Author Topic: Heath Heath Heath  (Read 3916914 times)

Offline Ellemeno

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #5920 on: July 19, 2008, 01:14:49 am »

(I am probably breaking some homeland security law taking a picture of a fire truck. Oh well).


Reminds me that I miss David being around....

Offline Ellemeno

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #5921 on: July 19, 2008, 01:33:34 am »

Heath Ledger to be honoured for contribution to Australian film industry
By Bonnie Malkin in Sydney

Heath Ledger is to be posthumously honoured for his contribution to the Australian film industry at the Brisbane International Film Festival next month.

The Perth-born actor will be given the 2008 Chauvel Award in recognition of his dedication to Australian cinema.

Rod Welford, the Queensland arts minister, said Ledger was an obvious choice because he supported the local entertainment industry throughout his career.

Ledger made his film debut in Australian production Blackrock and also played the lead role in acclaimed Australian drama Two Hands.

Speaking at the program launch for the Brisbane International Film Festival (BIFF), Mr Welford said: "Over the years, there have been many others who have drawn focus to the Australian film industry either through their own personal achievements in their field or their consistent and staunch support for Australian film-making."

"Heath Ledger did both, and his passing highlighted how loved and revered he was - not just by fans, but by the Australian film-making community."

It will be the first time in the award's 16-year history that it will be granted posthumously.

The award presentation will take place in August. It will include interview footage and film material from Ledger's career.

Friends and colleagues of the deceased actor are expected to attend the ceremony.

Previous recipients of the award, named after Queensland film pioneers Charles and Elsa Chauvel, include director George Miller and actors Geoffrey Rush and Bryan Brown.

Ledger, 28, died of an accidental prescription drug overdose in a New York apartment in January.

He is hotly tipped to win a posthumous Oscar for his role as the Joker in Batman sequel Dark Knight.

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #5922 on: July 19, 2008, 03:08:43 am »
I just got back from TDK and I don't want to give away a thing, but I just had to say that it completely lives up to the hype.  I thought I would be distracted by Heath's death the whole time, but I wasn't at all.  I think that says so much about how he lost himself in this role.  Everyone has been saying that you can't see any of Heath in his performance, but I didn't know just how true that would be.  It was only after the movie ended that this extreme sadness came over me in remembering that Heath won't be able to enjoy any of the well-deserved adulation.  With every review I read and coverage I see pertaining to the movie, it makes me almost angry that Heath can't experience all this praise.  And yes, people would absolutely be raving about this performance just as much if Heath were still alive, no doubt, I don't understand when people say otherwise.

Offline Penthesilea

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #5923 on: July 19, 2008, 05:12:35 am »
Have a nice weekend Heathens :)

Thank you everybody who reports their experiences with TDK. I avoided posting TDK pics for my daily Heath pic until now, but since it opened yesterday I chose this one for today's Heath pic. Living in Europe, I haven't seen the movie yet, but I believe to catch a very brief glimpse of Heath in this scene from the trailer. It's the thingie he does with his hands.

Offline Penthesilea

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #5924 on: July 20, 2008, 04:11:12 am »
Good morning Heathens :)

Nobody posted a pink smurf hat photo for a while. I could use one....

Offline Ellemeno

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #5925 on: July 20, 2008, 05:42:08 am »
I love that hat, and have never seen that pic. 

:-* Chrissi!

Offline Ellemeno

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #5926 on: July 20, 2008, 05:43:48 am »
Like a family: Heath Ledger's ex-fiancee, daughter and lifelong friend
Last updated at 12:08 AM on 20th July 2008

The former fiancee of actor Heath Ledger has struck up a close friendship with the late star’s best friend.

Australian Trevor Di Carlo, who grew up with Ledger, has been comforting Michelle Williams at her New York home, six months after the actor died of a drug overdose.

The pair have been seen eating out together and taking strolls around Brooklyn, with Di Carlo, 29, wheeling two-year-old Matilda, the daughter of Ledger and Williams, in her pushchair.

News of their friendship follows reports that Williams, 27, is planning a court action to win a slice of Ledger’s £7million estate for Matilda.

Ledger’s performance as The Joker in new Batman movie The Dark Knight has been tipped to earn him a posthumous Oscar nomination.

But sources at Warner Bros say they fear any legal battle over the will might affect his chances of winning.

