Author Topic: The ORIGINAL 1000+ Posts Club  (Read 5389634 times)

Offline Kelda

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Re: The ORIGINAL 1000+ Posts Club
« Reply #4510 on: August 16, 2007, 07:46:03 am »
I was actually thinking more along the lines of the japenese style booths (as ryanair has a hub at Prestwick - lots of early and late flights and lots of budget travellers use the airport as a result) I've always wondered how a hostel would do in ayrshire becasue of this but i think something like these pods would be used.

but thats interesting that they use the pods for health too.

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Re: The ORIGINAL 1000+ Posts Club
« Reply #4511 on: August 16, 2007, 07:54:04 am »
David, has your new work schedule started yet?

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Offline Kelda

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Re: The ORIGINAL 1000+ Posts Club
« Reply #4512 on: August 16, 2007, 07:59:20 am »

Shelter to get first sleep pods

A homeless night shelter in Hove planning to install nearly 30 Japanese-style sleep pods will have its first units installed by Christmas.
Father Alan Sharpe, from St Patrick's Trust, said the charity will buy its first pods this year at £3,000 each.

Jack Wheale, from the hostel, added: "It has room for changing your clothes, and a little space for your valuables."

Residents did not have many valuables but would have essential items for which there would be space, he said.

Mr Sharpe, who tried a pod at an exhibition in London on Wednesday, said: "I'm looking very much forward to having it here.

"I was in it today, I did lay down in it, and I felt quite happy in it.

"I shall be able to tell people in the night shelter tonight what my experiences were."

The charity has worked with the manufacturer on the development of the pods which the company say are lightweight and easy to handle.

The pods include a lock, a cupboard, a light, and a peg for hanging clothes.

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2006/11/08 20:56:37 GMT

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Re: The ORIGINAL 1000+ Posts Club
« Reply #4513 on: August 16, 2007, 08:12:28 am »
That's why I think the MetroNap pods might work better at an airport. No sheets and according to the website, the cover is heavy-duty vinyl that can be easily cleaned.

How long do people hang out at airports, anyway (I am saying on a normal travel day, not with cancelled flights and so on). Janice mentioned at 3.5 hour layover in Minneapolis. I can remember various trips where I had about 2 hours to wait--long enough for a nap, not long enough for full-fledged sleep.

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Offline Kelda

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Re: The ORIGINAL 1000+ Posts Club
« Reply #4514 on: August 16, 2007, 08:25:21 am »
That's why I think the MetroNap pods might work better at an airport. No sheets and according to the website, the cover is heavy-duty vinyl that can be easily cleaned.

How long do people hang out at airports, anyway (I am saying on a normal travel day, not with cancelled flights and so on). Janice mentioned at 3.5 hour layover in Minneapolis. I can remember various trips where I had about 2 hours to wait--long enough for a nap, not long enough for full-fledged sleep.


True, true.

Have you ever seen this website?

It makes for interesting reading - maybe we could begin our reserch into airports that woud need these pods or metronaps!

Thats the website that made me realise a lot of people at Glasgow Prestwick have such an early flight that they often do sleep in Prestwick airport due to transport issues or just not wanting to pay for a room they hardly use.

Also found this website which is related to that article I posted above.

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Offline Jeff Wrangler

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Re: The ORIGINAL 1000+ Posts Club
« Reply #4515 on: August 16, 2007, 08:40:12 am »
I think the ones with the entry to the wide side look even more like coffins. Bit creepy, hunh?
But I think they're better than a pup tent smelling of cat piss or worse  ;D.

These don't look too bad to me. They remind me of bunk beds. But those ones with the entry in the short end really creep me out. They make me think of ... ovens. ...  :-\  :P
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Re: The ORIGINAL 1000+ Posts Club
« Reply #4516 on: August 16, 2007, 12:13:57 pm »
These remind me of those sleep pods you see in Science fiction movies where space travellers sleep for 6 months or longer to get to their far away destinations.    Think of the movie 2001 or 2010.   Or even the original 1968  planet of the Apes.
God, that's what I need to get me back on the path to being the world traveller I once dreamed of becoming back in my childhood...sleeping pods that would render me unconscious for the duration of the flight.

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Re: The ORIGINAL 1000+ Posts Club
« Reply #4517 on: August 16, 2007, 04:21:34 pm »
am I the only frequent traveller who finds these items VERY VERY UPSETTING ?  Is it my claustrophobia, or the cleanliness issue,

or do I just need a break from travelling?

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Offline Penthesilea

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Re: The ORIGINAL 1000+ Posts Club
« Reply #4518 on: August 16, 2007, 04:45:02 pm »
am I the only frequent traveller who finds these items VERY VERY UPSETTING ?  Is it my claustrophobia, or the cleanliness issue,

or do I just need a break from travelling?

Maybe a combination of all three things?
Do the airlines meanwhile roll out the red carpet for you?  ;)

The more I think about those sleep pods, the more I like the idea. Kelda, you may have an idea there...

Offline Kelda

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Re: The ORIGINAL 1000+ Posts Club
« Reply #4519 on: August 16, 2007, 05:07:19 pm »
i did send a random email to japan enquring about pod cost - just outta curiosity - its interesting to see how much my fictional business would cost, how many sales to  break even etc  :laugh:

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