Author Topic: ABCs at the Movies: The Doubles Round!  (Read 2614096 times)

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"F" is Follow That Dream (1962)
« Reply #6070 on: September 14, 2010, 08:39:55 pm »
^^^That's pretty gutsy^^^^

When the Kwimper family car runs out of gas on a new Florida highway and an officous state supervisor tries to run them off, Pop Kwimper digs in his heels and decides to do a little homesteading. He and his son Toby and their "adopted" children - Holly, Ariadne and the twins - start their own little community along a strip of the roadside. The fishing is good and the living is easy until the mob sets up a gambling operation and the state supervisor sics a sexy social worker on the Kwimpers in an effort to take away Ariadne and the twins.

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"G" is Grumpier Old Men (1995)
« Reply #6071 on: September 14, 2010, 09:43:44 pm »

Plot summary:  Things don't seem to change much in Wabasha County:  Max and John are still fighting after 35 years, Grandpa still drinks, smokes, and chases women , and nobody's been able to catch the fabled "Catfish Hunter", a gigantic catfish that actually smiles at fishermen who try to snare it. Six months ago John married the new girl in town (Ariel), and people begin to suspect that Max might be missing something similar in his life. The only joy Max claims is left in his life is fishing, but that might change with the new owner of the bait shop.

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"H" is Hyperhelion (2008)
« Reply #6072 on: September 15, 2010, 07:18:00 am »

IMDb:  Hyperhelion is a cautionary tale of greed and its impact on our natural world. Extraterrestrial herbalist, Dehma Jow'say, must defend her asteroid ecosystem from a ruthless prospector, Speen Relco, and his interstellar mining company. The survival of her planet's remaining species depends on her success.

Starring Carrie L. Fisher-Coppola.

Offline memento

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"I" is The Incredible Mr. Limpet (1964)
« Reply #6073 on: September 15, 2010, 10:25:37 am »

Plot: Meek and mild mannered bookkeeper Henry Limpet has few passions in life. It's mid-1941 and he would love to join the Navy but has been rated 4F. His friend George Stickle is in the Navy and lays it on pretty thick. If Henry could have one thing it would be to become a fish. While on a visit to Coney Island, Henry falls into the water and miraculously gets his wish. Now a fish, he makes friends, Ladyfish and Crabby the craft and loves his new life. He also uses his abilities to help the US Navy locate and sink Nazi U-Boats, forcing the Germans to create a new weapon to deal with the Allies secret weapon. When years later the Navy finds intelligent activity among dolphins, they may also know who is teaching them.

=asdie= Paul
Carrie L. Fisher-Coppola seems a litty fishy to me.

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Re: "I" is The Incredible Mr. Limpet (1964)
« Reply #6074 on: September 15, 2010, 11:36:19 am »
=asdie= Paul
Carrie L. Fisher-Coppola seems a litty fishy to me.

I LOVE Mr. Limpet!

I know what you mean, but she has a fishbook facebook page:

Offline Fran

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"J" is Jack Said (2009)
« Reply #6075 on: September 15, 2010, 03:05:10 pm »

Did you know that one of the definitions of "jack" is:   Any of several food and game fishes of the family Carangidae, found in tropical and temperate seas?  I didn't.  


"Some journeys are measured by what you sacrifice to get there", is the rather apt tagline for the latest gangster flick, Jack Said, based on Paul Tanter's successful graphic novel. Fledgling directors Lee Basannavar and Michael Tchoubouroff's dark and gritty new film is such a non-descript journey of sorts that it has you questioning the sacrifice of roughly an hour-and-a-half's worth of viewing time. Like a poor man's version of the stylish Sin City, Jack Said does raise initial expectations with the opening black-and-white hostage scenes that give credit to the film-makers' willingness to try interesting angles and design, respectfully in-keeping with the cartoon images in the novel. But transforming the visuals into grainy, washout colour soon after provides little impact or incentive, short of adding to the look and feel of low-budget (almost student) film trying to emulate the drama in its bigger budget brother. In fact, Jack Said may have fared better as a TV feature, and it certainly speaks volumes that the title is going straight to DVD on 5th October, so soon after its theatrical run.

