Thursdays child has far to go,
What the heck does that mean? I won't reach success until late in life? 
Think of Annie

. Who knows? Maybe one day the pope will come through your airport and you'll be able to have a heart to heart with him and set some things straight in his mind. What a great success this would be!
Or you'll detect the guy that wants to blow up the whole world by releasing a murderous virus (yes, I've seen too many movies

). Your job is full of possibilities

BTW: I've seen The Terminal again. Only 10 minutes into it I remembered why I haven't seen it for a second time earlier, although I liked the movie. I felt soooo bad for poor Tom Hanks (I'm not able to type his character's name, lol). It's really strange, although I like the movie, I can't enjoy it fully when seeing it. Especially thinking that it was inspired by a true story

Fridays child is loving and giving,
What day were you born on?
I'm one of the lucky Fridays