More political controversy
Actually I love that we can talk about controversial stuff and hear each other.
Here are my top 5:
Chris Dodd - 55 - disagreed on Iraq and Line-Item Veto
Mike Gravel - 50 - disagreed on Iraq, Line-Item Veto and Energy (I have no clue who this is...)
Dennis Kucinich - 50 - disagreed on Iraq, Immigration, and Line-Item Veto
Barack Obama - 48 - disagreed on Iraq, Line-Item Veto, and Death Penalty
Hillary Clinton - 48 - disagreed on Iraq, Line-Item Veto, and Death Penalty
I've been waffling between Obama and Clinton and I think the same scores and points of disagreement indicate some of what I've been reading in the press - that neither of them is distinguishing themselves in any significant way. A good friend whom I respect greatly has been urging me to check out Kucinich, maybe I will. My least likelies were Fred Thompson and Mike Huckabee.
Thanks for posting this, Shasta - Interesting for sure.