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"K" is Kazablan (1974)
« Reply #6076 on: September 15, 2010, 03:14:10 pm »

IMDb:  An adaptation of a popular Israeli stage musical. Kazablan is an army veteran turned gang leader in the Israeli port of Jaffa who masks his feelings of bitterness with a lot of bravado. He's sweet on Rachel, a young woman who lives with her father and stepmother. The budding relationship scandalizes the neighbors (not to mention Rachel's parents) and infuriates Yanush, a middle-aged shoe store owner who wants Rachel for himself. (Yanush feels he's entitled to marry Rachel since they're both Ashkenazi Jews of Eastern European origins, whereas Kazablan is a Sephardic Jew from Morocco.) The neighborhood has something else to worry about besides the antics of Kazablan and his gang: the city wants to tear down their crumbling homes. The residents pool their resources to save their houses, but the money that's collected is stolen. When he's jailed for the theft, Kazablan must find a way to clear himself.

Key word:  gefilte-fish

Offline memento

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"L" is Love Serenade (1996)
« Reply #6077 on: September 15, 2010, 06:01:07 pm »

Plot: In Sunray, a backwater town on Australia's Murray River, there's little to do but fish or listen to the local radio station. D.J. Ken Sherry arrives from the hustle of Brisbane to run the station; he's mid-40s, detached, thrice divorced, hatchet faced. But both sisters next door find him attractive: awkward Dimity, only 20, who works in a Chinese restaurant with few patrons, and perky Vicki-Ann, a hairdresser with a hope chest who invents a happy future with Sherry based on little but his arrival. First Dimity then Vicki-Ann spend the night with Ken, one concluding he's her boy friend, the other her fiance. Then Dimity begins to smell something fishy.

Offline oilgun

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"M" is Mon Oncle (1958)
« Reply #6078 on: September 15, 2010, 06:27:48 pm »

It's all about appearance for the highly regimented Arpels. They live in an ultra modern house, equipped with all the latest automated conveniences. They've decorated the property in a minimalist theme. And the fish fountain in the yard has to be turned on before anyone of importance is allowed on the property. The house is not very child friendly. Hence, their son, Gerard, prefers to spend time with his uncle, M. Hulot, who lives a more lackadaisical lifestyle in a smallish flat in an old building in a older established neighborhood. M. Arpel in particular doesn't like the influence his brother-in-law has on his son. The Arpels try to make M. Hulot more of a person in their own mold. M. Arpel gets his brother-in-law a job at his factory, and Mme. Arpel hosts a garden party, hoping to match her brother with her equally style conscious neighbor. As both the work and social situation are contrary to M. Hulot's general bumbling nature, neither turns out quite the way the Arpels plan. But M. Hulot may have more of a positive effect on the Arpels than they realize.

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"N" is The Naughty Nineties (1945)
« Reply #6079 on: September 15, 2010, 11:42:07 pm »

From IMDb:  What can I say about this movie? I introduced it to my cousin when we were both a bit younger and we were on vacation together. We were both in an Abbott and Costello craze at the time and, over the course of the trip, we probably watched that movie upwards of thirty times. It was great! Easily my favorite of their many films. The film consists of hilarious routine after hilarious routine which occur around a central plot. Three crooked gamblers cheat an honest riverboat captain out of 3/4 of his ship. It's up to Bud and Lou (a ham actor and his dimwitted assistant) to get it back. The routines keep on coming with the mirror routine, the catfish, Lou as the "little Indian", My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean (Hilarious!!), 33 at the roulette table, bird shooting Lou, the out-of-control ending chase, and, of course, the full-length "Who's On First?" -- just to name a few. The crew couldn't even contain their laughter during this routine. Listen for them chuckling! The many gags throughout don't hinder the plot of the movie, only enhance it. The music and classic atmosphere of "Nineties" also adds a great deal to the film and gives it that "feel good" vibe which makes it so special and easy to enjoy time and time again. This is the perfect film to introduce anyone to this great comedy team. The boys are in top form here, and I recommend this to A&C fans, classic comedy fans, comedy fans, movie fans, music fans, and to people who just want to enjoy an evening of fun and laughs. Sit back and enjoy!