Two days after attending the film’s premiere in New York last week, Di Carlo appeared to be very relaxed when he answered the door to Williams’s home wearing only a pair of khaki shorts.

He refused to comment on their relationship, saying ‘No, sorry’, then shut the door.

One neighbour said: ‘I don’t see them go out often. When they do go out, I see them at a small pizza restaurant.

Great performance: Ledger's role in the new Batman film has been tipped to earn him a posthumous Oscar nomination

'People are very protective of her in the neighbourhood.’

Di Carlo’s mother Dianne has been reported in Australian newspapers as saying: ‘Michelle and he are the best of friends.

'It is a very special time for him to be with Matilda.’

Ledger had known Di Carlo since they were both three-year-olds in Perth in Western Australia.

Sources at Warner Bros fear any legal battle over Ledger's will may affect his chances of success at the Academy Awards

When Ledger travelled to Sydney at 16 to try his luck as an actor, Di Carlo went with him.

In 2005, after his success in Brokeback Mountain, Ledger moved to New York and gave Di Carlo his prized £25,000 1975 VW Kombi van.

Di Carlo is believed to have visited Ledger in New York after the actor met Williams in 2004 when they were playing a married couple in Brokeback Mountain.

Matilda was born in October 2005, but the couple split last September.

Ledger was linked with models Helena Christensen and Gemma Ward and actress Mary-Kate Olsen.

But friends said he took the split with Williams very badly.

While making his last film, The Imaginarium Of Doctor Parnassus, he spoke a lot about Matilda.

Director Terry Gilliam’s wife Maggie said: ‘It was very, very hard for him.’

After his death, aged 28, in January, Williams said: ‘My heart is broken. Matilda will be brought up with the best memories of him.’

She has denied reports of a rift with Ledger’s parents and three sisters who are the beneficiaries of his will.

Ledger drew up the will before Matilda was born, and under Western Australian law she will be entitled to a share.

But Williams must file a claim before August 11.

Offline Ellemeno

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #5927 on: July 20, 2008, 05:52:07 am »
Hunderd thousand dollar tractors and shit

Heath Ledger's uncle, Haydn Ledger, arrested for stolen goods.

Haydn Ledger has been arrested for stealing tractors and a tomahawk in Perth, Australia. Haydn Ledger, the late Heath Ledger's uncle, is the brother of Heath's Dad, who is named Kim Ledger.

Haydn Ledger was charged with receiving stolen goods when 3 bobcat tractors worth more than $100,000 were found parked outside his office. These tractors were earlier reported missing and stolen from a building site and a contractor's yard.

Uncle Haydn had been in the news earlier in 2008 when he accused Kim Ledger for mismanaging Heath Ledger's trust fund. Kim Ledger has denied his claim.

The late Heath Ledger's last completed movie, “The Dark Knight”, premiered in US on Friday, July 18, 2008.,-Haydn-Ledger,-arrested-for-stolen-goods-_a106457.html

Offline Ellemeno

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #5928 on: July 21, 2008, 12:12:17 am »
On location: The Joker's voice, born in Chicago,SHO-Sunday-zwecker13.article

July 13, 2008 Recommend (11)
BY BILL ZWECKER Sun-Times Columnist
Without question, Heath Ledger didn't go out of his way to seek publicity while in Chicago last summer filming ''The Dark Knight,'' but the actor was not exactly a hermit, either.

Especially when he first hit town in late May, 2007, the Australian actor spent quite a few evenings checking out a wide range of restaurants and nightspots in what turned out to be a kind of listening tour related to his character, the Joker.

''Always before, Heath's visits to Chicago were extremely brief -- mainly flying in for a day or two, to do press for one of his films,'' said Jim Hardy, a New York filmmaker and friend of Ledger and former girlfriend Michelle Williams who met the couple when they lived near him in their Brooklyn neighborhood.

''When Heath learned he would be spending a good bit of time in Chicago filming the 'Batman' movie, he asked me and anyone else who knew about the city where to go to eat and fun things to do when he wasn't working.''

Though he often would fly back to New York to see his infant daughter Matilda on his days off, Ledger did manage to hang his hat in a number of Windy City watering holes.

''Hang his hat'' is probably not the best phrase to use describing Ledger, as the actor -- when out in public -- would rarely doff one of the two chapeaux he often donned: a dark-colored (usually brown or gray) wool knit cap pulled down to his eyes or a jaunty, retro-looking fedora, often worn with oversized sunglasses.

