I'm totally with you in your mixed emotions about the Joker, Chrissi.
I'm very fascinated and intrigued by all the Joker images that are emerging; - yet I believe I may end up being very disappointed and actively disliking the role as such. I've never been happy or easy about mass-murdering psychopats presented as general popcorn-munching entertainment.
Nevertheless, until the film is actually here, I'm allowing myself to wallow whole-heartedly in my Joker image fascination.
So here's one more: The mask behind the mask...

The image is from here, but this was the only Heath-image. For anyone with more than a cursory interest in Mr. Bale, there's lots of goodness this way, though. (Beware! Very image intensive, and BIG images - no site for dial-up connections!)
I will second that emotion!!! It is heath so I am fascinated and want every last morsel I can get.But he is no longer here,so I can hardly bear to see those morsels.Right now we would normally all be in a frenzy of expectation as the film gets ready to debut.We would be awaiting eagerly,loads of photo shoots and,hanging on soon to his every word in interviews.
Sadly none of that will transpire.So it truly is bittersweet,and we may still have the "imaginarium "release to get through as well.I do not know if I am dreading it all ,or waiting for a few last images of beloved Heath.It is such a cauldron of emotions.Sometimes I even almost hate him for being so careless.As in how could you be so silly,you should be here, about to bask in glory (hopefully) again.
You should be on Ellen,Oprah, GMA etc, fidgeting,shy,that lovely smile,and a whole host of other shows.Never seeming totally at ease with either the interview,or your fame.But even more endearing for being so.
Then I just return to that horrible ache that nothing seems to assuage.
I still think I will give the Dark Knight a miss and the Imaginarium.I feel it may be a step too far too soon for me.But who knows.
I do know that after all this time,I still miss him, and I did not know him.He just brightened up my life.I always thought he was fragile,I just never realised how fragile.
It is a bit like a brilliant comet that almost blinds us with its,light,glory and sheer magnificance,then right at its peak ,goes,leaving us wondering and gasping in the wake.