranger, but it's usually a situation involving an unjust or tragic death. There are so many of those, I don't have much sadness left over for celebrity breakups ... So although I can describe this news as sad, I'll have to say I don't feel any personal strong emotion about it.