Bareheaded or not, Ledger managed to check out more than a few popular eateries and clubs in the Gold Coast, River North and Streeterville neighborhoods while ensconced in Chicago last summer, creating the role many think will win him a posthumous Oscar next February.

A quiet kind of guy
Shortly after hitting town, Ledger was sighted on several occasions at Sound-Bar and Cabaret, also making a point to check out Billy Dec's Underground nightclub, which was just hitting its stride. Though sometimes accompanied by members of ''The Dark Knight'' crew, he rarely was seen partying with fellow cast members.

Co-star Christian Bale told the Sun-Times recently, ''He was a wonderful man and great company to be with. I wouldn't say we became great chums or anything like that .... Heath struck me as a very private man and I respected him greatly. I'm always a bit suspicious -- especially on a film set -- when someone tries to become your instant pal. Heath was the kind of person who took friendship seriously, but let it evolve and grow slowly .... That's the best way.''

And there isn't much evidence for rumors about Ledger's activities on location. ''Despite all the rumors about him being a big stoner and doing drugs, I never saw that,'' said a "Dark Knight" production staffer who requested his name not be used. "We'd get out for a beer or two, but often Heath would not even drink something that strong. I saw him on a couple of occasions only drink club soda all night long.

''He was a great listener, and unlike a lot of actors with big egos, he would listen to what you had to say and seemed really interested in our lives.''

Aaron Eckhart, who plays Harry Dent/Two-Face in ''The Dark Knight,'' also admitted that he and Ledger didn't socialize in Chicago. ''But then, I was kind of a loner myself [while in town], and really enjoyed just reading in that little park across from McCormick & Schmick's [Connors Park] or swimming in the lake or going for a run.

''Plus given the nature of our roles, I think Heath and I both knew instinctively that we needed to keep ourselves apart during filming .... Besides, I think he's the kind of guy who related more to the crew, rather than other actors. Heath was so down-to-earth and natural. I think he related best to other people who really work for a living."

Accent action
According to director Christopher Nolan and others who worked on ''The Dark Knight,'' a key reason Ledger even went out in public in Chicago was to help create the voice he wanted for ''the Joker.'' The actor told associates he felt the character required a ''flat, Midwestern or Chicago accent ... somewhat nasal and even a bit effeminate.''

It was all part of the back story he and Nolan informally constructed for the Joker, reflecting the psychological damage done to the twisted criminal when he was a child being badly abused by his horribly cruel alcoholic father.

Even Chicago resident Jenny Berger, an administrative assistant for a large investment firm and self-avowed ''huge movie fan,'' learned about the ''accent thing'' straight from Ledger himself.

Berger spied Ledger drinking coffee in the Oak Tree restaurant in the 900 N. Michigan Ave. shopping mall last June. ''We were sitting at tables next to each other -- way in the back. I quietly introduced myself and told him how much I loved 'Brokeback Mountain.'

''He was totally gracious and very cool .... As we got to talking, he said, 'You're not from Chicago, are you?' I admitted I was originally from Boston. That led to a discussion of accents, and he told me he was carefully listening to Chicagoans -- because that was the accent he wanted for the Joker.''

Covering territory
Among places Ledger was seen -- perhaps part of his ear-tuning for that accent -- was Bloomingdale's, though he also scooped up quite a few outfits there for his little girl. Ledger also shopped at Neiman Marcus, the Gap and Macy's. Among the restaurants the actor frequented during his three-month stay in Chicago were SushiSamba Rio (seen wearing a Western shirt reminiscent of his ''Brokeback Mountain'' role), Rockit Bar, the Weber Grill (he loved the burgers there) and Brazzaz.

Ledger also made at least one foray into the Greektown neighborhood on South Halsted and a crew member claimed he took the actor down to Chinatown as well.

Before the ill-fated star left Chicago -- for the final time, as it sadly turned out -- in early September, he finished his ''tour'' of Chicago restaurants at Carnivale, spending his last night in Chicago playing poker until the wee hours.

Word has it, Ledger left with a smile on his face. The Joker ended up winning big.

Offline Penthesilea

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #5929 on: July 21, 2008, 03:23:26 am »
Good morning Heathens :)

Elle, thanks for posting these articles.