Author Topic: Heath Heath Heath  (Read 4558577 times)

Offline optom3

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #5450 on: June 02, 2008, 03:23:19 pm »
Jake is very popular with women and gay men that's why he is mostly very high placed in polls like that.  A link to the poll was posted on the Dave Cullen forum and other Jake or BBM related fansites. That probably contributed to him winning.
While i think Jake's prettier, i'd agree that Heath is sexier and should have been placed higher. But that's how fans voted!

Tht is a really good way of describing it,Jake is prettier, but he hs no sex appeal for me. Heath is not so pretty but just exudes sex appeal from every pore.I think it is something to do with talent as well. I find amazing talent in any form is very very sexy.whether it is an artist, musician, actor, whatever,
That is why I like Johnny Depp, he is almost too perfect looking, but some of his earlier roles were just mesmerising. I also love the fact that he is completely out of the limelight.That is very appealing to me,he is obviously a really devoted father, he stopped filming while his daughter was ill.

Offline MilAn

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #5451 on: June 02, 2008, 03:35:47 pm »
Tht is a really good way of describing it,Jake is prettier, but he hs no sex appeal for me. Heath is not so pretty but just exudes sex appeal from every pore.I think it is something to do with talent as well. I find amazing talent in any form is very very sexy.whether it is an artist, musician, actor, whatever,
That is why I like Johnny Depp, he is almost too perfect looking, but some of his earlier roles were just mesmerising. I also love the fact that he is completely out of the limelight.That is very appealing to me,he is obviously a really devoted father, he stopped filming while his daughter was ill.

I agree, i didn't like Johnny that much when he dated Winona and Kate Moss, but since he hooked up with Vanessa and started his own family i started respecting him as a private person too, not just as an actor. I'm looking forward to see him and Heath in Imaginarium. I hope this time Gilliam's movie will be decent as opposed to some he released lately.

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #5452 on: June 02, 2008, 04:29:08 pm »
Forgive me for saying so, but I would much rather have played Jake's role in BBM than Heath's.  He did get to kiss Heath, after all.

Heath seemed so tender, i think you would have enjoyed kissing him! ;)

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #5453 on: June 02, 2008, 06:01:00 pm »
MilAn posted this link in the Jake Jake Jake thread (Jake is #1), but as Heath is there as well, I am posting it here too, along with my comments.

Oh, that was fun to look at!  I was happy to see Hayden Christensen, Robert Downey Jr., Ian Somerhalder, James McAvoy, Milo Ventimiglia, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, and Anderson Cooper there along with expected ones like Johnny Depp.  They are all hot to me!  In fact, I had a reaction to James McAvoy much like the one I had to Heath the frst time I sw him in a movie.  Heath was there too, listed at #34, In Memoriam.  Hmmm ... maybe my comments actually belong in the Heath Heath Heath thread.  I will post them there too.  Thanks for sharing this link.

Interesting lineup but there are quite a few names that I'm not even familiar with (Adam Barta, Russell Tovey, Nicholas Gob,  Mitch Hewer, James Sutton, Adam Levine, Ronnie Kroel?). 
Some (mostly meow) comments:

- I'm not sure how T.R. Knight & Matthew Rhys got on there.  They must be PC choices to show that gay men are not completely shallow and obsessed with looks...  ;D

- Is it me or does Chace Crawford (#19) have a really small head.

- Mario Lopez just gives me the creeps.  Does he EVER wear clothes?  His half-naked pics are all over the tabs but I have no idea what he does, lol!

- Patrick Dempsey!?  I just wish he'd develop some sort of personality...He's even blander than Ken-doll Thomas Roberts.

Shia Lebouef should sue that photog, lol! (ET phone home)

Offline optom3

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #5454 on: June 02, 2008, 08:24:04 pm »
I have tremendous respect for Johnny Depp as both an actor and a person (as well as we can know anyone from afar).  I was talking strictly about looks.  He is flawless, and I prefer a little imperfection in my men.  Jake has pretty eyes, but no sex appeal for me, whereas Heath is both gorgeous and sexy!  Forgive me for saying so, but I would much rather have played Jake's role in BBM than Heath's.  He did get to kiss Heath, after all.   ;)  In real life, however, I am much more an Ennis, at least at this point in time, although a bit of Jack thrown in for balance.

If Heath was around I would have been happy to play the horse!!! I still cannot believe I have such a crush at my age.It takes me back to when I was 15 and besotted with David Cassidy.Oh dear who would have thought all those years later I would be having a return to teen years.
I can honestly say I am envious of those who had close contact with him,  or even better had the fortune to call him friend. I can't help but think that there was a lot of wisdom to impart, behind those eyes.

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #5455 on: June 03, 2008, 12:12:24 am »
I had a fleeting crush on David Cassidy, too! Even more so on Bobby Sherman. Then I switched to Michael Cole, the white guy in The Mod Squad.

I am so old I remember Susan Dey before she became a Partridge, when she was just a regular old supermodel in Seventeen magazine.

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #5456 on: June 03, 2008, 12:21:25 am »
OMG, you had a crush on David Cassidy too??  I also liked Sean Cassidy, who is the producer (I think) of Roar.  Those Cassidy boys were delicious!  You know Susan Dey from the Partridge Family had a thing for David Cassidy, her costar, that was unrequited, and I think it really messed her up for a while.

I too wish I had been lucky enough to meet Heath, and not as a fan, but as someone in his life so that I could know him as a person.  Yeah, you can call it a massive crush.  I am equally afflicted!  My husband just rolled his eyes at my desktop background photo tonight.

Massive David Cassidy crush and hate to admit it, but saw him in concert.Kept that one quiet from my "rock" friends.I had his picture all over the inside of my closets,and pink floyd et al on the walls so I did not lose all street cred.I thought Susan Dey was the luckiest female alive,just goes to show you,apperances can be deceptive.

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #5457 on: June 03, 2008, 02:25:06 am »
I went to the movies tonight (alright, I'll admit I saw Sex and the City), and there was a preview for a Hugh Jackman/Nicole Kidman movie called Australia, directed by Baz Luhrman.  All of a sudden, I realized it must have been that "untitled Baz Luhrman project" that Heath had originally been signed up for at one point.  Him not being in the preview panged me and made me feel the loss acutely.

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #5458 on: June 03, 2008, 02:27:16 am »
Good evening eathens :)

Believe it or not, we finally have internet connection here in Wyoming. We're in Riverton. Going to the post office tomorrow. Go and check the Roundup subforum if you're interested.

And of course I do have a Heath pic to post. Wouldn't do it any other way :)

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #5459 on: June 03, 2008, 06:14:35 am »
I went to the movies tonight (alright, I'll admit I saw Sex and the City), and there was a preview for a Hugh Jackman/Nicole Kidman movie called Australia, directed by Baz Luhrman.  All of a sudden, I realized it must have been that "untitled Baz Luhrman project" that Heath had originally been signed up for at one point.  Him not being in the preview panged me and made me feel the loss acutely.

Was Heath ever signed up for it? I am not sure. I know Russell Crowe originally had the Hugh Jackman role and left over "creative differences."

I have been posting news articles, pictures, and other stuff about Australia on the Hugh, Hugh, Hugh thread. I am excited about this movie, I hope it is good.

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