I could only tick five boxes plus one for "other".
We do
- Trim The Christmas Tree
- Set Up A Nativity Scene (Creche) (a small one, on a cabinet, not outside)
- Bake Christmas Cookies
- Sing/Listen To Christmas Songs
- Open Presents On Christmas Eve Night
Like petitfogger, we also have an Advent wreath. One candle for each Advent week. The first week, you light only one candle, second week light two candles and so on.
Last year I bought a creche and set it up. Was the first time ever we had a creche.
We open presents on the evening of Christmas Eve. First I go to church with the kids, while my husband is cooking and putting the presents under the tree and locks the living room door. Then we eat, and then we wait for Christ Child to ring the bell. The bell is the sign that Christ Child and Santa Clause have been here and are just about to leave the house.
I think it was two years ago when my middle child said: "It's strange that Christ Child always rings the bell when Daddy is on his way to the bathroom..."
Smart child